HT & SI Patterns Flashcards
what are the possible causes for insomnia: difficulty falling asleep?
1) heat - either yin vacuity heat, or repletion heat
2) qi vacuity
what are the possible causes for insomnia: restless or light sleep?
1) blood vacuity (LV blood not holding the hun)
2) yin vacuity
what are the possible causes for insomnia: waking early?
malnourishment of qi or blood
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- heart palpitations
- tendency to be frightened easily
- difficulty FALLING asleep
- forgetfullness
- pale white facial complexion
- fatigued, lazy speech
- spontaneous sweating
- pale tongue, thin coat
- weak, deficient pulse
Heart Qi Vacuity
TX: Supplement & Boost HT Qi
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- easily frightened
- forgetful
- difficulty falling asleep
- bright white facial complexion*
- spontaneous sweating
- fatigued, lazy speech
- edema*
- fear of cold*
- pale, wet tongue coat, white coat
- forceless, slow pulse
Heart Yang Vacuity
TX: Warm HT Yang
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- severe situation*
- dripping sweat
- reverting cold of limbs
- possible stupor
- green blue complexion, lips, tongue
- cannot stick out tongue
- pulse is very faint, almost imperceptible
- pulse is either tight or regularly interrupted
Heart Yang Desertion
TX: Call 911?
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- heart vexation
- insomnia, profuse dreaming*
- forgetfulness
- dizziness*
- white face with no sheen
- pale lips & nails*
- pale white tongue body
- fine, thin pulse
Heart Blood Vacuity
TX: Supplement Blood, Calm the Spirit
SP 6, UB 20, UB 17 to Supplement Blood
HT 7, PC 6, UB 15 to Quiet the Spirit
Note: according to Wiseman this pattern is mostly accompanied by signs of SP Vacuity, and is therefore known as HT-SP Blood Vacuity
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- heart vexation
- insomnia, dream disturbed sleep
- tidal or low fever*
- five center heat*
- night sweats*
- dry lips & throat
- bitter taste in mouth
- yellow urine, dry stools*
- red, dry tongue with no coat, or thin yellow coat
- fine & rapid pulse
Heart Yin Vacuity
TX: Enrich Yin, Calm the Spirit
KD 3 to Enrich Yin
HT 7, PC 6, UB 15 to Quiet the Spirit
Note: according to Wiseman this pattern regularly occurs with KD Yin Vacuity sx, and is therefore known as HT-KD Yin Vacuity
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- red face & lips
- heart vexation, irritable*
- thirst for cold drinks
- concentrated urine
- nasty speech, bitter taste in mouth (jealousy)*
- biomedicine: tongue ulcers, mania or bipolar
- sores & pain on tip of tongue
- red tongue with yellow coat, maybe red prickles
- rapid or racing, strong pulse
Hyperactive Heart Fire
TX: Drain Heart Fire, Relieve Toxicity
HT 7, UB 15, HT 5 to Drain Heart Fire
PC 6, PC 7 to Clear the Heart
Note: HT Fire could spread to SI, cause LV fire, or cause phlegm to disturb the HT
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- dull & stagnant facial complexion
- stifling oppression & pain around Ren 17, maybe referring pain into shoulder, rising into neck, descending into epigastrium/abdomen*
- pain comes & goes
- when pain is severe, the facial complexion is somber white, sweating, cold of limbs
- tongue is dull red with stasis macules/petechiae
- pulse is fine & rough/choppy, regularly interrupted, or can be faint & on verge of imperceptible
Heart Blood Stasis Obstruction
TX: Free the Yang, Transform the Stasis
PC 6, SP 4 to treat HT impediment
HT 8, Ren 17 to loosen chest & open orifices
Note: In biomedicine, this appears as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- emotional disease*
- palpitations
- deafness or ear issues
- pain in lower back
- nocturnal emissions
- night sweating*
- flushed, red face
- insomnia with desire to sleep, but cannot*
- poor memory
- profuse dreaming, nightmares
- laughing and crying for no reason*
- red peeled tongue with redder tip; could have crack in midline that reaches the tip
- floating-empty, rapid pulse
Non Interaction of Heart & Kidneys
TX: Drain Heart Fire
HT 7, UB 15, HT 5 to Drain Heart Fire
Note: this pattern is the combination of HT FIre Flaming Upward and KD Yin Vacuity, and it is one of effulgent yin vacuity fire.
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- mental restlessness, irritability
- violence, justification for actions*
- insomnia with dreams
- mania, paranoia*
- bitter taste in mouth, dark urine
- deranged speech, mumbling to oneself*
- mental depression & dullness of shen*
- in severe cases, aphasia & coma*
- red yellow sticky tongue coat, midline crack with yellow prickles, tip might be redder, swollen with red points
- full-rapid-slippery, or rapid-full-wiry pulse
Phlegm-Fire Harrassing Heart (Kuang)
TX: Clear Heart Fire, Resolve Phlegm, Pacify & Anchor the Mind
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- mental confusion*
- unconsciousness*
- lethargy
- vomiting
- rattling sound in throat*
- aphasia*
- thick, sticky greasy tongue coat, midline crack reaching the tip, swollen
- slippery pulse
Phlegm Misting Heart Orifices (Dian, aka Phlegm Misting the Mind)
TX: Dispel Phlegm, Open Orifices
PC 5, ST 40, Du 26
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- wheezing & panting
- inability to lie flat*
- edema of face & limbs
- bright white or bluish complexion
- water in chest or abdomen*
- cold body, cold limbs
- loose stools
- swollen, enlarged, dusky pale tongue, teethmarks, white greasy coat
- deep, fine forceless or tight or regularly interrupted pulse
- in severe cases: rapid breathing, phlegm drool, coughing & spitting up water phlegm, ashen cheeks, purple lips
Water Qi Intimidating Heart
TX: Fortify Spleen, Warm Kidneys, Free the Flow of Yang, Disinhibit Water
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- lower abdominal twisting pain, which may extend back
- abdominal distention
- pain worse with pressure, worse with cold
- borborygmus, flatulence
- pain relieved with passing wind
- white tongue coat
- deep & wiry pulse
Small Intestine Qi Pain
TX: Move the Qi, Stop Pain, Soften Hardness
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- red face & lips
- heart vexation*
- thirst
- scanty, rough, painful urination, maybe blood*
- red tongue, red tip with yellow coat
- rapid pulse, may be overflowing in cun position
Small Intestine Repletion Heat
TX: Clear Heat, Drain Out Through Urine
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- abdominal pain
- desire for hot drinks
- pain better with pressure*
- borborygmus*
- diarrhea
- pale & copious urination
- pale tongue, white coat
- deep, slow, weak pulse
Small Intestine Vacuity Cold
TX: Warm & Tonify SP & SI, Expel Interior Cold
name 11 Heart patterns:
1) Heart Qi Vacuity
2) Heart Yang Vacuity
3) Heart Yang Desertion
4) Heart Blood Vacuity
5) Heart Yin Vacuity
6) Hyperactive Heart Fire
7) Heart Blood Stasis Obstruction
8) Non Interaction of Heart & Kidneys
9) Phlegm-Fire Harrassing Heart (Kuang)
10) Phlegm Misting Heart Orifices (Dian, aka Phlegm Misting the Mind)
11) Water Qi Intimidating Heart
name 3 SI patterns:
1) Small Intestine Qi Pain
2) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
3) Small Intestine Vacuity Cold