Complete process of Citric Acid Cycle (By step)
Step 1: Transfer of Acetyl-CoA
Step 2: Isomerization
Step 3: Oxidation/Decarboxylation
Step 4: Rejoining with CoA (further oxidation)
Step 5: Formation of GTP
Step 6: Oxidation of FAD
Step 7: Hydration
Step 8: Final Oxidation
How is Acetyl-CoA produced?
-Pyruvate enters the mitochondrial matrix
-The Pyruvate bind with Coenzyme A
-Then undergoes decarboxylation and oxidation in the presence of NAD+ (converted to NADH)
-Acetyl-CoA is formed
What is done before Citric Acid Cycle?
Formation of Acetyl-CoA
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 1st Step?
Reactant: Acetyl-CoA + Oxaloacetate
Product: Citrate
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 4th Step?
Reactant: a (alpha)-ketoglutarate
Product: Succinyl- CoA
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 2nd Step?
Reactant: Citrate
Product: Isocitrate
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 3rd Step?
Reactant: Isocitrate
Product: a (alpha)- ketoglutarate
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 5th Step?
Reactant: Succinyl-CoA
Product: Succinate
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 6th Step?
Reactant: Succinate
Product: Fumarate
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 7th Step?
Reactant: Fumarate
Product: Malate
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the reactant and product in 8th Step?
Reactant: Malate
Product: Oxaloacetate
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 1st Step?
Citrate Synthase
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 2nd Step?
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 3rd Step?
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 4th Step?
a(alpha)-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 5th Step?
succinyl-CoA synthetase
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 6th Step?
Succinate dehydrogenases
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 7th Step?
Citric Acid Cycle: What is the enzyme used in 8th Step?
Malate dehydrogenase
Citric Acid Cycle: Details to note in Step 2
-1 water loss
-1 water gained
Citric Acid Cycle: Details to note in Step 3
-Used 1 NAD+
-Produced NADH + CO2
Citric Acid Cycle: Details to note in Step 4
-Uses 1 NAD+
-Produced NADH + CO2
Citric Acid Cycle: Details to note in Step 5
-Uses 1 Phosphate
-Produces GTP (Guanosine Triphosphate)
Citric Acid Cycle: Details to note in Step 6
-Uses 1 FAD
-Produces FADH2
Citric Acid Cycle: Details to note in Step 7
1 water molecule gained
Citric Acid Cycle: Details to note in Step 8
-Uses 1 NAD+
-Produces NADH
Net Product of Citric Acid Cycle
6 NADH + 2 FADH2 + 2 ATP per glucose molecule