Sport orgainsation and participation Flashcards
Active Opposition
Opponents in a practice situation who are actively involved
Something performed with beauty and sensitivity, pleasing the performer and the spectator
A sportsperson, usually part-time who competes without getting paid
The relationship between: skill, the selection and application of skills,tactics, strategies and compositional ideas; and the readiness of the body and mind to cope with the activity. It requires an understanding of how these combine to produce effective performances in different activities and contexts.
Conditioned game
Where the rules or the way a game is played is changed during a practice session to work on a particular aspect
Being able to perform a skill properly, the same way each time
The rules by which a club or organisation runs itself
Being able to perform something in a regular and consistent way
An agreed rule or form of etiquette in physical activity
A way of making a physical activity harder or easier in training or practice
system in which certain groups are selected for special treatment based on their high level of ability
A convention or unwritten rule in an activity which is not enforceable but usually followed
Extra-curricular activity
An activity which takes place at a school outside time-tabled lesson time
Information a performer receives about their performance
The level of performance the performer maintains or the good shape, position, presentation or manner of performance.
Foul play
Play which is against the rules or regulations of a sport.
Group skills
Skills which are performed within a unit or group in a team.
Being fair to both sides
Individual skills
Physical skills performed on your own.
Invasion games
Physical activities where teams have to get into their opponenti?s area in order to score.
Movement replication
Being able to exactly copy and repeat a physical movement.
Impartial, not taking sides
Open skills
Skills which exist in a situation that is constantly changing.
Open sports
Sports events in which both amateurs and professionals can compete.
How well a task is completed.
PE and School Sport Club Links.
Physical activity
Any form of exercise or movement; physical activity may be planned and structured or unplanned and unstructured (in PE we are concerned with planned and structured physical activity, such as a fitness class).
Plate competition
A separate competition for losers in a main competition.
Situation in which a performer stays at the same level of skill, at least temporarily.
Positive acceleration
Where a performer finds mastering a skill difficult at first, then improves rapidly
The position in which a person holds their body.
Frequent repetition of an act skill or physical activity.
A full time sports person who gets paid for competing.
Going over a movement or skill many times to ensure it is correct
Being put down to a lower division or league in a sporting event.
A regular and repeated procedure often of rehearsed and set moves.
A person, who watches, finds and recommends players for sports teams.
One of the acknowledged top players in a competition or event.
Keeping people or teams apart.
Set play
A pre-arranged and practiced move in a physical activity.
Static / passive opponent
An opponent in a practice situation who does not get actively involved.
Something (such as music) which influences or assists a performance.
Pre-arranged and rehearsed strategies or methods of play.
The ability of a team to work together as a single unit with a common aim.
The manner in which someone performs a skill.
Transfer of skills
Skills which are common between different physical activities and which can be performed in them.
Moving forwards in an activity such as trampolining. Can also be a basketball infringement.
A group or number of players within a team.
National Governing Body
An agency that looks after and promotes the running of a sport within the country. Eg. The Football Association, The Lawn Tennis Association.
Sport England
An umbrealla body that promotes sport within the UK. It uses money direct from the government to fund sporting initiatives looking to promote sport, exercise and health across the nation. Sports England works closely with governing bodies of sport and other agencies to drive particfipation in sport across the nation.
Performance Pyramid
A simplistic diagram of the different levels of sports participation starting of with FOUNDATION at the bottom to PARTICIPATION, PERFORMANCE and ELITE at the top end.