SP & ST Patterns Flashcards
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- fatigue, lack of strength*
- low voice/lazy speech
- low appetite
- abdominal distention
- loose stools*
- pale tongue, scalloped edges, white coat
- weak, deficient pulse
SP Qi Vacuity
TX: Boost the Qi, Tonify the SP
SP 3, ST 36, Ren 6, Ren 12
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- bright white facial complexion
- physical cold, cold limbs
- bland taste in mouth
- no thirst
- abdominal distention
- low appetite
- loose stools, diarrhea
- may have edema
- may have clear, thin vaginal discharge
- pale tongue, puffy, white wet coat
- deep, slow, weak, or forcelss pulse
SP Yang Vacuity
TX: Warm the Center, Dispel Cold, Boost SP
Moxa Ren 8, ST 25, SP 15, UB 20, UB 23, Du 20
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- sagging distention in stomach/abdomen
- bearing-down sensation
- distention after eating
- enduring diarrhea
- prolapse of organs (rectum, stomach, uterus, hemorrhoids, etc)
- may have edema/rheum build-up
- weak pulse
- pale, scalloped tongue
Center Qi Fall
TX: Fortify SP, Boost Center Qi, Upbear Yang
SP 6, UB 20, UB 23, ST 36, Du 4
If prolapse: Du 20
If water-rheum: SP 9, Ren 9
Note: SP Qi Vacuity could lead to Center Qi Fall
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- low appetite
- full after small amount food, or full almost right away
- trouble digesting, therefore bloated & uncomfortable after eating
- dry, chapped lips; dry mouth
- complexion lacks luster
- difficulty gaining weight
- wasted, emaciated
- either sluggish bowels (aka constipated) or loose bowels
- weak limbs, lack of strength
- hot feet/hands, five center heat
- yellow urine
- red tongue, little or no coat
- fine, rapid pulse
SP Yin Vacuity
TX: Strengthen SP, Harmonize Center, Nourish Fluids, Restore Yin
SP 3, KD 3 (and/or SP 2, KD 2), ST 36, Ren 4
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- poor appetite
- fatigue, tiredness
- pale, sallow complexion
- loose stools
- tendency towards obesity
- sticky taste/sensation in mouth
- dull, frontal H/A*
- excessive vaginal discharge
- abdominal distention
- weakness of limbs
- poor digestion
- nausea
- feeling of heaviness
- pale, scalloped, greasy tongue coat
- SOGGY pulse*
SP Vacuity with Damp Encumbrance
TX: Boost SP Qi, Resolve Dampness
Ren 12, ST 36, SP 3, SP 6, UB 20, UB 21, SP 9, Ren 9
Note: soggy pulse indicates vacuous condition
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- short duration/acute onset
- fullness in epigastrium/abdomen
- heaviness of body, head
- poor appetite, no thirst
- loose stool, diarrhea
- cold sensation in epigastrium
- bland/sweet taste in mouth, slimy sensation
- scanty urination
- dull white complexion
- excessive white vaginal discharge
- fatigue
- nausea
- edema
- pale tongue, sticky white coat (swollen but no tooth marks)
- slow, SLIPPERY pulse*
Cold Damp Encumbering SP
Note: slippery pulse indicates replete condition
TX: ?
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- all/any of the SP Qi Vacuity s/sx*
- bruises
- blood spots under skin*
- blood in urine, stools, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia
- sallow complexion
- pale tongue
- fine pulse
SP Not Controlling Blood (aka SP Not Managing Blood)
TX: Tonify SP Qi, Stop Bleeding
SP 10, UB 17, SP 1 (moxa)
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- bright yellow body & eyes*
- bitter taste in mouth
- nausea, low appetite
- distention of abdomen
- heavy & fatigued limbs
- yellow urine, sloppy stools*
- red tongue, greasy yellow coat
- rapid, slippery pulse
Damp Heat Brewing In SP
TX: Clear Heat, Disinhibit Damp
GB 34, SP 9, SP 6, ST 44, LI 11
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- discomfort or dull pain in epigastrium*
- pain worse after bowel movement
- pain better after eating, with pressure
- no appetite
- preference for warm food/drinks
- vomiting of clear fluid
- loose stools
- no thirst
- cold limbs
- fatigue
- pale, swollen tongue
- deep, weak pulse
ST Vacuity Cold
TX: Warm Middle Burner, Tonify SP/ST
ST 36, Ren 12, UB 20, UB 21, Ren 6 (moxa on ginger)
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- sudden onset of severe abdominal pain*
- feeling of cold, preferring warmth
- vomiting of clear fluid
- preference for warm fluids
- feeling worse after drinking cold, can vomit after drinking cold*
- no thirst
- thick white tongue coat
- deep, slow tight pulse
ST Repletion Cold
TX: Expel Cold, Warm ST, Stimulate Descending of ST Qi
PC 6, ST 21 (moxa), SP 4, Ren 12, ST 34
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- no appetite
- fullness & distention of epigastrium
- nausea/vomiting
- relief by vomiting*
- foul breath
- acid regurgitation
- belching
- thick tongue coat, white or yellow
- full, slippery pulse
Food Stagnating in ST
TX: Stimulate Descending of ST Qi, Remove/Resolve Food Stagnation
Ren 12, Ren 13, Ren 10, ST 21, ST 44, SP 4
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- hungry, but can only eat small amount (bc not enough moisture)
- thirst, but only crave small sips
- feeling of fullness after eating
- burning stomach
- epigastric pain
- acid reflux
- hiccups
- swelling/pain in gums
- nausea
- dry mouth & tongue
- no appetite
- constipation
- red, peeled tongue in center, or rootless coat
- empty pulse, maybe rapid
ST Yin Vacuity
TX: Nourish ST Yin, Supplement/Engender Fluids
Ren 12, ST 36, SP 6, SP 3, ST 44
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- scorching pain of stomach*
- pain that refuses pressure
- thirst with preference for cold fluids
- acid regurgitation
- very hungry*
- swelling and pain of gums
- bad breath
- scorched lips
- yellow urine
- bound stools
- red tongue, yellow dry coat
- rapid pulse, flooding in right guan
ST Heat/Fire
TX: Drain Fire, Clear ST
ST 44, ST 34, ST 21, Ren 12, Ren 13, LI 11, LI 4
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- nausea
- belching
- hiccough
- vomiting
- difficulty swallowing
- no change in tongue
- wiry or tight pulse
ST Qi Ascending Counterflow
TX: Subdue Rebellious Qi, Stimulate Descending of ST Qi
Ren 13, Ren 10, PC 6, SP 4
how can you tell the difference between SP Yin Vacuity & ST Yin Vacuity?
ST Yin Vacuity: can happen very quickly & may not be a long term thing; could be a febrile disease, since high fever would first damage ST
SP Yin Vacuity: more of a long process; result of long-term internal depletion; someone who has a long history of SP Qi Vacuity (poor T&T) or chronic illness
name 8 Spleen patterns:
1) SP Qi Vacuity
2) SP Yang Vacuity
3) Center Qi Fall
4) SP Yin Vacuity
5) SP Vacuity with Damp Encumbrance
6) Cold Damp Encumbering SP
7) SP Not Controlling Blood
8) Damp Heat Brewing In SP
name 6 Stomach patterns:
1) ST Vacuity Cold
2) ST Repletion Cold
3) Food Stagnating in ST
4) ST Yin Vacuity
5) ST Heat/Fire
6) ST Qi Ascending Counterflow