Quiz/Homework Flashcards
There are several important landmarks on the surface of the brain. Grooves are known as sulci (singular = sulcus) or fissures. The sulcus that separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe is the [1] sulcus. The sulcus that separates the frontal lobe from the temporal lobe is the [2] sulcus. The sulcus that separates the parietal lobe from the occipital lobe is the [3] sulcus. And the fissure that separates the right cerebral hemisphere from the left is the [4] fissure. Which of the sulci you named above can only be seen on the medial side of the hemisphere? [5] sulcus
Specified Answer for: 1 Central Specified Answer for: 2 lateral Specified Answer for: 3 Parieto-occipital Specified Answer for: 4 longitudinal Specified Answer for: 5 Parieto-occipital
Neurotransmitters are often manufactured in the soma of a neuron and transported to the axon terminal via axoplasmic transport. The movement of a neurotransmitter molecule or other substance in the direction of soma to the axon terminal is called [1] transport, whereas movement of items from the axon terminal toward the soma is called [2] transport.
Specified Answer for: 1
Specified Answer for: 2
[1] drain cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from the [2] space into the [3] sinuses which are lined by an inner and outer layer of [4].
Specified Answer for: 1 Arachnoid granulations subarachnoid Specified Answer for: 3 dural Specified Answer for: 4 dura mater
Indicate if True or False: Immature neurons and stem cells have the capability to proliferate and survive. Currently this only occurs functionally in two areas of the brain in adults - the hippocampus and the cells lining the wall of the lateral ventricle.
The following page(s) will be helpful in understanding this question:
Lundy-Ekman: Ch. 5, p. 117
A. Name the location of each of the ventricles within the CNS. Please format your answers as Name of Ventricle - Location (Please place a space before and after the dash)
Your choices for location are: Cerebrum, Brainstem, Spinal Cord
B. What is the name of the “canal” that connects the two most inferior ventricles? [5]
C. What is the location of this “canal”? If located in the brainstem, indicate in which part of the brainstem (e.g., brainstem - medulla). [6]
Specified Answer for: 1 Right Lateral Ventricle - Cerebrum Specified Answer for: 2 Left Lateral Ventricle - Cerebrum Specified Answer for: 3 Third Ventricle - Cerebrum Specified Answer for: 4 Fourth Ventricle - Brainstem Specified Answer for: 5 Cerebral aqueduct Specified Answer for: 6 Brainstem - midbrain
Which of the following most accurately reflects development of the neural tube?
The neural plate folds to form the neural groove and neural folds. The neural folds grow together forming the neural tube. The neural tube closes first in the cervial region, then closure extends superiorly and inferiorly. The superior end completely closes a few days before the inferior end.
Indicate if True or False: The peripheral region of the nervous system includes everything outside of the brain and spinal cord, including the dorsal and ventral roots, cauda equina, and dorsal root ganglia.
The peripheral region of the nervous system includes everything outside of the vertebral column and skull, thereby excluding the dorsal and ventral roots, cauda equina, and dorsal root ganglia (and proximal parts of the spinal nerves and cranial nerves).
(The dorsal and ventral roots, the cauda equina (which is made up of the lumbar and sacral dorsal and ventral roots), and the dorsal root ganglia are located in the spinal region of the nervous system, not the peripheral region. The spinal nerves start within the intervertebral foramina and extend just outside of the foramina to bifurcate into the dorsal and ventral rami. Thus most of the spinal nerve is in the spinal region, however a very small amount is in the peripheral region. Similarly, cranial nerves are partly within the cerebral/cranial region and partly in the peripheral region.)
Indicate if True or False: Neuron function is not predetermined before maturation, but instead is dependent upon where the cell migrates to.
Under most stains, gray matter appears darker and white matter appears lighter when examining nervous system specimens. Which of the following best describes gray matter?
Areas composed primarily of somas and dendrites
Which of the following statements is true?
One of the last places to complete myelination is in the frontal lobe
Lundy-Ekman: Ch 8, especially p. 156
The [1] ventricle is located in the middle of the diencephalon. The two most prominent parts of the diencephalon are the [2] and the [3] and form the wall and floor of the ventricle.
Specified Answer for: 1 third Specified Answer for: 2 thalamus Specified Answer for: 3 hypothalamus
A neuron transmits motor information from the central nervous system to a muscle. This neuron is most likely to be a ___ neuron.
A neuron transmits somatosensory (general sensory) information from the periphery to the central nervous system. This neuron is most likely to be a ___ neuron.
A patient has a demyelinating disease that affects the central nervous system. This disease has resulted in damage to:
A patient has a demyelinating disease that affects the peripheral nervous system. This disease has resulted in damage to:
Schwann cells