Spinal Cord Flashcards
What is a spinal cord segment?
- Each spinal cord segment gives rise to a pair of spinal nerves.
- Sections of spinal cord, spinal cord itself
- CNS structure
What is a spinal nerve?
Forming of dorsal/ventral roots
-PNS structure
Cervical nerves do what?
Exit above the same numbered vertebra.
-C8 nerve exits inferior to C7 vertebra and superior to the T1 vertebra.
Thoracic, lumbar and sacral nerves do what?
Exit below the same numbered vertebrae.
The spinal cord is what?
Shorter than the vertebral column.
-Ends between T11 and L3 vertebrae.
What is the most inferior part of the spinal cord?
Conus Medullaris
The more inferior you go on the spinal cord?
The greater the distance between the spinal cord segment and its corresponding numbered bone.
Dorsal and ventral roots do what on the spinal cord?
Run inferiorly within the spinal cord to get to their respective vertebral foramina before joining together to create the spinal nerves.
Cauda equina is what?
Lumbar and sacral nerve roots below the conus medullaris
-Horse tail
Segments of the spinal cord are part of what subdivision?
What is the filum terminale?
- Connective tissue
- Prevents superior displacement of the spinal cord (anchors the spinal cord down)
What is the denticulate ligament?
Longitudinal thickening of the pia mater.
-Anchors the spinal cord laterally to the dura mater stabilizing the spinal cord within the vertebral canal during movement.
What does gray matter contain?
Ventral horn
Lateral horn
Dorsal horn
-Composed of mainly of neuron cell bodies.
What is the ventral horn?
voluntary motor neuron somas
What is the lateral horn?
- Interomediolateral cell column.
- Only found T1-L2(3)
- Contains presynaptic sympathetic motor neuron somas