specific character descriptions Flashcards
the function/details of specific structures or characters ex. the notochord
dorsal hollow nerve chord (what is it, location, gives rise to…)
hollow, fluid filled structure dorsal to the digestive tract
arises from the neural tube (which is from neural plate ectoderm)
forms the central nervous system (brain [anterior] and spinal chord in vertebrates)
what is the dorsal hollow nerve chord made of
neurons and glial cells
specialized cells that send and receive electrical impulses
generate action potential, to rapidly send an impulse down an elongated process (AXON) to send a chemical signal (NEUROTRANSMITTER) to other cells
notochord in protostomes vs deuterostomes
protostomes don’t have notochord’s, and the nerve chord is located VENTRAL to the digestive tract
deuterostomes have notochords btwn the nerve chord and digestive tract
** nerve chord DORSAL to digestive tract AND notochord
what embryonic germ layer is the notochord from
the notochord
structure: slender rod w/ core of cells and fluid surrounded by a tough fibrous sheath
function: STRUCTURAL SUPPORT, can bend side to send helping w/ lateral undulation for locomotion, but cannot be axially compressed
AND signals ectodermal cells around it to differentiate into neural plate ectoderm/fold into neural tube
origin: mesoderm
gives rise to: functionally replaced by the vertebral column during development
notochord involvement in neural tube formation
signals ectoderm cells around it to differentiate into neural plate ectoderm, and fold in to form the neural tube
pharyngeal slits
a series of openings in the walls of the pharynx
in many terrestrial vertebrates, closed before the embryo is born or hatched
synapomorphy for DEUTEROSTOMES
pharynx arrises from endoderm
in fish, water passes in through the mouth and out through pharyngeal slits and over gills
origin: the ventral side of the pharynx therefore endoderm
location: ventral side of the pharynx
structure: groove filled w/ gladular tissue
function: produces mucus and processes iodine
homologous to thyroid gland of vertebrates
synapomorphy for chordates
post-anal tail
structure: posterior elongation of the body extending beyond the anus
generally the notochord extends into it, and it’s primarily composed of myomeres (therefore very muscular)
segmented blocks of skeletal muscle separated by layers of connective tissue (myosepta)
arranged in series from anterior to posterior
what is different about the notochord and dorsal hollow nerve chord?
function: noto provides structural support, nerve is used for rapid communication of signals within the body
origin: noto from mesoderm, nerve from neural plate ectoderm
fate: noto is functionally replaced by vertebrae in many verts, nerve forms brain and spinal chord in adult vertebrates
vertebral column
series of separate bones or cartilage blocks along the central axis of the body
made of cartilage and/or bone
arises from neural crest cells and mesenchymal mesoderm
muscular pharyngeal pump
replaced the cilia used to pump water in the common ancestor of chordates
expands the chamber of the pharynx via skeletal muscles which pull on the skeletal structures supporting the pharynx. This also involves the opening and closing of various valves
cilia pump vs muscular pharyngeal pump
muscular is far more efficient, as cilia only pump water on the surface.
this works for smaller animals, but muscular pharyngeal pump is able to moge greater volumes of water for larger organisms
benefits of paired pectoral and pelvic fins/jaws on lifestyle
large effect on diet, giving gnathostomes acces to a wide variety of food sources
- hard to catch
- larger
- herbivory
- more nutrient rich prey
fins specifically help with stability and control in movement (steering and direction)
gas bladder
in many actinopterygii acts as a swim bladder providing neutral buoyancy, and in many teleostomi acts as lungs in gas exchange