Occupational Medicine Flashcards
Workers have how many days to report an injury to their employers?
30 days…they get screwed otherwise
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Overuse injury
cumulative trauma
Post-concussion syndrome
- headache days to weeks after the injury
- may have nausea, blurred vision, tinitus, balance problems
- memory problems
- behavioral problems
- Persons with pre-existing depression, trauma, etc… are at higher risk
Most common area of cervical radiculopathy
Spurling’s maneuver
Evaluates for cervical root impingement
Rotator cuff injuries
Tendinitis, bursitis, impingement
Shoulder dislocation
arm held at the side away from the body and externally rotated
Repetitive overhead motion of the arm
Biceps tendinitis
Shoulder separation = AC joint separation
usually from a fall on the shoulder. Have them get an x ray holding a wt
Thoracic sprain
muscles in the middle of the back
Lumbar strain
85% better in 2 weeks
FABER test positive
SI joint
Facet Syndrome
Deep achey pain on each side of the spine. May hurt with range of motion tests
Lateral epicondylitis
Repetitice wrist dorsiflexion with supination (like workign with small tools)
Cubital tunnel syndrome
Ulnar nerve entrapment
De quervain’s synovitis
people that constantly use their wrist hand and thumb
Tuft fracture
fracture at the tip of the finger and toes
Mallet finger
Extensor tendon injury
Trigger finger
Locking of the finger…can be assoiciated with diabetes
PIP joint sprain
can take fporever to heal
Patellofemoral syndrome
Unequal muscle strength in the thigh ? Achy knees
Pain behind kneecap