Emergecny And QRH Flashcards
Role of PM in emergency
-monitor and read ECAM and checklists
-perform actions or requests of PF
-using master levers, switches etc with PF confirmation
When can no QRH or ECAM actions occur
-until flight path established
-400ft or more above the runway
What is a warning
Procedure that may result in personal injury or loss of life
An operating procedure or technique that may result in damage to equipment if not followed
What is a Note
An operating procedure considered essential to emphasise safety
Recognition of imminent or rapid decompression
-Loud bang
-excessive cabin V/s (uncontrollable)
-excessive cabin altitude (warning)
What do both pilots do once captain or PF announces emergency descent
- Oxy masks on
- Establish comms
PM memory actions for decompression
- crew oxy masks
-signs on
-FMA check
What can windshear be defined as
Any rapid change in wind direction or velocity
Severe windshear is the uncontrollable changes in excess of
-airspeed changes over 15kts
-vertical speeds changes greater than 500fpm
-change in pitch attitude of more than 5 degs
-one dot glideslope displacement
-unusual thrust lever position or thrust levels for significant period of time
What does precipitation in a thunderstorm show
The mature stage with a downdraught
3 stages to a thunderstorm
Cumulus (localised surface heating)
Mature stage (rain/gust front/downdraughts)
Dissipating (light rain, surface cooling, subsiding)
How do thunderstorms become vertically tilted
Due to large horizontal wind changes at different altitudes
Where can microbursts occur
Anywhere where there is convective weather
Deviations that show clues for windshear on departure
15kt indicated
500fpm Vs
5deg pitch attitude
Deviations that show clues for windshear on approach
-15 kts ias
-500fpm Vs
-5deg pitch attitude
-+-1 dot gs
-unusual throttle position for significant period of time
SRS Airbus
Speed reference system
Pitch attitude for efato after V1
What to do prior to engaging autopilot efato
Centre BETA target with rudders and then trim (1 unit per sec)
Signs that an engine is damaged
-high vibration prior to flame out
-loud noise or explosion
-repeated/uncontrollable engine stalls
-abnormal engine indications (N1 or N2)
When are the engines considered secured
-without damage = eng mast switch off
-damage = agent 1 discharged
-fire = agent 2 discharged or fire extinguished
Terrain avoidance manoeuvre
-AP off
-full back pressure and level wings
-check speed brakes off
PF actions if windshear encountered
-Leave AP on
-follow SRS (or pitch to 17.5deg if manual)
-check no speedbrake
PM actions if windshear encountered
-monitor alt, speed, thrust setting, pitch, VS
-call out rad alts and check baro
-call out any trends too
PF Actions if traffic advisory
Cover controls, announce “TCAS, I have control”, keep AP engaged
Resolution advisory procedure
PF- disconnect AP, turn off FDs, smoothly manoeuvre, follow VSI,
Proximity advisory
Solid white diamond
Normal traffic on PFD
White outlined diamond
3 steps to emergency processing
- ECAM actions
Steps to ANC
- Aviate- reduce workload, FMAs, manual flying?
- Navigate- can we fly the route? Above MSA? Safe airspace?
- Comms- each other, checklist, QRH, atc
Different ECAM categories
Primary- secures the issue using checks
Secondary- shows the system schematics
Status- shows what’s available
When running ecam, what to check when done secondaries
OREX meaning
R- resets
Ex- expanded checklists
Step 3 to emergency situations
For assign part of DODAR, simple order to do stuff
4 Cs (ATC, crew, customers, company, then set up fmgs)
Only one handover of control
3 steps to UPRT recovery technique
- Recognise
- Recover
- Rebuild
Who announces unusual attitudes
First pilot to see “nose high/low”
Should AP/ Athrust be used in unusual recovery
No, unless it’s helping to reduce the issue
What does PF do regarding thrust lever
Always confirms and moves it themselves
Speed for engine failure in the cruise and why
300kts/.78 to allow enough airflow for windmilling
Standard strategy in cruise for engine failure
-levers mct
-autothrust off
-hdg set and pull
-figure out EO LRC ceiling
Cruise descent with engine failure
-speed 300kt pull
-alt on FCU
-when vs <500ft/min, set -500vs
-autothrust on
-cruise long range speed
-spd FCU
How does PF initiate ECAM process
PF “read ecam”
What to do once ecam title announced
PF to consider OEBs and initiates the ECAM procedure
What does land ASAP in red and amber mean
Red = soon as possible
Amber = soon as practicable
What to ask once failure has been confirmed
Any OEBs
What to do once title failure read
PF “my radios, ecam actions” “my radios, title of QRH or procedure”
ECAM procedure
- Check any OEBs
- Run through primaries
- Check through secondaries
- Consider OREX
- Check status