Special senses Flashcards
Special senses
Separate cell structural classification of receptor
- smell
- taste
- hearing
- balance
- vision
Sense of smell
- odor dissolves in mucus surrounding the olfactory cilia (in contact with epithelium in the nasal cavity)
- receptor potential is passed to the olfactory nerves in the olfactory bulb
- impulse passes through olfactory tract into the thalamus and olfactory centers of the brain
Sense of taste
- receptor potential in taste buds (from chemo receptors called gustatory cells)
- propagation of action potential
- transmits to the brain
Hearing and balance
- external, middle, and inner ear
External ear
- Auricle or pinna: visible portion
- External auditory canal: tube leading to the temporal bone and tympanic membrane
- Tympanic membrane
Middle ear
Tympanic cavity
- tiny epithelial lined cavity hollowed out of the temporal bone
- contains 3 auditory ossicles
1. Malleus - hammer - attached to inner surface of tympanic membrane
2. Incus - anvil - attached to malleus and stapes
3. Stapes - stirrup - attached to the incus
Inner ear
- consist of two main parts: a bony labyrinth and inside a membranous labyrinth
- the bony labyrinth consists of 3 parts
1. Vestibule
2. Cochlea
3. Semicircular canals
Inner ear
Membranous labyrinth is inside the bony labyrinth and contains
- the utricle and saccule (inside vestibule)
- the cochlear duct inside cochlea
- the membranous semicircular ducts inside
- the bony semicircular canals
Vestibule and semicircular canals
Involved with balance
Involved in hearing
Fluid filling the membranous labyrinth
Fluid that suspends the membranous
Sense of hearing
Sound is created by vibration
- the ability to hear sound waves is depend on volume, pitch, and other acoustic properties
- to be hear, sound must travel though air, bone, and fluid
Sense of balance
- the sense organs involved in the sense of balance, or equilibrium, are found in the vestibule and semicircular canals
- the sense organs located in the vestibule: utricle and saccule function in static equilibrium
- the sense organs associated with the semicircular ducts function in dynamic equilibrium
Static equilibrium: otoliths organs
Utricle and saccule
- walls of both organs contain a small thickened region called the macula
- the tow macula are perpendicular to each other and provide information for static equilibrium
- 2 kinds of cells in the macula (hair and otolithic membrane)
Dynamic equilibrium: semicircular canals
Semicircular canals lie at right angles to one another in 3 planes
- 2 verticle ducts (anterior and posterior)
- 1 horizontal duct (lateral)
- sensory organ: crista. Located in ampulla and contains hair cells and supporting cellls
Sense of vision
Light converts stored photochemical energy into nervous impulses that are interpreted by the brain as sight
- external structures include: eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, muscles (intrinsic and extrinsic)
Layers of the eyeball
- Fibrous layer
- sclera - cornea - Vascular layer
- choroid - iris - ciliary body - Inner layer
- retina - optic nerve - retinal blood vessels
Fibrous layer
Outer coat of eyeball
- cornea: the transparent anterior portion of the fibrous layer
- sclera: white opaque outer portion of the eye (white secondary to collagen and elastin bundles)
Vascular layer
- choroid: highly pigmented area
- ciliary body: formed by a thickening of the choroid and contains the ciliary muscle
- iris: colored part of the eye that attaches to the ciliary body which controls the diameter of the pupil
Inner layer
- mostly made up of nervous tissue
- 3 layers of neurons
1. Photoreceptors cells: rods and cones
2. Bipolar cells: receive impulses from rods and cones
3. Ganglio cells: receive info from rods, conoces, and bipolar cells and send the information to the optic nerve via the optic disk