Neurons Flashcards
What is a neuron?
- Transmit information
- Has dendrites, axons and axon terminal.
What is in the soma?
Contains DNA
- Produces neurotransmitter
- If damaged, results in neuron death
What is a Dendrite?
Main input sites for the cell (multibranched)
-The number of dendrites and their spines increases when learning occurs = Dendrite arborization
What is an Axon?
Can be myelinated or unmyelinated
- Main axon usually has branches called collaterals
- Allows for communication with multiple cells
What is an axon terminal?
Is found at the end of each axon.
-Release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft
What is axoplasmic transport?
Movement of substances from/to soma to/from the peripheral ending
-Two types: anterograde, retrograde
Anterograde transport?
movement of a substance away from the soma toward the peripheral ending.
Retrograde transport?
Movement of a substance toward the soma from the peripheral ending.
What happens to axonal transport with age?
Slows down
What happens to axon terminals with learning?
Fact about axon terminal?
In addition to releasing neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft, also reabsorb and reassemble parts of some neurotransmitters.
Unipolar neuron
A single process (single axon) - usually interneurons CNS
-Not very many
Somatosensory neurons
- Sensation = skeleton, muscle, joints, skin (temp, pain, touch, proprioception.
- Soma is elevated off the processes
- Peripheral process between receptor cells and soma
- Central process soma to CNS
- Receptor endings converge onto peripheral process
- Convey sensory information
- Some special sensory toward CNS
Two primary processes with soma in the middle
- 1 dendrite and 1 axon
- Some special sensory
- Found in retinal cells, CN I Olfactory cells, and CN VIII Vestibulocochlear cells (head, hearing, equilibrium
Multiple dendrites arising from many parts of the soma. Single axon (arises from the axon hillock) -Voluntary motor neurons and many interneurons are multipolar -Most common neuron type in humans