Spine - Bones, Joints and Muscles Flashcards
How many vertebras are in each section of the spine?
Cervical - 7
Thoracic - 12
Lumbar - 5
Sacrum - 5
What is the definition of Lordosis, and what vertebral region have Lordosis curves?
Lordosis Curvature = Concave POSTERIORLY, Convex ANTERIORLY.
Cervical and Lumbar Regions have Lordosis curvatures
What is the definition of a kyphosis curve, abs what vertebral regions have a kyphosis curvature?
Kyphosis = Concave ANTERIORLY, Convex POSTERIORLY.
Thoracic and Sacral regions have a kyphosis curvature
What are the 8 bony landmarks on a single vertebrae?
- Vertebral Foramen
- Vertebral Body
- Pedicles
- Spinous Process
- Transverse Process
- Inferior and Superior facets
- Lamina
- Mammillary Process
What is the definition of intervertebral foramen?
It is created when two vertebrates are placed together; it allow the exit of nervous tissue
What are the structures of the intervertebral disc?
- Anterior and Posterior longitudinal ligaments
- End Plates (Fibrocartilage)
- Nucleus Pulposus
- Annulus fibrosus
What are the 6 ligaments associated with the spine?
- Anterior and Posterior Longitudinal ligaments
- Supraspinous ligament
- Interspinous ligament
- Ligamentum Flavum
- Intertransverse ligament
What are the 3 intersegmental erector spinae muscles and their insertions?
- Interspinales (Connect adjacent spinous processes)
- Intertransverarii (Connect adjacent transverse processes)
- Rotatores (Transverse process to the superior lamina)
What are the 3 polysegmental muscles of the spine?
What muscles are apart of erector spinae?
- Longissimus Thoracis*
- Iliocostalis Lumborum*
- Spinalis*
- Quadratus Lumborum
- Multifidus
What are the insertions of Iliocostalis Lumborum?
Origin = Body of Sacrum Insertions = Inferior border of Lower 6 ribs, and upto C4-8 transverse processes
What are the insertions of Longissimus Thoracis?
Origin = Spinous and transverse processes of Lumbar spine Insertions = 12 thoracic vertebrae inferior borders of lower 10 ribs
What is the insertions of spinalis muscle?
Origin = Occipital bone Insertions = From T11 upto C2, fibres run superiorly
What are the insertions of Quadratus Lumborum and Multifidus?
Quadratus Lumborum:
Origin = Iliac crest
Insertions = Transverse processes of the lumbar spine
Origin = Posterior body of Sacrum and transverse processes
Insertions = Travelling obliquely onto spinous processes, ends at C4
What are the 4 abdominal muscles?
- Rectus Abdominus
- External Abdominal Obliques
- Internal Abdominal Obliques
- Transversus Abdominis
What are the insertions of the Rectus Abdominis?
What are fibrous sheath called when the two Abdominis arrive in the middle?
Origin = Pectin Pubis and Pubic Tubercle (Anteriorly)
Insertions = 5/6/7th costal cartilages and xiphois process
Linea Alba
What are the insertions of the Internal, External Obliques and Transversus Abdominis?
Medially: ~ Fibrous Sheath ~ Linea Alba Laterally: - Lower 8 ribs - Thoracolumbar fascia (Lower back) - Iliac Crest - Inguinal Ligaments - Superior Pubic Ramus
What are the actions of the oblique abdominal muscles?
- All obliques together = Flexion of Spine
- All obliques on one side = Lateral Flexion
- One external and one internal contract of either side = Rotation of Spine
What is the purpose of Abdominal pressure?
Abdominal Pressure is created through contracting of Abdominal wall
- It supports Lumbar Spine
- Diaphragm and Pelvic floor also contribute
What are the noticeable physical features of a common cervical vertebra compared to a thoracic or Lumbar?
- Larger vertebral canal, due to the more nervous tissue and spinal cord
- Vertebral body is slightly smaller, due only supporting the weight of the head
- Foramen Transversarium, two holes either side of body of the vertebral body and allows an major artery to get to the head (Vertebral –> Basillar)
What is distinct about the cervical spine’s facet joints, and what is the purpose of it?
As well as having facet joints, they also have luschka (uncovertebral) joints.
- Reinforces intervertebral disc posterolaterally
- Provides stability and guiding motion of the cervical spine
What are the physical features of the Atlas (C1)?
- It doesn’t have a body
- It doesn’t have a spinous process (Posterior Tubercle)
- More prominent transverse processes
- Large concave superior articular facets
What are the physical features of the Axis (C2)?
- Has a Spinous Process
- Odontoid Process (Dens)
- Flat and large superior articular facets
What is the purpose of the Odontoid Process (Dens)?
Provides a pivot point for C1 to create rotation
What are the 3 ligaments involve with the Atlas and Axis?
- Transverse Ligament: Holds back the Odontoid Process
- Apical Ligament: Tip of Dens to Foramen Magnum
- Alar Ligaments: Edge of Dens to Foramen Magnum
What is the Foramen Magnum?
Hole in the base of the skull, occipital bone, where the spinal cord fits through. Can provide ligamentous attachments
What are the movements at the different parts of the cervical spine?
Skull and C1: Flexion and Extension
Atlas and Axis: Rotation around the Odontoid Process
C3-C7: All movements as well as Lateral Flexion and Circumduction
What are the insertions and movements of Sternocleidomastoid?
Origin = Mastoid Process of the Temporal bone
Inserts = Manubrium of the Sternum and Clavicular head
- Unilateral contraction = Lateral Flexion and slight rotation
- Bilateral contraction = Elevation of Ribcage caused by flexion of lower Cx spine and Extension of Upper Cx spine
What are the insertions and movements of the Scalene muscles?
Anterior: O = Transverse of C3-C6. I = Anterior aspect of Rib 1
Medius: O = All Cx Transverse Process. I = Lateral aspect of Rib 1
Posterior: O = Transverse Process of C4-C6. I = Lateral aspect of Rib 2
Movements: Anterior and Medius = FLEXION
Posterior = EXTENSION
All together = Elevation of Ribcage
What are the deep neck flexors and extensors?
- Longus Colli: 3 parts Superior and Inferior oblique and vertical CREATE NECK FLEXION
- Suboccipital Muscles: Rectus Capitis Posterior Major and Minor, and Obliquus Capitis Superior and Inferior.
What other muscles are involved with the cervical spine?
- Trapezius: Upper fibres attach to the Nuchal line on the Occiput bone
- Erector Spinae muscles such as the intersegmental muscles
What are the insertions and movements of Splenius Capitis?
Origin = Occipital Bone
Insertions = Superficially over Suboccipital muscles and inserts into Spinous Processes of C7-T3
- Unilaterally = Lateral Flexion and rotation
- Bilaterally = EXTENSION
What are the physical features of Thoracic vertebra?
- Very Spinous Processes, directs inferiorly
- Superior articular facet are anteroposteriorly and vertically orientated
- Two demi-facets on each side, on the pedicle.
- One Transverse costal facet
- Vertebral body get larger the more inferior the Tx spine goes
What are the articulations of the ribs on the thoracic spine?
- Posterior head articulates with a superior and inferior demi-facets on adjacent vertebra
- Lateral posterior side is a rib tubercle which articulates with the transverse process
What ligaments incapsulate in the rib in the thoracic vertebra?
- Costotransverse ligament: Attaches to the rib tubercle and the transverse process
- Intra-articular ligaments: From pedicles to rib head.
What are the bony landmarks of the sternum?
- Manubrium
- Body
- Xiphoid Process
- Sternal Angle (Manubriosternal joint)
- Suprasternal notch
Where to the different sets of ribs attach anteriorly?
- 1st rib top of Manubrium, inferior to Sternoclavicular joint
- 2nd rib near to the Sternal angle
- 3rd-7th articulate to the body of Sternum
- Lower rib cartilages fuse together and don’t reach the sternum
What are the movements of the ribs?
- Lateral shafts of the ribs ELEVATE and DEPRESS
- The Sternum movement SUPERIORLY and ANTERIORLY
What are ligaments involved in the Sternoclavicular joint?
- Anterior Sternoclavicular ligament
- Interclavicular ligament
- Costoclavicular ligament; between clavicle and costal cartilage of first rib
What is unique about the sternoclavicular joint?
It includes a intra-articular disc which makes more stable and permits a larger range of movement