Spleen Flashcards
Connects the spleen to the greater curvature of the stomach
Gastrosplenic ligament
Ligament that attaches spleen to left kidney
Splenorenal ligament
Fundus of stomach is ____ to splenic hilum
Anterior medial
Lesser sac/pancreatic tail is ____ to splenic hilum
Anterior medial
Spleen is bordered posteriorly by
Left kidney is _____ to spleen
Inferior Medial
Intrasplenic arteries do not connect with eachother (T/F)
Splenic vein courses ______ to pancreatic body and tail
Posterior inferior
Splenic tissue is 85% ____ pulp
Red pulp
Splenic tissue is 15% ____ pulp
White pulp
Malpighian corpuscles are from ___ pulp
White pulp
Phagocytosis involves ___ pulp
Red pulp
Most common congenital anomaly of spleen
Accessory spleen
Hereditary Hemolytic anemia is more common in
African Americans
Most common cause of splenomegaly
Portal htn
Most common type of abdominal branch aneurysm
Splenic artery aneurysm
Acquired Hemolytic Anemia more common in ____
AIDS patients
Most common splenic abnormality
Splenic abscess is most commonly associated with
Endocarditis, septicemia, trauma
Most common benign tumor of spleen
Highest risk for splenic mets
Highest incidence of splenic Mets
Lung and breast
Most common splenic malignancy
Most common cause of splenic calcifications
Histoplasmosis and tuberculosis