spirochetes Flashcards
borelia recurentis
out of the 18 species which causes RF , b.r is the only one which is transmitted to humans via the louse therfore it causes epidemic RF the other are via ticks (endemic)
presents with antigenic variation so patients keeps gttin g a fever but you have afebrile moments.Relapses will continue to occur, although they will become progressively shorter and
milder as the afebrile intervals lengthen.
metabolism of the 3 spirochetes
borrelia - microaerophillic
leptospira- aerobe
complex taxonamy
can lead to Weils disease due to liver damage
Relapses will continue to occur, although they will become progressively shorter and
milder as the afebrile intervals lengthen.
as they are highly motile they can penetrate intact mucous membranes!!!!
conjuctiva classically red, photophobia phase 1
phase 2 : memmigsmus and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) exam
reveals an elevated white cell count in most patients.
Leptospira interrogans (classically serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae, but can be other serogroups) can cause
a more severe illness called Weil’s disease, or infectious jaundice, which involves renal failure, hepatitis
with jaundice, mental status changes, and hemorrhage
in many organs
we treat with penecillin or doxy (both)
comaprisn of the spirochetste
trepenoma and borrelia in one family -NOT HOOKED
leptospira- another family-HOOKED
trepenemoma pallidum subspecies
and differneces between them (read book)
There are 3 subspecies of Treponema pallidum (endemicum, pertenue, and carateum) that cause nonvenereal disease (endemic syphilis, yaws, and pinta,
respectively). All 3 subspecies cause skin ulcers and
gummas of the skin and bones in children, with the exception of Treponema carateum, which only causes skin
discoloration (no gummas).
Interestingly, these subspecies are morphologically
and genetically identical to Treponema pallidum, yet do
not cause the sexually transmitted disease syphilis.
However, the diseases do share many characteristics
with syphilis. Like syphilis, the general pattern of these
diseases involves a primary skin papule or ulcer developing at the site of inoculation (usually not the genitals).
This is followed by a secondary stage of widespread skin
lesions. The tertiary stage is manifested years later by
gummas of the skin and bones. Unlike tertiary syphilis,
the tertiary stages of the nonvenereal treponemes do
not involve the heart or central nervous system.
The antibodies produced by these infections will give
a positive VDRL and FTA-ABS. One intramuscular injection of long-acting penicillin is curative.
lyme disease
rash can affcet heart bells palasy arthirtis 24 hours for tick to work so if recmove before then its calm
stages are similar to shyphillis, both begin with a rash, both spread to the blood, both have chronic manifesttaions
The vaccines are ImuLyme and