Spinal Cord Anatomy and BS Flashcards
What is the primary pathway of communication between the brain and peripheral nervous system?
Spinal cord
How many spinal cord segments and categorize them
There are 31 spinal cord segments Cervical 7 Thoracic 12 Lumbar 5 Sacral 5 Coccygeal 2
What merge to form a spinal nerve each with a pair of ventral (anterior) and dorsal (posterior) spinal nerve roots, which mediate motor and sensory function, respectively.
Dorsal root and ventral root
Ventral (anterior) spinal nerve roots mediate what kind of function motor or sensory ?
Dorsal (posterior) spinal nerve roots mediate what kind of function motor or sensory ?
The spinal cord extends from the base of the skull and terminates where?
first lumbar vertebral body (L1).
What occurs below L1? that comprise what?
Below that level, the spinal canal contains the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal spinal nerve roots that comprise the cauda equina.
Is the spinal cord and the vertebral segment level the same? why or why not?
Because the spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral column, vertebral and spinal cord segmental levels are not necessarily the same.
The C1 through C8 spinal cord segments lie between the
C1 through C7 vertebral levels
The T1 through T12 spinal cord segments lie between
T1 through T8.
The five lumbar spinal cord segments are situated at
T9 through T11 vertebral levels,
S1 through S5 Spinal cord segments lie between
T12 to L1.
The C1 through C7 nerve roots emerge from above or below the vertebrae?
above their respective vertebrae
The C8 nerve root emerges
between the C7 and T1 vertebral bodies.
What is the first cervical vertebrae called?
What is the 2nd cervical vertebrae called ?
Pivots on each other
Atlas pivots on axis
The interface between the first and second vertebra is called the
atlanto-axis junction.
Segment that innervate the skin and musculature of the upper extremity and diaphragm
Cervical spinal segments
C3 through C5 innervate the________ which is the chief muscle for __________ via _____nerve
diaphragm, the chief muscle of inspiration, via the phrenic nerve
What cervical segments innervate the shoulder and arm musculature?
C4 through C7
What cervical segment innervate the forearm extensors and flexors?
C6 through C8
What segments innervate the hand musculature?
C8 through T1
These muscles are the main muscles of expiration.
Abdominal wall musculature.
Which segment contains the sympathetic nerves that innervate the heart and abdominal organs?
The thoracic cord
Level Mediate hip flexion
L2 and L3
Level Mediate knee extension
L3 and L4
Level Mediate ankle dorsiflexion and hip extension
L4 and L5
Level Mediate knee flexion
L5 and S1
Level Mediate ankle plantar flexion
S1 and S2
Sacral nerve roots S3 through S5 originate in the narrow terminal part of the cord, called the
Conus medullaris.
The spinal cord contains
The gray matter, the butterfly-shaped central region, and the surrounding white matter tracts.
The spinal cord gray matter, which contains the________is made up of
neuronal cell bodies, is made up of the dorsal and ventral horns
Is the entry point of sensory information into the central nervous system? It is divided into______
The dorsal horn;six layers or laminae that process sensory information.
the dorsal horn also modulates
pain transmission through spinal and supraspinal regulatory circuits.
The motor nuclei of the spinal cord are contained within _______which also contains interneurons mediating information from other descending tracts of the ______and_______
the ventral horn; pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor systems.
Blood supply of spinal cord
Single anterior artery (supply 2/3 of SC)
2 posterior spinal arteries (supply the dorsal column)
Various ___________of the __________ provide additional blood supply to the spinal arteries
Radicular arteries
Thoracic and abdominal
The LARGEST andMOST CONSISTENTLY present of radicular branches is the
Spinal anatomy
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