Spring 2019 Flashcards
SUNNY SONGS: George Harrison wrote this Beatles song in one day in Eric Clapton’s garden
Here Comes the Sun
STATE / COLLEGES (Name the state): Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr
COME TOGETHER: This meal served at the beginning of Passover celebrates the Israelites’ liberation from bondage
a seder
NEW TESTAMENT: The gospels say Jesus was crucified the day after he observed this holiday
RELIGIOUS LEADERS: In 2005 some 300,000 mourners filled St. Peter’s Square for his funeral
John Paul II
FRIEND LIKE ME: This physicist wrote a foreword to the bio of his German pal Emanuel Lasker, world chess champ from 1896 to 1921
Albert Einstein
PHYSICISTS: Einstein wrote a book on this because “if I do not, the theory will not be understood, simple though it is”
the theory of relativity
BALLET: In 1905 Michel Fokine created a 3-minute dance, “The Dying” this, that became closely associated with Anna Pavlova
FREEZE FRAME: The movie “Frozen” was inspired by his story “The Snow Queen”
Hans Christian Andersen
HOLIDAYS and OBSERVANCES: National Humor Month begins on this date, often with a joke-telling contest
April 1st
COMPOSERS: The letters of this composer’s last name have been used as a musical theme, including in his own “Art Of The Fugue”
Johann Sebastian Bach
MUSEUM MISCELLANY: On this day in 2015 the U.S. National Air and Space Museum put Wonder Woman’s invisible jet “on display”
April Fool’s Day
TRANSLATE THE FRENCH: For dinner it’s poisson (note the double “S”)
RECENT CINEMA: In 2018 Ewan McGregor played this A.A. Milne guy all grown up with grown-up problems
Christopher Robin
STUFF TO DO AT RECESS: Head to the art room & paint a masterpiece like the 16th century “Mona Lisa” by this man
Leonardo da Vinci
THE SUMMER OF LOVE: 1967: This lawyer was confirmed as the 96th justice and first African American on the Supreme Court
Thurgood Marshall
HERE’S FINAL JEOPARDY: This 83-year-old revolutionary war hero took his last ride on May 10, 1818
Paul Revere
FAMOUS WOMEN: On her second mission in space, she went up with childhood friend and fellow astronaut Kathryn Sullivan
Sally Ride
WHAT’S THAT BIRD DOING?: This bird seen here gets its name by running along the beach uttering merry cries

INTERNAL RHYME TIME: A boater in trouble needs to know this word to say over the radio
IT COMES ONCE A YEAR: This spring festival involves a different kind of pole dancing with ribbons
May Daty

WEATHER IDIOMS: Involving the fourth and fifth months, it suggest that enduring travails can lead to joy
April showers bring May flowers
GOOD CAUSES : The USA’s first humane society and today’s leading voice for animal welfare, it celebrated its 150th anniv. in 2016
ASPCA (American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)