Spanish Lesson Nine Flashcards
What is the Spanish term for ‘anniversary’?
el aniversario
What is the Spanish term for ‘wedding’?
la boda
What does ‘cumplir años’ mean?
to have a birthday
What is the Spanish term for ‘Christmas’?
la Navidad
Fill in the blank: ‘la _______’ means ‘party’.
What is the Spanish term for ‘guest’?
el/la invitado/a
What does ‘brindar’ mean?
to toast (drink)
What is the Spanish term for ‘sweets; candy’?
los dulces
What is the Spanish term for ‘champagne’?
el champán
What does ‘relajarse’ mean?
to relax
What is the Spanish term for ‘love’?
el amor
What does ‘divorciarse (de)’ mean?
to get divorced (from)
What is the Spanish term for ‘marriage’?
el matrimonio
Fill in the blank: ‘la _______’ means ‘friendship’.
What does ‘enamorarse (de)’ mean?
to fall in love (with)
What is the Spanish term for ‘together’?
What does ‘pasarlo bien/mal’ mean?
to have a good/bad time
What is the Spanish term for ‘newlywed’?
el/la recién casado/a
What does ‘jubilarse’ mean?
to retire (from work)
What is the Spanish term for ‘old age’?
la vejez
What does ‘nacer’ mean?
to be born
What is the Spanish term for ‘birth’?
el nacimiento
What is the Spanish term for ‘ice cream’?
el helado
Fill in the blank: ‘el _______’ means ‘cake’.
What is the Spanish term for ‘cookies’?
las galletas
What does ‘romper (con)’ mean?
to break up (with)
What is the Spanish term for ‘happiness’?
la alegría
What does ‘salir (con)’ mean?
to go out (with); to date
What is the Spanish term for ‘widowed’?
What does ‘sonreír (e:i)’ mean?
to smile
What is the Spanish term for ‘adolescence’?
la adolescencia
What does ‘cambiar (de)’ mean?
to change
What is the Spanish term for ‘youth’?
la juventud
What does ‘divorciado/a’ mean?