HT & SI Patterns Flashcards
what are the possible causes for insomnia: difficulty falling asleep?
1) heat - either yin vacuity heat, or repletion heat
2) qi vacuity
what are the possible causes for insomnia: restless or light sleep?
1) blood vacuity (LV blood not holding the hun)
2) yin vacuity
what are the possible causes for insomnia: waking early?
malnourishment of qi or blood
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- heart palpitations
- tendency to be frightened easily
- difficulty FALLING asleep
- forgetfullness
- pale white facial complexion
- fatigued, lazy speech
- spontaneous sweating
- pale tongue, thin coat
- weak, deficient pulse
Heart Qi Vacuity
TX: Supplement & Boost HT Qi
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- easily frightened
- forgetful
- difficulty falling asleep
- bright white facial complexion*
- spontaneous sweating
- fatigued, lazy speech
- edema*
- fear of cold*
- pale, wet tongue coat, white coat
- forceless, slow pulse
Heart Yang Vacuity
TX: Warm HT Yang
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- severe situation*
- dripping sweat
- reverting cold of limbs
- possible stupor
- green blue complexion, lips, tongue
- cannot stick out tongue
- pulse is very faint, almost imperceptible
- pulse is either tight or regularly interrupted
Heart Yang Desertion
TX: Call 911?
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- heart vexation
- insomnia, profuse dreaming*
- forgetfulness
- dizziness*
- white face with no sheen
- pale lips & nails*
- pale white tongue body
- fine, thin pulse
Heart Blood Vacuity
TX: Supplement Blood, Calm the Spirit
SP 6, UB 20, UB 17 to Supplement Blood
HT 7, PC 6, UB 15 to Quiet the Spirit
Note: according to Wiseman this pattern is mostly accompanied by signs of SP Vacuity, and is therefore known as HT-SP Blood Vacuity
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- heart vexation
- insomnia, dream disturbed sleep
- tidal or low fever*
- five center heat*
- night sweats*
- dry lips & throat
- bitter taste in mouth
- yellow urine, dry stools*
- red, dry tongue with no coat, or thin yellow coat
- fine & rapid pulse
Heart Yin Vacuity
TX: Enrich Yin, Calm the Spirit
KD 3 to Enrich Yin
HT 7, PC 6, UB 15 to Quiet the Spirit
Note: according to Wiseman this pattern regularly occurs with KD Yin Vacuity sx, and is therefore known as HT-KD Yin Vacuity
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- red face & lips
- heart vexation, irritable*
- thirst for cold drinks
- concentrated urine
- nasty speech, bitter taste in mouth (jealousy)*
- biomedicine: tongue ulcers, mania or bipolar
- sores & pain on tip of tongue
- red tongue with yellow coat, maybe red prickles
- rapid or racing, strong pulse
Hyperactive Heart Fire
TX: Drain Heart Fire, Relieve Toxicity
HT 7, UB 15, HT 5 to Drain Heart Fire
PC 6, PC 7 to Clear the Heart
Note: HT Fire could spread to SI, cause LV fire, or cause phlegm to disturb the HT
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- dull & stagnant facial complexion
- stifling oppression & pain around Ren 17, maybe referring pain into shoulder, rising into neck, descending into epigastrium/abdomen*
- pain comes & goes
- when pain is severe, the facial complexion is somber white, sweating, cold of limbs
- tongue is dull red with stasis macules/petechiae
- pulse is fine & rough/choppy, regularly interrupted, or can be faint & on verge of imperceptible
Heart Blood Stasis Obstruction
TX: Free the Yang, Transform the Stasis
PC 6, SP 4 to treat HT impediment
HT 8, Ren 17 to loosen chest & open orifices
Note: In biomedicine, this appears as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- emotional disease*
- palpitations
- deafness or ear issues
- pain in lower back
- nocturnal emissions
- night sweating*
- flushed, red face
- insomnia with desire to sleep, but cannot*
- poor memory
- profuse dreaming, nightmares
- laughing and crying for no reason*
- red peeled tongue with redder tip; could have crack in midline that reaches the tip
- floating-empty, rapid pulse
Non Interaction of Heart & Kidneys
TX: Drain Heart Fire
HT 7, UB 15, HT 5 to Drain Heart Fire
Note: this pattern is the combination of HT FIre Flaming Upward and KD Yin Vacuity, and it is one of effulgent yin vacuity fire.
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- mental restlessness, irritability
- violence, justification for actions*
- insomnia with dreams
- mania, paranoia*
- bitter taste in mouth, dark urine
- deranged speech, mumbling to oneself*
- mental depression & dullness of shen*
- in severe cases, aphasia & coma*
- red yellow sticky tongue coat, midline crack with yellow prickles, tip might be redder, swollen with red points
- full-rapid-slippery, or rapid-full-wiry pulse
Phlegm-Fire Harrassing Heart (Kuang)
TX: Clear Heart Fire, Resolve Phlegm, Pacify & Anchor the Mind
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- mental confusion*
- unconsciousness*
- lethargy
- vomiting
- rattling sound in throat*
- aphasia*
- thick, sticky greasy tongue coat, midline crack reaching the tip, swollen
- slippery pulse
Phlegm Misting Heart Orifices (Dian, aka Phlegm Misting the Mind)
TX: Dispel Phlegm, Open Orifices
PC 5, ST 40, Du 26
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- palpitations
- wheezing & panting
- inability to lie flat*
- edema of face & limbs
- bright white or bluish complexion
- water in chest or abdomen*
- cold body, cold limbs
- loose stools
- swollen, enlarged, dusky pale tongue, teethmarks, white greasy coat
- deep, fine forceless or tight or regularly interrupted pulse
- in severe cases: rapid breathing, phlegm drool, coughing & spitting up water phlegm, ashen cheeks, purple lips
Water Qi Intimidating Heart
TX: Fortify Spleen, Warm Kidneys, Free the Flow of Yang, Disinhibit Water
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- lower abdominal twisting pain, which may extend back
- abdominal distention
- pain worse with pressure, worse with cold
- borborygmus, flatulence
- pain relieved with passing wind
- white tongue coat
- deep & wiry pulse
Small Intestine Qi Pain
TX: Move the Qi, Stop Pain, Soften Hardness