Speeds And SOPs Flashcards
Max speed defining the flight envelope
Maximum operating speed in clean configuration
Lowest selectable speed for the autopilot and auto thrust
Standard take off procedure (PF)
- “Take off” and advance thrust levers to 50%N1
- Check all indications normal, select FLX or TOGA
- Call FMAs “MAN FLX, SRS RWY” and remove hand from thrust levers
- “A/P 2” when 1000ft aal
- 1500ft aal, set LVR CLM, set green dot and check accelerates
Standard Take off procedures (PM)
- Replace hand on thrust lever until V1, “thrust set” “V1, Rotate”
- “Checked” when AP 2 engaged
- Confirm thrust levers CLB gate at 1500ft aal
- Change flap setting when asked “speed checked”, “flaps….”
- When a/c clean, switch off T/O and RWY turn off lights, disarm ground spoilers
Changing to a FL at TA or when first cleared to FL
- PF “set standard”
- PM “standard cross checked, passing FL….now”
- PF “checked”
What call to remember when climbing or descending
1000 to go (PM)
Checked (PF)
Process when cleared to an altitude or passing TL
- PF “set QNH”
- PM “QNH cross checked, passing …..ft now”
- PF “checked”
What is said when rad alt indication is first seen
- PM “rad alt alive”
- PF “checked”
What to be done by PM once gear is down
Confirm auto brake selection, turn on T/0 and RWY turn off lights and arm ground spoilers
Ideal speed for selecting flap
VFE - 15kts
When to select ARM APPROACH
When cleared for the approach and within 90degs of inbound course
What if stable approach parameters not met by 1000ft aal
PM calls “1000 unstable ….”
PF “continue” if can be fully stable by 500ft RA or G/A must be flown
Average datums for approach
- 2.5-3degs
- Horizontal and vertical tracking using ILS/PAPIs
- 55%
- Scan speed vector
- RoD approx half ground speed
What calls when go around
- PF “go around flaps” and selects toga
- PM selects Flaps 3
When to announce positive climb
VSI, altimeter and RAD alt show it
Engine failure after v1 calls
- PM “TOGA AVAILABLE” if reduced thrust take off
- PF “READ ECAM” (PM reads ecam title)
Engine failure after V1 actions
- Keep straight with rudder
- Rotate to 12.5degs NU, maintain rudder, monitor speed not below V2
- Once stabilised, centre BETA and follow FD
- Trim off foot load (13deg flex, 20 deg toga) and engage autopilot
- Pull hdg
What is V2
Minimum speed that needs to be maintained up to the acceleration altitude, in the event of an engine failure after V1. Ensures climb gradient
When to select flaps for normal ILS
-Flaps 2 at 3nm to FAP
-Flaps 3 once gear is down
-Flaps full when flaps 3
When to take flaps single engine approach
As before, but take full flap once aircraft has descended on G/S
A320 visual circuit timings
45 secs when abeam threshold, +-1sec per kt of wind
Tip for manual thrust on ILS landing
At 3nm configure and reduce thrust by 6%, allow extra drag, then fine tune thrust
When does the PM look visually on manual approach
From 100ft above DA, call minimum at DA
Pitch attitudes on go arounds
2 eng = 15degs
Single eng = 12.5degs
4A’s memory item
A-approach aid tuned and identified
A-auto brake armed as required
A-activate approach
A-approach checklist
Engine start procedure
- Eng mode selector- IGN/START
- Announce “starting engine 1”
- Engine master switch 1 ON
- Engine idle parameters CHECK
- Announce starting engine 2
PF memory items after engine start
-engine mode sel normal
- APU bleed off
-engine anti ice a/r
-wing anti ice a/r
-APU off
PM memory items after engine start
-ground spoilers arm
-rudder trim check zero
-flaps set for TO
-Pitch trim set %
What to call out F/CTL system page when flight control check
Full up, full down, neutral, full left, full right, neutral
PM memory items after flight control check
-autobrake max
-FMA & TO data checked
-wxr/pws on
-TO config button press
PM memory items when line up clearance received
-cabin SECURED
-eng mode selector A/R
-Approach path CLEAR
-Exterior lights ON
PM memory items after push/start clearance
Windows/doors CHECKED
PF memory items after push/start clearance
-Windows and doors check
-park brake ON
-Beacon ON
-Thrust levers idle
Then call for the below the line
Engine indications expected after start ECAM upper display
-N2 increases
-16% N2 (active igniter indication LD)
-22%N2 fuel flow increases (15 secs max after fuel)
-50%N2 (Start valve cross line and igniter off LD)
PF memory items once cleared Take off
- “Take off”
- Brakes off
- Chrono start
- Stick 1/2 forward
(Set 50%, stabilise, FLX or toga) - Read FMAs (MAN FLX, SRS, RWY)
What to accelerate to if above FL100
PF memory item when passing FL100 decent
“Landing lights on”
What items in the after landing scan
-landing lights off
-strobe lights auto
-taxi light on
-wxr/pws off
-eng mode selector norm
-flaps up
-transponder XPNDR
-APU start
Green dot attitude, power and what height
10deg NU, climb power, 1500ft
What speed to climb at manual take off
V2 +10kts to V2 + 20kts
2 engine manual go around climb speed
Vapp +10kts to Vapp + 20kts
Clean speed pitch attitude
5.5deg to 6 deg
Standard 2 engine thrust setting
Rule of thumb for single engine thrust percentage
Add 15%
How does thrust setting change per 1000ft
Setting increases by 10% per 1000ft
Basic actions when selecting a new mode
How to operate knobs on FCU
Twist and pull when you want to control
Push when give it back
Selected speed
A Speed chosen by the pilot by pulling the knob (expect VS)
5 columns Left to right for Annunciators
Speed/verticle/lateral/landing capability/ (autopilot auto thrust and FD)
Different mode colours
Active = green
Armed = blue
AP FD and active autothrust = white
What does flex and toga do regarding thrust
Automatically engages autothrust
What does SRS usually maintain
V2 + 10kts
OP climb mode
Selecting alt in box, automatically applies thrust and a/c pitches and controls own speed
What does the asterix next to a mode show
It is capturing
Rough green dot speed
What to include when briefing approaches regarding speed
When i will select that speed, and what I will do at those speeds
When to set go around alt
When G/S* appears
Land green when
When land green is on FMA
When go around, how to move flaps
Flap 4 to flap 3
Flap 3 to flap 1
What must PM remember to do once flaps zero is asked for (after AA 1500ft, thrust moved to CLB)
-ground spoilers disarm
-RW turn off/taxi lights Off
-ecam memo check
What PA is prompt for approach checklist
“Cabin crew, prepare the cabin for landing”
Seat belt signs go on
When to set standby altimeter descent
By FL200 or before TOD if lower (once got arrival atis)
When to activate approach phase in mcdu
25nm and slowing to green dot
What to do when selecting gear down
-Auto brake a/r
-ground spoilers arm
-all landing lights on
Go around procedure manual NPA
- “Go around flaps” and selects toga
- Rotate to 15deg
- Normal positive climb etc
- FDs turned on once normal climb resumed