*An active area of research that is fundamental to all biological sciences
* study of the structure and function of organisms and biological processes at the level of cells, and the macromolecules that define them
Molecular biology of cell is applied in?
- Medicine
- Agriculture
- Forensic
Omics for trait understanding
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Metabolomics
- Epigenomics
- Transcriptomics
Gene Discovery includes?
- Structural Genomics
- Functional Genomics
- Association Mapping
- Linkage Mapping
Molecular Breeding includes?
- Genomic Selection
- Marker-Assisted Recurrent Selection
3, Marker- Assisted backcrossing
Stated experimental models in the PPT
- Escherichia coli
- Yeast
- Dictyostelium discoideum
- Caenorhabditis elegans
- Drosophila melanogaster
- Arabidopsis thaliana
- Zebra fish
- Xenopus laevis
- Transgenic mice
- most thoroughly studied bacteria because of its comparative simplicity
and ease with w/c it can be propagated - Many studies about the nature of gene expression elucidated
- Genome with circular ds DNA ( sometimes with extrachrome DNA)
Escherichia coli
*Anchored on highly conserved fundamental properties of cells
*Also on diversity of present day cells
E. Coli genome
~4.6m base pairs and 4000 genes (1997)
S. Cerevisiae genome
12 m bp and 6000 genes
-Crucial in the study of eukaryote systems ( simplest)
-Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( most studied)
-Amenable to genetic manipulation
-S. Cerevisiae genome= 12 m bp and 6000 genes
-Genome arranged as 16 linear chromosomes
- simple unicellular eukaryote
- a cellular slime mold w/c feeds on bacteria and yeasts
- easily manipulated using genetic techniques
- since mobile, it is ideal for studying molecular mechanisms for animal cell
movements - w/ abundant food, cells aggregate into worm-like
- structures (slugs) that act as a single unit (100,000 cells)
- straddles the border between unicellular and multicellular organisms
Dictyostelium discoideum
- ideal model for animal development and cell differentiation
- genome size= 100m bp and 19,000 genes
- 3x that of yeast and ½ that of humans
- simpler and more manageable than those of other animals
- also amenable to genetic manipulation
Caenorhabditis elegans
- also a crucial model for developmental biology & genetics
- genome size-= 14,000 genes
- Easily bred and has short life cycle ( 2 weeks)
- Became the bases for fundamental concepts of genetics such as the
relationships between genes and chromosomes
Drosophila melanogaster
- a small flowering plant w/c is
simple and easy to grow and
handle in genetic experiments - genome size= 120m bp and
15,000 genes - ideal organism for the study of
plant molecular biology - had been successfully used in the
identification of genes involved in
plant development ( i.e. devt of
Arabidopsis thaliana
-model test organism for vertebrate development
-easily maintained in the lab, reproduces rapidly
-w/ transparent embryos that develop outside of the
– bridges the gap between humans and C. elegans
and Drosophila w/c have simple structures
Zebra fish
- important model for early vertebrate development
- very large eggs ( 1mm diameter) that develop outside of mother
- Eggs can be obtained in large nose making possible various
biochemical analyses
Xenopus laevis
- the mouse is most suitable for genetic analysis among mammals
- mouse genetics fraught with difficulties
- transgenic mice with specific mutant genes introduced into the
mouse germ line - some similarity in mouse and human genomes
Transgenic mice
How Transgenic mice formed?
- Recombinant DNA
- DNA injected to male pronucleus of fertilized oocyte
- Injected oocyte develops into early mouse embryo
- Embryo implanted into uterus of pseudopregnant mouse
- Resulted to transgenic mice
How to Knock-in or knockout mouse formed?
- Targeting Vector
- Gene targeted in ES cells through homologous recombination
- Targeted ES cells selected and expanded
- Targeted ES cells injected into early mouse embryo
- Embryo Implanted into uterus of pseudopregnant mouse
- Chimeric mouse born and mated with normal mouse
- Resulted to Knock-in or Knockout Mouse