SOPs And Failure Management Flashcards
When must controls be covered
When operating below MSA
When can changes to FMC or nav aids be made
Autopilot engaged = PF can as long as confirmed with PM
No autopilot = PF ask PM to make necessary selections
Pre flight altimeters
Set to QNH, max +-50ft
When to do altimeter check descent/climb
Large changes of alt = initiate, then run procedures
<2-3000ft, run procedure then start descent
Process for when cleared to FL or past TA
PF calls “set STD” (both set std)
PM calls “STD cross checked, passing FL…now”
PF responds “checked”
When to set 1013 on standby
Once passed MSA and cleared flight level
What to call when passing FL100
PM “FL100”
PF “checked altimeter set, climbing/descending FL/Alt”
What to do with regards to all FMA
Verbalised by PF
What does Blue refer to in checklists
Blue means armed modes on the FMA
Bank angle limits
25degs when flight director off and 33degs when commanded
When can icing conditions be expected
When OAT/TAT is at or below 10degs and there is visible moisture
Who sets and idents nav aids before flight
PF does, but if unable to ident any, then PM does asap after departure
Who should ident nav aids prior to approach
Both pilots
What is standard reverse thrust
Up to 74%N1 (must cancel at 60kt)
What must be announced at the end of each checklist
Checklist complete
Rules with regards to actioning a checklist
Not to be done unless it can be completed
Simple 3 term mnemonic to help with SA
Plane, path, people
Who reads ecam title and cancels any accompanying warning audios
First person to notice
When can missed approach and ensuing procedures be briefed
During approach
What is fire prioritised over
Caution or failure
Basic flow model for failure management
FNC- ident and confirm- ECAM/QRH- Rebuild SA- DODAR- Brief- review- fly app
What is in the fly part of FNC
Just flying, AP, autothrust, FMA check, trends, spd and hdg
What is in the navigate part of FNC
Clear of the MSA, EOSID, emergency turn procedure, holds etc
What is in the communicate part of FNC
With each other, simple, concise, tell atc to standby
Example of DODAR following failure
D-big picture (a/c, airfield, Wx, fuel) AAWF
O- options (continue, divert, return, time crit Vs time avail)
D-decide (where, what app, how)
A-assign (4Cs, ask if ready for control, FMAs)
R- review (changes, QRH, drills, plan B)
4 Cs from assign phase
What is coffin corner
Where high and low speed buffet coincide
PF memory actions emergency Descent
-oxygen mask on
-establish comms (int)
-alt knob down and pull
-hdg knob down 45deg and pull
-spd pull
-announce FMAs
-thr idle
-speed brake full gradually
PM emergency descent
-don oxygen mask
-signs on
-FMA check
Rumour Vs truth
If we have a check, look to back it up
Spacing when circling approach
Time to travel for when abeam threshold downwind
Alt to loose x 3 +-1sec per knot