What are the specimen that include in the specimen collection?
• Hair, skin scrapings, nail clipping, sputum, blood, csf, urine, corneal scraping, discharge or pus from lesion and biopsy.
In Systemic Mycosis, What are we need to collect?
• Respiratory tract secretions
Under Diagnostic Mycology, specimen collection depends on the _____________.
• Site affected
Why does collection of specimen are NOT acceptable through SWABBING
• Because its is considered inadequate means
What will prevent it when all specimens must be transported to the laboratory without any delay?
• Bacterial overgrowth
What are the differences between Bacteria and Fungi in terms of growing?
• Bacteria will grow faster than fungi
• Fungi are slow growers
In the context of Diagnostic Mycology, what are the exceptions in the case of delayed specimens that may be refrigerated for a short period?
• Except skin specimen, blood and CSF
By using a fine needle and inoculating at the bedside, what are you collecting?
• Corneal scrapings
When using cotton swabs that may give false positive microscopic results, what are you collecting?
• Pus may be collected by aspiration