special care dentistry is concerned with
improvement of oral health of individuals and groups in society who have an impairment or disability which may be
physical assistants for those in special care
- wheelchair access
- ramp/wide doorways
- hoist
- stand aid/turner
- access to dental chair from each side
- knee break chair
- bariatric facilities
- side boards
MCA 2005
presume capacoity
invididuals supported to make own decisions
unwise decisons can be allowed
best interests
less restrictive options (GA considered the most restrictibve)
MCA states a person cannot make the decison themsevles if
- understand the information relevant to the decision
- retain the information
- use or weight up the information as part of the process making the decision
what happens if there is lack of capacity
best interest meetings held idenfity all relevant circumstances find out persons view avoid discrimination assess whether person may gain capacity
try to consult
- anyone previously named by the individual
- anyone engaged in caring for them
- close relatives and friends
- any attorney appointed under a Lasting Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Attorney
- any deputy appointed by the Court of Protection to make decisions for the person
advanced decision
- legally binding decision that allows someone 18+ while still capable to reduced specificied medical treatment for a time in the future when they may lack capacity to consent or to refuse that treatment
lasting power of arrotney
- someone appointed by the individual to enable to make deficiosn about health/welfare and financial descions or both
independant mental capacity advocate
- person appointed to support a patient who lacks capacity with best interest decisions where there are no close family or friends
- to speak up and support the pt in decision making
court of protection
- oversees operation of MCA and issues with, inc financial and serious healthcare matters
- concerns those who lack mental capacity to make their own decisions
- resolves serious disputes about best interest decisions
how can you manage pts
clinical holding
diet and pts
those with LD have increase risk of being overweight
issues with OH
- dexterity
- access (malocclusion, involuntary movements, facial deformity)
- co operation
- flavour aversion
- swallow impairment
- training of carers
- gag reflex
The process of creating, interpreting and negotiating meaning. It may be aural, visual or even physical.
communication models
1) linear
- uni directional transfer of a message no feedback
2) interactive
- two way exchange of information includes feedback, contact and noise
3) transactional
- simultaneous communication whereby a message is created between 2 or more people
reasons for limited communicaiton opportunities
limited range of interactions oral/muscualr impairments delays in speech limted language use illness difficulty establishing rapport
advanatges of symbols and photo communication
- can aid pts with communication impairments understand information
- can help people tell you what they need and make choices where people do not communicate verbally or their speech can be hard to understand
- increases independent, self expression and participation