Random Trivia Flashcards
Trivia 2015 Fall and Winter
What two inventors created the popular blue jean pants in 1850 and improved it with rivets and pockets in 1873 in San Francisco?
Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss
Who wrote the Harry Potter series?
JK Rowling
What band originally sang We Will Rock You?
Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
Neal Armstrong
Who invented the lightbulb?
Thomas Edison
What year was Taylor Swift born?
(December 13,) 1989
Who was George Washinton’s wife/First Lady?
Martha Dandridge Custis
Who was John Adams’ First Lady or wife?
Abigail Smith
Who was Thomas Jefferson’s First Lady?
Dolley Madison (wife of James Madison)
Who was the 2nd president?
John Adams
3rd president
Thomas Jefferson
4th president
James Madison
Who was the 5th president?
James Monroe
Who sang the song Mrs. Robinson?
Simon and Garfunkel
Who were the 3 men on the Apollo 11 mission?
Neal Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin
What was the first sport to be played on the moon and who played?
Golf by Alan Shepard (not Armstrong)
What famous Renaissance artist was born in Florence Italy?
Who sculpted the Pieta?
Who sculpted the statue of David?
What famous composer did the score for Jurassic Park?
John Williams
6th president
John Quincy Adams
Who sang Bohemian Rhapshody?
Who originally sang the song Don’t Stop Believing?
Who wrote the Rotten School series and the Big Blueberry Barf-Off book?
R.L. Stine