Sleep Flashcards
rest: period of inactivity allows for what
- repair of damaged cells
- removal of waste products
- restoration of tissues
- body and tissues heal during rest
during rest a client must…
- Feel that things are under control
- Understand what is happening to them
- Be free from discomfort and irritation
- Have adequate, purposeful activity
- Know they will receive help if they needs it
- assess their needs and figure out what will help them rest (closing the door, turning off the lights, etc.)
- Natural, periodically recurring physiological rest
- Revolves around circadian rhythms
- Regulated by the CNS
- Occurs in 90-110 minute cycles
- Go through stages, if awakened must start over
NREM sleep N1(stage 1)
- Stage of lightest level of sleep, lasting a few minutes.
- Decreased physiological activity begins with gradual fall in vital signs and metabolism.
- Sensory stimuli such as noise easily arouse sleeper.
- If awakened, person feels as though daydreaming has occurred
NREM N2 (stage 2)
- Stage of sound sleep during which relaxation progresses.
- Arousal is still relatively easy.
- Brain and muscle activity continue to slow.
NREM N3 (stages 3 and 4)
- Called slow-wave sleep.
- Deepest stage of sleep.
- Sleeper is difficult to arouse and rarely moves.
- Brain and muscle activity are significantly decreased.
- Vital signs are lower than during waking hours.
- sleep walking and bed wetting
- growth hormone = stimulated
- promotes wound healing
REM sleep
- 25% of the night
Vivid, full-color dreaming occurs. - Stage usually begins about 90 minutes after sleep has begun.
- Stage is typified by autonomic response of rapidly moving eyes, fluctuating heart and respiratory rates, and increased or fluctuating blood pressure.
- Loss of skeletal muscle tone occurs. (super relaxed)
- Gastric secretions increase.
- It is very difficult to arouse sleeper.
- Duration of REM sleep increases with each cycle and averages 20 minutes.
- go thru multiple cycles of sleep
nursing assessment questions (subjective data)
- Sleep Patterns (How much do you usually sleep? What time do you usually go to bed? Problems falling asleep? Staying asleep? Reasons? Early morning awakening? Quality of sleep? Rate on scale 1-10. Use of sleep aids or rituals? Naps?)
- Medication/Diet: Alcohol, Caffeine, Anti-depressents, Hypnotics, Diuretics, Nicotine, Opiates
physiological symptoms of sleep deprivation
- Ptosis, blurred vision
- Fine-motor clumsiness
- Decreased reflexes
- Slowed response time
- Decreased reasoning and judgement (foggy. can’t think straight)
- Decreased auditory and visual alertness
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Frequent yawning, dozing
psychological symptoms of sleep deprivation
- Confused and disoriented
- Increased sensitivity to pain
- Irritable, withdrawn, apathetic
- Agitated
- Hyperactive
- Decreased motivation
- Excessive sleepiness
symptoms of sleep deprivation
- REM Deprived
- Fatigue, difficulty concentrating
- Deep Sleep Deprived
- Apathetic –> no energy. completely out of it
- Physically uncomfortable –> eyes burn, weak, black under-eyes
- Drawn appearance –> looks tired
- try to give pts 90-110 min to ensure they are getting at least one good sleep cycle
nursing diagnostic categories
- Impaired Sleep (p 132 Gulanick Myers)
- Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or a
change in one’s normal sleep-wake pattern
- Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or a
- Sleep Deprivation
- Prolonged periods without sleep (sustained,
natural, periodic, suspension of relative
- Prolonged periods without sleep (sustained,
projected outcomes
NOC (Nursing Outcome Classifications)
* Rest
* Sleep
- Indicators
- Hours of sleep
- Sleep pattern
- Sleep quality
- Sleep efficiency
- pt would verbalize it
nursing interventions
- Encourage daytime activity
- AM naps better
- exercise within 2 hours of bedtime
- Emotional support to relieve stress & anxiety
- Plan care
- provide a restful environ
- reduce distractions in HC setting
- TV on or off? Light on or off?
- reposition PRN (adjusting casts, turning as needed, cough suppressant if it is keeping them up)
- Adjust binders, dressings, casts
- Prevent coughing
- Provide Comfort
- Use sleeping medication judiciously
- Beware of half-life of
- Beware of half-life of
- Good sleep hygiene
- Constant sleep schedule
- Limit caffeine intake
- If no sleep in 30 minutes, get out of bed
- no heavy meals 3 hrs before bed
- don’t study in bed, answer emails, etc bc it sends mixed signals to brain
- Is the patent sleeping better?
- Observation
- Verbal Report
- reassess
- are you sleeping better
- do you feel well rested
- are you falling asleep okay?
Which of the following
substances will promote
normal sleep patterns?
A. Caffeine
B. L-Tryptophan (CORRECT ANSWER)
C. Narcotics
D. Alcohol
In teaching methods to promote sleep habits at home, the nurse instructs the client to
A. Use the bedroom only for sleep or sexual activity (CORRECT ANSWER)
B. Eat a large meal 1 to 2 hours before bedtime
C. Exercise vigorously before bedtime
D. Stay in bed if sleep does not come after 1⁄2 hour
Because of significant concerns about financial problems a middle-aged client complains of difficulty sleeping. Which of the following would be an appropriate outcome for the nursing diagnosis, Insomnia related to anxiety response secondary to financial concerns AMB difficulty falling asleep, c/o fatigue on awakening? By day 5, Mr. D will
A. Sleep 8 to 10 hours per day (not realistic)
B. Report falling asleep within 20-30 minutes (CORRECT) this is helpful in making his symptoms going away
C. Have a plan to pay his bills
D. Will begin an activity that will keep him busy in the evening
The nurse is caring for a young adult patient on the medical-surgical unit. When doing midnight checks, she sees that the patient is awake and is doing a puzzle. What is the best explanation for the patient being awake?
A. The patient was waiting to talk with the nurse. (would call the nurse)
B. The patient misses his family and is lonely. (we would have to assess that)
C. The patient’s sleep-wake cycle preference is late evening. (CORRECT)
D. The patient has been kept up with the noise on the unit.
The nurse is caring for a patient in the sleep lab. The nurse recognizes that the patient is in stage 4 REM from which of the following assessments?
A. Irregular respirations. (CORRECT)
B. Fluctuating blood pressure. (CORRECT)
C. The patient is difficult to awaken. (stages 3 or N3)
D. Eyes rapidly move (CORRECT)
factors affecting sleep: age
- Neonate—sleep 16-18 hours/ day, 50% REM
- Infants—Diurnal pattern with naps (total 15 hours)
- Pre School- 12 hours
- School age—9-12 hours/night
- Adolescents—8-10 hours of sleep
- Adults – 6-9 hours
- Older adults–amt needed doesn’t ↑, but quality ↓ due to frequent awakening
factors affecting sleep: drugs and substances
- Barbiturates and alcohol—speed onset of sleep, ↓REM sleep, Withdrawal causes REM rebound
- Amphetamines—REM rebound
- Caffeine–↓ ability to fall asleep, ↑ awakening at night
- Hypnotics—only effective temporarily. Can cause rebound insomnia
- L-Tryptophan—protein in milk, cheese, meat—promotes sleep. Many prescription meds affect sleep
factors affecting sleep: lifestyle
- Working rotating shifts disrupts body’s clock
- Changing evening meal time can disrupt sleep schedule
- Sleep routine important—food?, reading? TV?
factors affecting sleep: emotional stress
- Depression—early morning awakening
- Anxiety—trouble initiating or maintaining sleep
factors affecting sleep: environment
- Good ventilation is essential
- Harder surfaces –> more body movement
- Sounds—low level awaken in stage N1, louder awaken stage N3
- Light—preferences differ
- Temperature–preferences differ
factors affecting sleep: exercise and fatigue
- Exercise best 2 hours before bedtime
- Excess fatigue can make falling sleep difficult
factors affecting sleep: physical illness
- Respiratory illness—SOB, URI impair
- CAD–↑attack 5-6 AM
- Sleep apnea—snores at night, c/o daytime sleepiness
- Causes ↓ in arterial O2 level—can lead to dysrhythmias, right heart failure, angina
- ↑BP—early morning awakening & fatigue
- Nocturia—diuretics, prostate condition cause night time awakening
- Restless leg syndrome—older adults
a. Happens at rest, not when legs active
b. Deep itch sensation in muscle
c. Relieved by moving legs, can’t sleep - Endocrine disturbances
a. Hypothyroid—decrease stage IV
b. decrease estrogen—hot flashes, night sweats
factors affecting sleep: food and caloric intake
- Food allergies–insomnia
- Large heavy meals –> indigestion –> insomnia
- weight gain –> sleep periods longer w/ fewer interruptions
- weight loss –> sleep shortened and fragmented