plaque related gingivitus
plaque between teeth
gums sweollen
good OH and scale should resolve in 7days
gingival abscess
only involved in gingival tissue full of pus
infected gingival tissues
viral infection painful red self limiting cold fluid soothing
acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
herpes simplex virus 1
highly contagious
sore painful mouth vesicles which rupture ulcers malaise lymphadenopathy
tx for acute herpetic gingivstomatitis
supportive and symptomatic fluid intake/cold drinsk analgesics anti pyretics topical antiseptics 5% lignocaine m/w naturally self limiting highly infectious
complications of acute herpetic gingvostomatitis
herpetic whitlow
herpetic lesion in eye
herpetic satellite lesions
herpetic encephalomeningitus
reactivation of herpes virus
primary illness leads to infection trigeminal ganglion
likely to reoccur as herpes labialise
HIV associated gingvitus
red bandings around necks of gingivae
acute candida gingivitus
superinfection of candela albicans
candida can be rubbed off will leave red patch
- can be seen in those tho finished course of broad spectrum antibiotic
acute allergic gingivitis types
following systemic adminstrio of drug
direct contact with mouth eg MW
acute allergic gingivitis clinically
red shiny gingiva
loss stippling
acute periodontal disorders
clinical nectorising PD signs
lack papilla inflamed sore bleeding bone loss ulceration (w yellow/grey slough) necrosis of gingival margin pain halitosis
aetiology necrotising PD
opportunistic infection by anaerobes fuso spirocheta complex predisposing factors - compromised immune, defence system smoking stress poor OH
what is a periodontal abcesss
collection of puss in the connective tissue wall of a periodontal pocket
fluctuant swelling
need to be differentiated from periapical abcess/infections (those are associated with necrotic tooth at apex of root)
signs and symptoms of periodontal abcess
swollen tissues, small localised enlargement
red or red/blue
affected tooth tender to bite and TTP
mobile tooth and high in occlusion
perio probing usually reveals presence of deep pocket
can be evidence of a sinus tract draining abcess
aetiology of periodontal abcess
deep perio pocket with active inflammation and micro unlceration
- entry of microorganisms through pocket lining into CT produces abcess
blockage trauam
reduction of host repsonce
periapical vs periodontal abscess
periodontal - periodontal disease deep pocket vital tooth pus in pocket tooth may be extruded
Periapical - non vital acute TTP pus in tissues tooth may be extruded radiograph may show apical change radiograph may show cavity/resto near pilp
,management of periodontal abcess
extraction or retain
if retaining tooth following abcess
drain if fluctuant
topical or local anaesthetic
PMPR if not fluctuant, aim for drainage through pocket
hot salt MW
Antibiotics if systemic involedment
amoxicillin 5 days (with or without metronidazole)
azithromycin 3 days