Special species final Flashcards
Turtle brough in for examination. IT is regurgitating, has mid-body swelling and diarrhea. It’s habittat contains a lot of fecal material. Top Dx?
Diagnosis; Acid fast cytology
Treatment; none
What are juvenile turkeys called?
What are causes of secondary Gout?
(or other diseases in general)
Other chronic diseases
Drug administration
What are differntials for yellow/green fecals in birds?
Elevated Urates- liver disease
Elevated Bile Acid levels
Colored foods
Lizard is presented for Nasal discharge and purulent hemorrhagic discharge from the glottis. DDx?
What’s the nutritional therapy to Gout?
Low purine diet
High moisture foods
Mist/regular access to water
When are female turkeys marketed?
14 weeks
Snake is presented for diarrhea and depression. What’s the next diagnostic step you can take and possible DDx?
PCR the fecal, Adenovirus
Turtle is brought in for Necrotizing stomatits, conjunctivitis and some neruological signs. Furthur examination reveals hepatomegaly. Dx?
Herepes virus
T/F Salmonellosis is commonly pathologic
False; most if not all reptiles have salmonella but it is not pathologic
100% prevalance in captive population
0% prevalence in wild populations
T/F both forms of Ophinyssus natricis (larval & adult) are parasitic
True; Ophinyssus natricis
Both adult and larval forms are parasitic
You notice evelated AST and CPK on blood you just drew from a bird. What is an easy/simple DDx?
Injections cause enzyme elevation AST and CPK
What is normal glucose in birds?
180-350 Glucose levels
Why are turkeys de-beaked?
Prevent cannibalism
You diagnose Coccidiosis. What’s the treatment?
Ponazuril- Coccidiosis
Stanley brings in an adult lizard who is domonstrating neurological problems. Stanley says he gets plenty of fish in his diet. Dx?
Thiamine deficiency
Symptoms point to it.
Name the genus/species of the common domestic chicken;
Gallus gallus domesticus
Roughly how many poultry farms are in the US?
Where can you draw blood from in an avian patient?
The right juglar (s larger than the left)
Cutaneous ulnar vein
Medial metatarsal vein
Toenail clips
Lizard is presented at necropsy with swolen/misshappen joints, accumulations on the viscera. DDx?
Gout: Nutritional
What are the various ways to vaccinate?
In-ovo at 18 days incubation
SQ at 1-3
Wing web injection
Aerosol/Droplet sprays
eye drops
What are some ways to educate the owner on how to prevent salmonellosis?
Hand washing
Avoid having reptiles around peoples food
Not good pets for infants immunocompromised
An owner brings in a ‘reproductively active’ female lizard with muscle tremors and tetany. Dx?
Symptoms hint towards
Other symptoms include; Fibrous osteodrystrophy, pathologic fractures, tooth loss
When can chickens go to food plants?
18 months of age
When can chickens start laying?
20 weeks
What is the reproductivity limit on ophinyssus?
Can reproduce in 2-2.25 weeks
What happens to egg production during molting and when does it happen?
Natural molting occurs in fall
Egg production drops
What is the normal RBC lifespan in Avians?
20-35 days; normal RBC lifespan
What is the common etiology of Coccidiosis in turtles?
Isospora amphiboluri
Python is brought in for rolling over (severe CNS dysfunction) and uncoordinated. Dx?
Biopsy to confrim
Inclusion body disease
What makes Honey good for wound managment?
Acidc- pH 4
The environment that skin/body-fluids promotes the breakdown of glucose into hydrogen peroide.
Birds can be jaundiced
Birds do not have bilirubin so cannot be jaundiced
You Diagnose Mycoplasmosis in a turtle. What is the best way to keep it from spreading?
a) Clean the feces asap
b) seperate
c) cull and euthanize
Transmission is by direct contact
When are male toms marketed?
Toms- Male turkeys
20 weeks
When do White plymouth rock broilers ususally ‘finish’
6-9 weeks
Which vaccination commonly uses in-ovo?
Where is it injected (specifically)?
Amniotic sac or SQ
What’s the name of young females?
How do you manipulate molting?
Forced molting:
Dietary manipulation 2-3weeks
What breed of chicken is useed for Broilers?
White plymouth rock
How much blood volume can you take from the average Avian patient?
10% of the 10% of body weight
Blood volume is 10% of body wight, 10% of blood is the safe volumen taken
A Reptile comes in for rihinits. You see basophilic inclusions bodies on the impression smears. Dx?
What common viral vaccines are there for chickens?
Infectious bronchitis
Infectious bursal disease
T/F Turkeys can breed on their own.
False, Fucked up birds
What two diagnostic views do you use in Birds?
What’s the common breed of chicken layers?
White leghorn Hybrids
What is Xanthophils used for?
Gives yellow coloring to skin and meat for birds exported to other countries:
A production chick, 4 weeks old, presents with rubbery bones, enlarged joins, lameness, and bowing of leggs. DDx?
(3-6 weeks)
What is ‘Cage Layer Fatigue’?
When laying hens absorb calcium from bones leading to pathologic fractures
How do you treat Cage layer fatigue?
Oyster shell
What predisposes to Fatty liver syndrome?
Layer fatigue
High production/caloric intake
Young chick presents with Tendon displacment and swelling of the hock joings. Possible Chondrodystrophy. DDx?
Slipped tendon: Manganese deficiency
What are some Anti-oxidants you can use?
Selenium (against formed peroixdes)/
Vitamine E (prevent free radical formation)
Chicken presents with Edema and weeping of the skin. DDx?
Anti-oxidant deficiency
Exudative diathesis, brusing easily, scabbing
The farmer presents a depressed check. You notice that his feed is made with rancid cod liver, soybean oil and corn. DDx?
Vitamine E deficiency
Muscular dystrophy
Farmer presents a chick;
Flex toes, Torticollis, ataxic. A necropsy of one of it’s flock mates reveals lesions on the cerebellum and white muscles. DDx?
Vitamine E deficency.
Crazy chick disease
Chick presents with
Ataxia, droopiness, and swelling of the eyes. DDx? and Tx?
Vitamin A deficiency.
3-4x recommended level for 2 weeks
What am I?
Squamous metaplasia, Hyperkeratosis and erosion of the palate and salivary glands.
Vitamin A deficiency
What am I?
Vitamin A deficiency:
Blunted/missig choanal papillae
Name some B Vitamins:
Folic Acid
Cyanocobalamin (B12)
What do you see with Niacin deficiency?
Swollen hocks
Bowed legs in ducklings
Perosis in goslings
Chick presents with curled toes and ‘parrot beak’ and ‘clubbed down’ feathers. What does ‘clubbed down’ mean and what does the chick has?
Riboflavind deficiency
Clubbed down- neck and vent feathers don’t rupture from their sheaths
What types of Avian influenza are there?
H5N1: Highly pathogenic and zoonotic (HPAI)
H7N9 low pathogenicity and zoonotic, CHINA ONLY
A concerned owner comes in with a newspaper article about Avian influenze being found in the area. “Should I worry about my pet pigeon?”
You’re answer?
Pet birds and Pigeons are resistant to Avian influenza.
What was the common path of Avian influenza?
Migratory “Fly ways”
Chicken presents with respiratory signs. Inflammation of the airsacs trachea and sinus. You note Ischemia of cyanosis of legs and comb. DDx?
Avian influenza: Mild form
A farmer reports his chickens suddenly dying. 100% of the chickens that got sick have perished. You not necrosis of the skin, wattles and on necropsy liver. DDx?
Avian Influenza: Fowl plague
(also similar to newcastle)
T/F Newcastle is zoonotic
(bonus points for ‘in which way’)
True; New castle is zoonotic
Zoonotic in human eyes
How many forms of newcastle do we know about?
Viscertropic velogenic
Morbidity reaches 100% of infected chickens. Birds either die or recover in a wekk. Tracheal hemorrhage is noted. DDx?
Infectious laryngotracheitis- Herpesvirus
What does this suggest?
Infectious laryngotracheitis- herpes virus
Dry Fowl pocks presents with Respiratory signs
Dry- skin
Wet- respiratory
Chicken presents with wart like nodules around the face and eyes, comb and wattle.
About 50% of it’s flock mates that got sick died
Cutaneous form: Fowl Pox
Morality is variable but not 100% like herpes
Chicken presents with white nodules (cheesy exudates) on oropharynx larynx and trachea. Dimorphic yeast is stained from a swab.
Diptheritic form of Fowl pox
What predisposes chickens to cutaneous form of Fowl pox?
Warm weather:
Mosquito vectors
Which is the most economically important disease of turkeys?
Fowl cholera: pasteurella
Important to vaccinate
Turkey presents with respiratory distress, cyanosis, green diarrhea, and other flock mates have died in the last 26 hours.
On necropys you see parboiled liver and pericarditis.
Pasteurella; Fowl cholera
Chicken presents with catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. What is the etiologic agent?
Infectious coryza
Haemophilus paragallinarum
If you suspect respiratory diseases you can just easily culture mycoplasmosis.
Not easy to culture/eradicate
Birds sick on day 1
Airsacculitis in turkeys
Venereal (AI) transmission
Mycoplasma meleagridis
Thickned airsacks, pericarditis, enlarged lever and spleen. Ornithosis, psittacosis, parrot fever,
Zoonotic from turkeys to man.
100% of the flock became sick with this disease but only 2% died. All ages were affected.
Chickens produced abnormal eggs. Cheesy exudate at tracheal bifurcation.
Avian infectios bronchitis:
Corona virus
Eggs produced are thin and rough with watery albumin.
Infectious bronchitis
Candled egg has green color.
Necropsy; Fuzzy fungal colonies (white plaques) on lungs and air sacs.
Necropsy: tubercular granulomas intestines, Liver, spleen, bone marrow.
Soiling of tail feathers
Mycobacterium avium:
Avian tuberculosis
Young turkey presents with a disease that has killed close to 90% of the flock.
“Bacillary white diarrhea” pasted around the vent, gray nodules in lungs, liver gizzard, heart intestines
What do you notice about the flock?
The adults don’t present with Lesions
Pullorum disease
Which orginization has almost eradicated Pullorum disease?
Nationa poultry improvment plan
What is the common etiology of Fowl Typhoid?
(Bonus for what defines it)
Salmonella gallinarum
[Mortality continues for months, signs in young birds similar to pullorum]
Chicken presents with infected fock(stressed). Necropsy shows Endotoxemic necrosis of tissues. Culture shows Gram-negative motile bacteria.
Salmonella typhimurium/enteritidis
T/F Paratyphoid salmonella is species specific
Paratyphoid-salmonella is non-host specific and a great public health concern.
What kind of Birds get Partyphoid-salmonella?
Young birds
stressed adults
(Dehydration, enteritis, focal necrosis of SI, unabsorrbed yolk sack
Turkey poults less than 3 weeks of age. Some are septicemic and some have localized infections.
About 5% of the flock have died.
pasty vents, huddling, CNS signs.
(Salmonella parathoid)
What is the most common transmission of Salmonella enteritidis?
Transovarian transmission to egg:
Salmonella enteritidis.
How do humans become affected by salmonella enteritids?
60% of human cases linked to eggs or egg products.
Which Government Branch monitors breeding flocks closely?
Etiologic agent of Thrush
Candidiasis: Albicans
Candidia albicans is a normal GI in habitant
Candidia albicans is a normal GI in habitant
In a chicken that has recently been immunocrompromised you notice an infection of the mouth and crop. “Turkish toweling”
Candida albicans
Opportunistic infection
What is this?
It is pink! Papillomatosis
Canker/Frounce Fowl pox (wet form)
Large spore forming gram-positive rod
What am I?
Clostrdium Tetani
A duck presents with Limberneck
Clostridium botulinum
Seen in quail. What am I?
Ulcerative enteritis; Clostridium colinum
A turkey farm presents with necrotic enteritis. Etiologic agent?
Clostridium perfringens
Necrotic enteritis
Broiler Chickens present from a farm with carcasses that decompose quickly with foul odor.
Swolen legs and feet. Wing tips and inner thighs red and sloughing.
Gangrenous dermatitis
(Clostridium and staph)
A duck flock is brought in for necropsy to find the most likely causitive agent.
Most of the birds have necks twisted downward, sideways and backwards.
Herpesvirus: Duck Viral enteritis: duck plague
What is the pathology to Duck viral enteritis?
Viremia leads to vascular damage
Bloody darrhea, bloody conjunctivitis, nasal discharge.
Hemorrhages inall organs at necropsy
2 week old Ducks. A soon as the ducks become ataxic/kick spasmodically; hours later they die.
Duck viral hepatitis
What is the etiologic agent of Duck viral hepatitis?
Older violent turkeys Present with depression, unsteady gait, swollen snood, dark red skin on head.
“Red skin”
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
E. colibacillosis is contageous and pathogenic.
E. colibacillosis is not contagious and a non-pathogenic serotype in GIT.
What are the main Pathogenisi of e.coli colibacillosis?
Airsaccultitis (caseous exudates)
Omphalitis- naval infection
Vascular problems in general
Panopthalmitis- blindness
What is Hjarre’s disease
Granulomas along Gi tract, mesentery liver
seen with colibacillosis
A Young turkey presents with ‘bloody gut’. Top DDx?
Hemorrhagic enteritis; Adenovirus
Sudden death, fresh blood in droppings, small intestine distended and blood filled
Describe IBDV
Infectious Bursal Disease
Baby chicken disease
Damages all lymphocytes of bursal origin (recovered chicks are immunocompromised
SEVERE problem for broiler industry
Hemorrhages on thighs and pectorals
Chicken farm presents: high morbidity and low mortality. Diarrhea.
Hemorrhages on thighs and pectorals.
infectious bursal disease
Chicken presents with swollen lymph nodes, blindness, unilateral spastic paralysis and wollen joints.
(and what is a way to confirm)
Confrim with biopsy of lymphocyte infiltration into the eye
Chicken farm presents with flock;
Emaciation, pallor, enlarged bursa on cloacal palpation and reduced egg production.
Big livers are noted
Lymphoid leukosis
Oncogenic retrovirus
Farmer presents chicken eggs with a green colored embryo when candled. DDx?
(Hint: white plagues on the airsacs)
Air sac granulomas- white plaques
Swollen head appearance of chickens.
(nasal discharge, conjunctivits, adherence of eyelids, Facial edema)
What am I?
(Hint: had concurrent coccidiosis)
Ulcerative enteritis:
Clostridium colinum
What is “canker” or “Frounce”?
Fowl pox- wet form
Etiology; hypovitaminosis A
It’s pink think papillomatosis
Chickens come in with neurologic and Respiratory signs.
Notably the head is ‘permentantly’ turned to the side.
New Castle
Mesogenic form
Whic form of Newcastle is reportable?
Viscerotropic Velogenic: VVND
What is the Kurloff cell?
A unique leukocyte to the Guinea pig.
Highest concentration in pregnant females
What are the limits to IP injections in Rats/mice?
Mouse <0.5 ml
Rat <2 ml
What’s the limit to intraobrital draw?
50 micro liters
On necropsy you find a Ferret with splenomegaly. DDx?
Ferrert Splenomegaly
Incidental finding
(rule out others of corse)