Sports Med 1 Flashcards
Spear Tackler’s spine results in:
1) Loss of physiologic cervical lordosis
2) Cervical stenosis
3) Arthritic Changes
What is a stinger?
Symptoms are burning or skocking pain down the arm.
Cause: Brachial Plexus stretch
May get arm numbness or weakness
* C-5 is most common: Biceps, Deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus
Most common level of cervical spine fracture
C5-6 (C4-5 and C6-7) next most common
Most common cause of cervical spine fracture
Leading with the head ( called Axial load(
Most common cause of lower thoracic spine fracture
Fall, axial load increase
Lumbar spine fracture location?
PARS (between the superior and inferior facets)
What muscles make up the rotator cuff
Weak empty can test?
Supraspinatus injury
Are most shoulder dislocations anterior or posterior?
Anterior- 90%
What is a sublexation?
Partial dislocation where humerus was just barely out of the glenoid fossa
What is a SLAP tear?
Labral tear
Acromiclavicular joint separation cause
Usually a fall on the tip of the shoulder
How many grades of AC joint separation are there?
Grade 1- ligaments are just stretched, tender on AC joint b/c of partial tear to AC ligament
Grade 2- tearing of Acromioclavicular ligament, but coracoclavicular still in tact. Clavicle will rise
Grade 3- all ligaments torn
Clavicle will rise all the way up
Most frequently fractured bone in the body is
Criteria for surgery of clavicle fracture?
Must be skeletally mature
Fragmentation of the fracture site is a bad thing
More than 100% displacement
More than 2cm of bone overlap
Osteochonditis descicans
Little leaguers elbow. Lateral part of elbow
Symptoms of OCD
poorly localized elbow pain, aggravated with use, loose body-catching of elbow
Cause of OCD?
articular forces during throwing, compressive loads
How much flexion strength do you lose with a proximal biceps rupture>
about 10%
What about a distal biceps rupture?
about 15% but you lose 50% of supination strength
Pain over the medial side of the elbow?
Ulnar collateral Ligament injury
- pain is intensified with throwing maneeuver
- swelling and bruising occur
- numbness and tingling of ring and little finger
- weakened grip
UCL repair?
Tommy John Surgery
Scaphoid fracture
Tenderness in the snuff box, often hard to see on x-ray
Scaphoid bone is difficult to heal because it is mostly cortical bone, not much marrow capacity
Jersey finger symptoms
cant flex the DIP. Usually a tear at the flexor digitorum profundus insertion
Mallet finger
Extensor tendon injury . Cant extend the DIP
Most common cause of Lumbar spine stress fracture of the PARS
Inappropriate weight lifting in young adolescent males
Most common sites of Lumbar disk herniation
L4/L5 and L5/S1
Which direction of shoulder dislocation is more common, anterior or posterior?
What stabilizes the humerus from dislocation?
Anterior Inferior Glenohumeral LIgament
Bankart Lesion
Tearing of the anterior inferior glenohumerla ligament from the labrum
Non-operative clavicle fracture treatment
Figure 8 harness
SLAP tears are what? and are most common in who>
Labral tears right where the biceps tendon attaches to the labrum, most common in athletes who use overhead motion/
SLAP tear stands for?
Superior Labrum anterior to posterior
Main elbow stabilizer is?
Anterior Bundle ligament
See pain /swellingof the wrist in the anatomical snuffbox?
Scaphoid Bone Fracture…Immobilize the pt for three weeks then bring them back for x-ray
PIP joint dislocation
Proximal interphalangeal joint dislocation
How do you fix a PIP joint dislocation
You have to extend the finger back to slip it into place. Hurts like shit.