Space Flashcards
Government funding should be diverted toward improving the living standard of ordinary people instead of space research
Divert into/to/toward
متمایل بشه یا تغییر جهت بده
The investment in space exploration can be paid off in future
Paid off به نتیجه میرسه
Which can be tackled only by discovering new resources on other planets
Facing An unpredictable resource problem
Have had significant impact
تاثیر بزرگی داشته است
Population growth highlights the need to seek land suitable for
re-settlement off the planet
جست و جوی زمین مناسب( درفضا)
خروج از زمین
Searching for a shelter for future generations
Space programs continue considerably to the well-being of the Earth
مزایای تحقیقات فضایی(not only…but also)
Space research provide a new platform on which scientists can carry out experiments and make discoveries
New platform
بستر جدید
Provide a platform for …
بستر یا سکو
The first result of moon landing is the likelihood of traveling on other planets
امکان یا احتمال مسافرت به …
Reduce the likelihood of serious injury
Using seatbelt
Finding about the unknown of the universe is feasible
ممکن است
Financially feasible
Moon abounds in solar energy which is a clear source of energy
فراوانی داشتن
Minerals are plentiful on the Moon to be exploited
منابع معدنی
Manifold (plentiful)supply of food
Landing on other planets greatly impacts on distant future,although …
Not apparent for the time being
آینده دور
اثراتش برای حال مشهود نیست
In the not too distant future
نه چندان دور
As 21st century Continues to manifold,many technologies have arisen
به جلو میره
(رخ دادن /آشکار شدن)
پدید آمده استhave arisen
Out of the reach of people’s comprehension
فراتر از درک
Are content with current standard of their living
Health problems caused by our sedentary lifestyle
🍀The internet Is directly responsible for
🍀Stress-related diseases are linked to the increasing fierce competition in society as a result technological development
Increase crop yield
میزان محصول
The future of Genetic engineering
Radical new technology
تکنولوژی ریشه ای
To date,there is no compelling evidence to show that genetically modified food has a good track record for human safety
گذشته یک شخص یا یک چیز
track record
Demonstrate that Religion Contribute to Major source of Influenced economic development Infection عفونت Conflict تضاد و تشنج
نشان داد که
Tv often Get blamed for... Respiratory disease تنفسی On the ground that=because. Psychological disorders بیماری روانی Problems that Ensure from... به خاطر چیزی رخ دادن
Prompt s.b to do کسی رو متقاعد به کاری کردن
On account of به خاطر یه مشکل=because of(منفی)
به خاطر because of Owing to So as to On account of (منفی) With the aim of با هدف In order to
With the aim of improving the lives of poor Americans
Motive for murder انگیزه پنهان قتل
Motive behind
In the consequences of…
The court ruled that دادگاه رای داد که…
Due to the absence of teacher
Poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation