Know It All General Trivia Flashcards
Winter 2019 - Holidays and other things that kids study during the winter.
GIVING TUESDAY: Give at least $1,000 annually to this organization and you’ll be recognized as a Clara Barton Society member
The Red Cross
LADY “B” GOOD: Until 1904 she was president of the American Red Cross
Clara Barton
ANIMAL TALK: Completes the Clement Clarke Moore line, “Not a creature was stirring–”
not even a mouse
SOUNDS LIKE IG-PAY ATIN-LAY: December 26, when British servants traditionally get gifts
Boxing Day
HISTORIC OBJECTS: The first of these Times Square objects was 700 pounds, made out of iron and wood and; covered with 100 light bulbs
New Year’s Ball
YOUR NEW CLASS SCHEDULE: History: Study up on this ship that anchored in Plymouth Harbor on Dec. 26, 1620
The Mayflower
MASSACHUSETTS STATE SYMBOLS: Hey Pilgrim! It’s Massachusetts’ State Historical Rock
Plymouth Rock
AIRPORTS: A general aviation airport 12 miles south of Dayton, Ohio is named for these 2 men
Wright Brothers
GUNS N’ ROSES: On Jan. 1, 2005, a 207-foot train spouting fireworks and a 50-foot robot were highlights of this event
The Rose Parade
NAME THAT MOON: One of Saturn’s many moons is named for this 2-faced Roman god
CELEBRATIONS OF THE MONTH: Bill of Rights Day and Wright Brothers Day
FAMOUS THREESOMES: Their names are Melchior, Balthasar and Gaspar
The Three Wise Men (or the Magi)
MISSING LINKS: … Melchior, Balthasar
NUMBER 12: A cost analysis of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” said these 12 12th day items would set you back $2,854.80
12 drummers drumming
HIS STORY: “The World at His Fingertips” tells the story of this handicapped Frenchman
Louis Braille
SOME SCIENCE, THEN DEATH: His life’s work amounted to more than peanuts when he died in Tuskegee January 5, 1943
George Washington Carver
NORTH BY NORTHWEST: of New Hampshire: This Canadian province
BOOTS: According to Charles Perrault’s version, this feline belonged to the master of Carabas
Puss in Boots
VISITING ATLANTA: His crypt, in a reflecting pool, is engraved, “Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, I’m free at last”
Martin Luther King Jr.
ELECTRICITY: His experiments in electricity led him to invent the lightning rod
Benjamin Franklin
DWIGHT BOY: Joe Montana’s unbelievable 1982 playoff touchdown pass to this receiver is known simply as “The Catch”
Dwight Clark
BRANDS OF JEANS: Levi’s has its name on this NFL team’s home stadium
NOTABLE NAMES: While a teen in Paris, he devised his raised dot reading system for the blind
Louis Braille
SOME SCIENCE, THEN DEATH: His life’s work amounted to more than peanuts when he died in Tuskegee January 5, 1943
George Washington Carver