Special Tests For Ankle & Foot Flashcards
Ankle drawer test
Assess integrity of anterior talofibular ligament
Talar tilt test
Assess integrity of calcaneofibular ligament
Squeeze test
Syndesmosis ankle sprain
Morton’s test
Morton’s neuroma
Dorsiflexion Eversion test
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Tibialis posterior compression test
Medial tibial stress syndrome
Homan’s sign
Deep vein thrombosis
Thompson test
Achilles tendon rupture
Achilles pinch test
Achilles tendon rupture
Windlass test
Plantar fasciitis
Confirming and differentiating tests for shin splints
CONFIRM: Tibialis posterior compression test
Confirming and differentiating tests for plantar fasciitis
CONFIRM: Windlass test
Morton’s test (Morton’s Neuroma)
Dorsiflexion Eversion test (for tarsal tunnel syndrome)
Confirming and differentiating tests for stress fracture (foot and lower leg)
CONFIRM: Bone compression test
Confirming and differentiating tests for Morton’s neuroma
Confirming and differentiating tests for Achilles tendon rupture
Confirming and differentiating tests for tarsal tunnel
Confirming and differentiating tests for syndesmosis ankle sprain
Confirming and differentiating tests for lateral ankle sprain
Confirming and differentiating tests for
achilles tendon disorder
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist stabilizes the anterior distal tibia with one hand while holding the foot in 20 degrees of plantar flexion and draws the talus forward
Ankle drawer test
+ dimple appears over the area of the talofibular ligament if pain or muscle spasm are minimal
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist grasps ankle with the thumbs and each side of the lateral malleolus on the talus and attempts to passively move the clients foot into inversion
Talar tilt test
+ Pain and mobility
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist grasps the tibia and fibula approximately mid calf and squeezes them together. Apply same pressure moving distally towards the ankle.
Squeeze test
+ Pain in the distal tibiofibular joint
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist grasps the client’s foot from both side and applies pressure, squeezing the metatarsal heads together.
Morton’s Test
+ sharp shooting pain into the toes
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist passively moves the ankle into maximum Dorsiflexion and Eversion while the toes are held in hyperextension. Hold position for 5-10 seconds.
Dorsiflexion-Eversion Test
+ reproduction of symptoms — sharp shooting pain around the medial ankle and plantar surface of the foot
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist grasps the client’s foot and passively dorsiflexes to lengthen the calf muscles
Homan’s Sign (testing for deep vein thrombosis)
+ Pain deep to the calf, heat, tenderness. Leg may also be pallor in color and swollen
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist applies pressure to the soft tissues along the posterior/medial border of the tibia
Tibialis Posterior Compression Test (testing for medial tibial stress syndrome)
+ reproduction of pain
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist wraps full hands around bellies of gastrocnemius and squeezes thumbs and fingers together
Thompson Test (testing for achilles tendon rupture)
+ lack of plantarflexion
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist grasps Achilles tendon between thumb and first two fingers and squeezes
Achilles Pinch test (testing for achilles tendon rupture)
+ pain and lack of plantarflexion
What is the test? What is the positive result?
Therapist passively dorsiflexes the big toe. (Or client comes up onto balls of feet - one at a time)
Windlass Test (tests for plantar fasciitis)
+ pain or increased pain at insertion of plantar fascia
Or lack of extension in the big toe may indicate hallux rigidus