LU & LI Patterns Flashcards
what is the #1 sign of a Lung pathology? what are other indications?
- cough is #1 sign
- sneezing, wheezing, SOB, rhinitis, onset of sinusitis are also indications of Lung pathology
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- cough
- fever
- aversion to cold, sneezing*
- itchy/scratchy throat*
- runny nose/stuffed nose, clear watery phlegm
- occipital headache (Tai Yang connection)
- body aches
- thin white coat, or no change in tongue
- floating, tight pulse = cold damage*
- floating, moderate pulse = wind strike*
Wind-Cold Fettering the Lung
TX: Release the Exterior, Scatter Cold, Boost Lung Qi
LU 7, UB 12, UB 13, Du 16 (dispels wind)
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- cough
- fever
- aversion to cold/wind
- sore throat*
- thirst
- stuffed/runny nose with yellow mucus
- headache
- body aches
- slight sweating
- swollen tonsils
- tongue could be red on tip or sides, thin white/yellow coat
- floating, rapid pulse*
TX: Release the Exterior, Clear Heat, Boost Lung Qi
LI 4, LI 11, LU 11, Du 14, UB 12, UB 13, Du 16, GB 20; bleed LU 11 or LU 10 for sore throat
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- dry cough with sticky phlegm, or none*
- dry mouth, nose, throat*
- chest pain when cough is severe
- thin yellow tongue coat, red tip, dry overall
- floating, rapid pulse
Dryness Evil Invading the Lung
TX: Clear Lung, Moisten Dryness (and maybe Resolve the Exterior)
LU 7, KD 6, LU 9
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- dry cough
- fever
- thirst
- chest pain*
- rapid breathing
- yellow or blood streaked phlegm*
- dry red tongue, yellow coat
- rapid pulse
Dryness-Heat Damaging Lung
TX: Clear Heat, Moisten Dryness, Supplement LU
LU 6 (Xi Cleft), LU 8 (Horary)
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- cough
- labored breathing/panting
- copious clear & thin white phlegm*
- possible chest oppression or palpitations
- white slimy tongue coat*
- slippery pulse if pure excess condition
- weak & floating pulse if person is constitutionally Qi Deficient leading to this pattern (this could be an example of combination repletion & vacuity)
Phlegm Turbidity Obstructing the Lung
TX: Resolve Phlegm, Restore Lung Function
LU 5, LU 7, LU 1, Ren 17, ST 40, PC 6, Ren 22, Ren 12, Ren 9, UB 13, UB 20
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- barking cough
- profuse yellow, green or dark & foul smelling phlegm
- oppressive feeling in chest
- red body, thick-sticky yellow coat
- slippery-rapid-full pulse
Phlegm Heat Obstructing Lung
TX: Resolve Phlegm, Clear Heat, Restore LU Descending Function
LU 5, LU 7, LU 10, LI 11, LU 1, UB 13, Ren 12, ST 40
Note: Phlegm Fire is a HT pattern, while Phlegm Heat is a LU pattern
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- cough
- panting/labored breathing
- foamy phlegm
- cannot lie flat*
- no thirst or little thirst
- inhibited urination (bc cold is inhibiting urination)
- white, greasy tongue
- string-like, tight
- if due to invasion of exterior cold: also aversion to cold, body aches, floating pulse
Water Cold Shooting Into Lung
Tx: Warm the LU (and SP & KD), Transform Rheum
LU 9, UB 13, UB 20, UB 23, Ren 3, Ren 9, SP 9
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- weak cough
- weak voice, lazy speech
- fatigue, lack of strength
- spontaneous sweating
- thin phlegm
- maybe gets sick often
- pale tongue, thin coat
- weak pulse
Lung Qi Vacuity
TX: Supplement & Boost Lung Qi
LU 9, LU 7, Ren 6, UB 13, Du 12 (good for chronic cases), ST 36
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- dry cough, little sticky phlegm; could have blood*
- low grade fever in afternoon
- feeling hot in afternoon, evening
- malar flush
- night sweating
- hoarse voice*
- dry mouth, throat
- yellow urine, dry stools
- red tongue, peeled or no coat, cracks in LU area, dry
- thin, rapid
Lung Yin Vacuity
TX: Tonify LU Yin, Nourish Fluids, Clear Empty Heat
LU 9, Ren 17, UB 13, UB 42, Du 12, Ren 4, LU 7, KD 6.
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- dry stools, difficult to pass*
- dry mouth, throat*
- distention of abdomen
- red tongue, scanty coat
- fine, rough pulse
- dry tongue, may be pale, if due to blood xu
- note: most often will occur in older people, especially those who are thin, whithered
LI Humor Depletion
TX: Promote Fluids
ST 36, SP 6, KD 6, Ren 4
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- thin diarrhea
- sensation of fatigue, emptiness after moving bowels
- reduced food intake
- cold limbs, aching in low back
- intolerance to cold
- thin coat, pale
- weak, deep pulse
LI Vacuity Cold (though in most cases you would call this pattern SP Yang Vacuity)
TX: Warm & Supplement Yang
Moxa: Fu Zi cake on Ren 8, ST 37, ST 36, Ren 6, ST 25*, UB 20
Note: BM worse after release indicates vacuity
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- abdominal pain
- blood, mucus
- diarrhea that is ungratifying
- urgency to move bowels
- foul smelling stools
- burning in anus
- dark urine
- sticky yellow tongue coat, red body
- slippery, rapid pulse
LI Damp Heat
TX: Clear Heat, Resolve Dampness
SP 9, SP 6, Ren 3, UB 22, ST 25, UB 25, UB 17, Ren 12, LI 11, ST 37, UB 20
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- constipation with dry stools
- abdominal pain, worse with pressure
- dry tongue
- burning anus, could have swelling
- dark, scanty concentrated urine
- thick yellow or dry brown/black tongue coat
- full, rapid pulse
LI Heat Bind (like Yang Ming Bowel Pattern)
TX: CLear Heat from LI & ST, Free Stool
SJ 6, LI 4, LI 11, ST 37, ST 44, LI 2, SP 6, KD 6, Ren 12, ST 25
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- constipation (could be from eating too many cold foods or drinking too many cold drinks)
- bland taste in mouth
- pale tongue, not a lot of coating
- stringlike (wiry) deep pulse
LI Cold Bind
TX: Warm the LI
name 9 Lung patterns:
1) Wind-Cold Fettering the LU
2) Wind-Heat
3) Dryness Evil Invading the LU
4) Dryness-Heat Damaging the LU
5) Phlegm Turbidity Obstructing LU
6) Phlegm Heat Obstructing LU
7) Water Cold Shooting Into LU
8) LU Qi Vacuity
9) LU Yin Vacuity
name 5 Large Intestine patterns:
1) LI Humor Depletion
2) LI Vacuity Cold (SP Yang Vacuity)
3) LI Damp Heat
4) LI Heat Bind
5) LI Cold Bind