spirituality Flashcards
- awareness of one’s inner self and sense of connection to a higher being, nature, or some purpose greater than oneself
- comes from the latin word spiritus: breath or wind
- nursing = spiritual work
- That which gives life to physical organisms
- Gives energy needed to discover themselves, cope with difficult situations, maintain health
- Enables a person to love, have faith and hope, seek meaning in life, nurture relationships with others
- Illness, loss, grief, pain can deplete energy
spiritual dimension
- strives for inspiration, reverence, awe, meaning
- strives to be in harmony with the universe, strives
for answers about - Can provide inner
strength and peace - spirit needs meaning and purpose, forgiveness, love and trust, hope and creativity
personal beliefs
- help a person maintain hope and get through difficult situations
spiritual health
- dependent on balance of
physical, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual factors
what does research show about spirituality?
- positively affects and
enhances physical and psychological health, quality of life, health promotion behaviors and disease prevention activities.
what does spirituality focus on?
- an individual’s connection to a higher being, nature, or some purpose greater than oneself
- Organized, institution-related practice
- Associated with particular beliefs
- “State of doing”- a specific system of practices associated with a particular
denomination, sect, or form of worship that a
person practices outwardly to express spirituality
- belief that there is a force outside of themselves that is greater, beyond the material world
- ex: looking @ the grand canyon, watching a baby be born
- sense of authentically connecting to one’s inner self
- Ex: checking in w/ yourself
- allows firm beliefs despite lack of physical evidence
- belief in God, the wind
- feel the effects of it but we don’t see it
- energizing source that has an orientation to future goals and outcomes
- position of the heart
meaning and purpose
- finding meaning and purpose in both positive and negative life events
- believing that there’s a reason why you are living
inner strength & peace
◦Strength-source of energy helps people stay open to change and life challenges, provides confidence in decision making, and promotes connections with others, positive outlook on life – helps w/ perseverance
◦Peace-fosters calm, positive, and peaceful feelings despite life experiences of chaos, fear, and uncertainty
◦Intrapersonally: connected within oneself
◦Interpersonally: connected with others in the environment
◦Transpersonally: connected with God or an unseen higher power
Factors Influencing
Spirituality – Acute Illness:
◦Sudden illness (heart attack, car accident)
◦Unanticipated scramble to integrate and cope with new reality (why am i going thru this)
◦Conflicts develop around beliefs and meaning of life
◦Anger common reaction (family, nurses, themselves, God) –> anger = usually internal
◦Often look for ways to remain faithful to their beliefs and value systems.
Factors Influencing
Spirituality – Chronic Illness:
◦Threaten a person’s independence causing fear, anxiety, and spiritual
distress, powerlessness, loss of purpose, inability to cope
◦Successfully adapting to these changes strengthens a person’s spirituality
- 6 months or longer
Factors Influencing
Spirituality – Terminal Illness:
◦Fear of pain, dependence, isolation, unknown, and dying
◦Review’s life and questions meaning. “Why is this happening to
me?, What have I done?”
◦Nurses help clients regain sense of control over their illness
- give them independence by giving choices about treatment, what they want to eat, etc
Factors Influencing
Spirituality – Near-Death Experience
◦Close to death experience, see their
bodies rising above, feelings of total peace, pulled into dark tunnel, seeing bright lights, meeting people who preceded them in death
◦Transformational: positive or negative experience
◦Often no longer afraid of death, decreased desire to achieve wealth
how does spirituality relate to nursing?
oNurses are ethically responsible for meeting the spiritual needs of the client – goes beyond praying for the pt or what religion you are
oAssessing spirituality extends beyond the client’s religious practices
oCaring for your client requires compassion, removing personal biases/misconceptions
oBe willing to share and discover the client’s purpose in life,
meaning, illness, and health oIdentify common values, respect unique commitments and values
(no blood products, fasting, etc), listen effectively (SURETY), communicate presence and touch when appropriate
Role of the Nurse in
Spiritual Healing
- Helping patients resolve feelings of spiritual distress through discussion, active listening, communication (building rapport)
- Create a healing environment and maximize recovery by enhancing patient’s spiritual well-being. Turning on client’s favorite spiritual/relaxing music that helps them when experiencing a difficult time
- Nurses are in unique position to help patients reevaluate their lives and achieve spiritual health by remaining open, allowing them to express how they feel, support them as they share experiences
- Offer to pray or read scripture with clients
*Be non-judgmental in your assessment, show respect for their spiritual beliefs. - Offer to contact pastoral care/chaplain
*Practice mindfulness activities such as stating positive affirmations, meditating, etc - what have you done right in your life? What are you proud of? – helps w/ spirituality
- some sects are vegetarians
- belief is not to kill any living creature
- Some are vegetarians and do not drink alcohol
- Many fast on Holy Days
- Consumption of pork and alcohol is prohibited
- Followers fast during the month of Ramadan
- Some observe kosher dietary restrictions (avoid pork and shellfish, do not
prepare and eat milk and meat at the same time)
- Some discourage the use of alcohol and caffeine. Some fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
- Some do not eat meat on Fridays during lent
jehovah’s witness
- Members avoid food prepared with or containing blood
- Do not take blood products
- Members abstain from alcohol and caffeine
russian orthodox church
- Fast eating “no meat” on Wednesdays and Fridays
- During lent all animal products forbidden
native americans
- Individual tribal beliefs influence food practices
spirituality and healing
o Positively enhances health promotion
o Impacts ability to cope with anxiety, stress, and depression
o Integrative mind-body techniques: relaxation, guided imagery, mindfulness training, and music reduce perceptions
of pain and anxiety
o Person’s inner beliefs are powerful resources for healing. Supporting
spirituality of clients and families aids in them achieving their health outcomes
Faith, Belief, Fellowship, and Community Assessment
◦ Who what or whom do you look as a source of strength, hope, or faith in times of difficulty?
◦ How does your faith help you cope? What can I do to support your religious beliefs or faith commitment? Would you like me to pray with you or perhaps read from the Koran or Bible?
Vocation Assessment
◦ How has your illness affected the way you live your life spiritually at home or where you work?
◦ In what way has your illness affected your ability to express what is imp in life to you?
Spirituality & Spiritual Health Assessment
◦ Which experiences in the past have been most difficult for you?
◦ What gives you hope during those difficult times? Which aspects of your spirituality have been most helpful to you? Which aspects of your spirituality would you like to discuss?
Connectedness Assessment
◦ What feelings do you have after you pray or meditate?
◦ Who do you feel is the most important person in your life?
Life Satisfaction Assessment
◦ Which accomplishments help you feel satisfied with your life?
◦ What is it that makes you feel dissatisfied?
◦ How happy are you with your life?
Life and Self Responsibility Assessment
◦ How do you feel about the changes this illness has
◦ How do these changes affect what you now need to do?
Nursing Diagnosis
- Hopelessness
- Powerlessness
- Spiritual Distress: may not engage, may be withdrawn, suicidal
planning: goals
- The client will improve
personal harmony and connections with members
of his or her support system - The client will express an
acceptance of illness - The client reports the ability to rely on family for support
- Client initiates social
interactions with family and friends
nursing interventions
o Establishing presence (sitting w/ them, allowing them to talk)
o Supporting a healing relationship (what foods do they like, what makes them feel better)
o Support systems: family, friends, clergy
o Diet Therapies: comfort foods
o Supporting Rituals (maybe it’s helpful for them to do yoga or pray –> we wanna help them accomplish these things
- Ask the client how they feel after you have implemented interventions.
o How did you feel after meditating, praying, talking, listening to
o What did you learn about yourself while performing these activities?
o If goals are not met, then re-evaluate, ask client what they felt would have helped them feel less anxious, more at peace, etc.