Animal and Plant Life Flashcards
What are the largest of the seals? Yes, even bigger than a Walrus.
Elephant Seal
A feature on a flat fish that migrates as a fish grows.
The left eye
This spinner type of animal lives in the bays of Hawaii.
The head of this type of pipefish is at a right angle to it’s body.
This octopus that lives deeper than any other is called the dumbo octopus because it has fins that look like these.
Elephant Ears
The walking fish from Mexico can live in two environments which suggests it is one of these.
How did the early American settlers get horses? Who first brought them to the early settlers of America?
The Europeans
Jackrabbits are these, not rabbits.
Racoons are these. That means it will eat almost anything: frogs, crabs, birds, duck eggs, fruit and insects.
This (Lynx Rufus) animal got its name from the word “bobbed” (short) tail.
This bird has the longest legs in proportion to its body, of any of the shorebirds.
This animal is the largest member of the deer family in North America.
The male’s large snout gave this animal its name. These types of seals can weigh as much as 5,000 pounds
Elephant Seal
A Koala eats only these types of leaves.
An Emu is a flightless bird, similar to an ostrich and is found mostly in this country/continent.
A wallaby looks like a small kangaroo and was found by the first English settlers in the late 1700’s in this continent.
Wallabies are members of this order of mammals whose name is from the Latin for “purse”
The echidnas and this mammal are the only 2 egg-laying mammals.
In a children’s song, this bird “sits in the old gum tree”
There are about 50 species of the hedgehog type of this plant, so named for its spiny fruit.
Hedghog cactus
The tough, curved spines of the barrel type of this plant were once used by Native Americans as fishhooks.
Cleared of their spines and used as a vegetable, nopales come from this type of cactus that also bears edible fruit.
Prickly pear
The teddy bear cholla is this type of plant
A giant one of these cacti can grow 60 feet tall and live for 200 years
In the east Indies certain species of this reptile are called flying dragons because they can glide from tree to tree
New Mexico’s state bird is this desert dweller
The roadrunner
Before and After
Path used by Dorothy to reach Oz and Wile E. Coyote’s nemesis
The Yellow Brick Road Runner
Types of these desert animals that leap to mind are the collared, zebra-tailed and leopard.
Show Me the Money Slang
Male rabbits
This “hopping” desert rodent is one of the few animals that never drink water directly
A kangaroo rat
Scrambled egg-layers: busy little breed : HIM GRIN DUMB
Humming bird
You can feed hummingbirds with a homemade version of this syrup; start with 1 part sugar to 4 parts water
Big Teeth: The spiny ray above the snout of this fish, a fisherman itself, is its rod; a baitlike piece of flesh is its lure
An anglerfish
Attraction: Female deep-sea anglerfish use this, produced by bacteria, to attract prey
Light (luminescence)
ANIMAL YOUNG: It’s the largest animal whose baby is called a calf
blue whale