Qi, Blood, Fluid Patterns Flashcards
what are the pathologies of Qi?
1) Qi Vacuity
2) Qi Collapse
3) Qi Desertion
4) Qi Stagnation
5) Qi Depression
6) Qi Counterflow
what are the pathologies of Blood?
1) Blood Vacuity
2) Blood Stasis
3) Blood Heat
4) Bleeding Pattern
what are the simultaneous Qi & Blood patterns?
1) Dual Vacuity of Qi & Blood
2) Qi Stagnation & Blood Stasis
3) Qi Vacuity Blood Loss pattern
4) Qi Deserting with Blood patern
what are pathologies of body fluids?
1) Insufficiency of Body Fluids
2) Collection & Stagnation of Body Fluids
what are the wind phlegm patterns?
1) Externally Contracted Disease
2) Internally Engendered Wind Phlegm
what are the phlegm patterns?
1) Phlegm Heat
2) Phlegm Cold
3) Phlegm Damp
what are the rheum patterns?
1) Phlegm Rheum
2) Suspended Rheum
3) Spillage Rheum
4) Propping Rheum
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- fatigue, or general low energy
- low appetite
- low voice / disinclined to speak
- weak limbs
- loose stool or weak cough
- spontaneous sweat
- pale, scalloped tongue
- deficient, weak pulse
Qi Vacuity
TX: Tonify, Boost, Support, Supplement
these s/sx indicate Qi Vacuity of which organ?
- low voice
- spontaneous sweat (during day)
these s/sx indicate Qi Vacuity of which organ?
- palpitations
these s/sx indicate Qi Vacuity of which organ?
- generalized body weakness
- low appetite
- loose stool
these s/sx indicate Qi Vacuity of which organ?
- dizziness, light-headed
- holding problems, so leakage of urine, sperm, vaginal discharge
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- abdomen is sagging, distended
- sore low back
- prolapse of organs
- herniated disc / disc prolapse
Qi Collapse
TX: Supplement the Qi
Du 20
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- spirit is clouded, confusion
- sweating
- cold limbs
- fainting, coma, collapsing, going into shock
- shen may be gone (momentarily)
- faint pulse
Qi Desertion
Note: this can happen when Qi Vacuity is very serious or enduring
TX: emergency situation: call 911, remove needles, elevate feet, use revival points like Du 26
these s/sx are which pattern, what are the causes, how do you Tx?
- pain that comes & goes
- wiry pulse
- sighing, belching, flatulence
- tendency to get very angry, but is open about it
- wriy pulse
Qi Stagnation
Caused by the 6 stagnations: blood, phlegm, fire, cold, food, damp
TX: Resolve, Invigorate, Move
these s/sx are which pattern, what are the causes, how do you Tx?
- anger that is more suppressed and passive-aggressive
- constrained pulse
Qi Depression
Caused by Qi, Blood, Yin, or Yang Deficiency (not enough vitality underneath to move the Qi)
TX: Dredge
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- coughing
- vomiting, nausea
Qi Counterflow
these sx indicate Qi Counterflow of which organ? what is its normal direction?
- belching
- hiccough
- nausea, vomiting
Normal direction is downward
these sx indicate Qi Counterflow of which organ? what is its normal direction?
- diarrhea
- prolapse
Normal direction is upward
these sx indicate Qi Counterflow of which organ? what is its normal direction?
- headache, dizzy, irritable (excessively upward counterflow)
- dry stool (horizontal counterflow to ST)
- diarrhea (horizontal counterflow to SP)
- burning urination (downward counterflow)
Normal direction is upward
these sx indicate Qi Counterflow of which organ? what is its normal direction?
- cough
- asthma
Normal direction is downward
these sx indicate Qi Counterflow of which organ? what is its normal direction?
- asthma
Normal direction is downward
these sx indicate Qi Counterflow of which organ? what is its normal direction?
- restlessness
- insomnia
Normal direction is downward
what are the causes of Qi Counterflow? what is the TX?
- external contraction of 6 evils
- dietary irregularities
- phlegm, which obstructs free flow of qi
- shen damage
TX: Harmonize the organ
these s/sx are which pattern, what are the causes, how do you Tx?
- white-drained face, or pale complexion
- pale lips & nails
- dry, brittle skin, hair, nails
- red & white striped conjunctiva
- dizziness
- flowery vision
- heart palpitations
- insomnia
- numbness in hands, feet (though it can be anywhere)
- amenorrhea, or pale, shortened periods
- pale tongue
- fine, thin pulse
Blood Vacuity
TX: Supplement the Blood
SP 6, SP 10, UB 20, LV 8
For HT Blood Xu: HT 7, PC 6
For LV Blood Xu: UB 18, GB 34, LV 3
For menstrual irregularities: SP 8, Ren 6, Sp 6, Ren 4, Sp 4, ST 29
Caused by: SP vacuity, insufficient nutrition, malnourishment, long term disease, bleeding or loss of blood, blood stasis, qi stagnation, qi vacuity
these s/sx are which pattern, what are the causes, how do you Tx?
- swelling & distention or creation of lumps
- pain that refuses pressure
- sharp, fixed pain*
- blue-purple, dark complexion
- dusky complexion
- dry scaly skin
- blood clots, dark bleeding
- dysmenorrhea: really painful periods
- spider veins or stasis marks anywhere
- blue-purple lips
- stasis macules on tongue, dark petechia
- distention of SLV, purple or dark blue
- fine, rough, choppy, bound, regularly interrupted pulse
Blood Stasis
TX: Invigorate, Resolve, or Move the Blood (Blood Stasis is a branch, so need to also diagnose and treat the root)
LV 2, UB 60, LV 3, SP 8, LI 11, SP 6, PC 6 to transform stasis
Caused by: cold, heat, Qi or Blood Deficiency, Qi Stagnation
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- fever, worse at night
- heart vexation & agitation
- maybe crazy behavior
- bleeding
- menses may come early, be deep red, be copious
- red, crimson tongue
- rapid pulse
Blood Heat
TX: Stop Bleeding
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- coughing blood (hemoptysis)
- spitting blood
- nosebleed (epistaxis)
- blood in urine (hematuria)
- blood in stool (hemafaecia)
- flooding of menses
- signs will vary because reason behind bleeding will vary
Bleeding Pattern
TX: Stop Bleeding!
Note: not really a pattern, so important to diagnose the cause and address it
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- lack of strength
- exhaustion
- anemia
- lusterless facial complexion
- pale-colored nails
- dizzy head
- ## palpitation
Dual Vacuity of Qi & Blood
TX: Supplement Qi & Blood
Supplement Qi: SP 6, ST 36, Ren 4, Ren 6
Supplement Blood: SP 10, UB 20, UB 17
these s/sx are which pattern, how do you Tx?
- absence of menstruation
- stasis clots in menstrual blood
- abdominal pain during menstruation
- painful distention of breasts
- chronic nephritis or ulcers
Qi Stagnation & Blood Stasis
TX: Rectify Qi, Invigorate Blood, Dispel Stasis
how do you Tx Qi Vacuity Blood Loss Pattern?
TX: Tonify Qi, Stop Bleeding
these s/sx are which pattern, what are the causes, how do you Tx?
- sudden loss of a lot of blood
- pale, white complexion; dull
- cold of limbs
- heavy sweating - sweat like pearls of oil in extreme
- shen is dull, clouded
- could have vexation and agitation, followed by clouding
- pale white tongue
- hollow pulse, or fine, weak and forceless, or faint/unable to feel
Qi Deserting with Blood pattern
TX: Supplement Qi, Secure the Desertion, Return the Yang, Rescue Counterflow
Emergency acupuncture tx: ST 36 moxa, Du 26, Du 20, KD 1
Stop Bleeding: SP 1, SP 10
Result of: major blood loss where original qi, deprived of support from blood, becomes vacuous and deserts
these s/sx are which pattern, what are the causes, how do you Tx?
- dry throat, dry lips
- dry skin
- emaciation of body
- heart vexation
- dry cough, hoarse voice
- dry nose & eyes
- scanty red urination
- dry bound stools
- dry tongue
- rapid, fine pulse
Insufficiency of Body Fluids
TX: Increase & Supplement Fluids (depends on where there is dryness - e.g. in LU, in ST, in intestines)
Caused by: insufficient production of fluids, external contraction of heat/fire, loss of blood, vomiting, diarrhea, copious urination, incorrect treatment, old age, or weakness
these s/sx are which pattern?
- water swelling / puffiness in flesh or limbs
- drum distention / ascites - water accumulating in abdomen
- water-damp encumbering the SP: when fluids collect in middle jiao
Collection & Stagnation of Body Fluids
these s/sx are which Wind Phlegm pattern, what is the etiology, how do you Tx?
- aversion to wind/cold
- fever
- floating pulse
- cough
- phlegm with cough, easy to expectorate*
Externally Contracted Disease
TX: Resolve the Exterior, Diffuse the LU, Dispel the Pathogen
Etiology: contraction of W-C causing LU to lose its ability to diffuse, so phlegm affects LU
these s/sx are which Wind Phlegm pattern, what is the etiology, how do you Tx?
- acute condition
- phlegm in throat
- dizziness
- numbness of skin, hands, feet
- hypertonicity of limbs, or spasms (e.g. stroke patient)
- deviated mouth, eyes
- stiffness of tongue
- severe cases: paralysis, clouding of spirit, convulsions, vomiting of phlegm
- white, greasy tongue coat
- string-like (wiry) and slippery pulse
Internally Engendered Wind Phlegm
TX: Subdue Wind, Transform Phlegm
Etiology: excess pattern but at root a deficiency condition; possibly long term SP vacuity resulting in formation of dampness, plus extra spark that makes dampness phlegm; could also be long term pathology or inappropriate treatment leading to SP deficiency
these s/sx are which Phlegm pattern, how do you Tx?
- fever
- cough
- yellow phlegm, thick, difficult to cough out*
- chest pain
- heart vexation
- thirst*
- yellow-red urine*
- dry, bound stool
- red tongue, greasy yellow coat
- slippery, rapid pulse
TX: Clear Heat, Transform Phlegm
these s/sx are which Phlegm pattern, how do you Tx?
- physical cold, cold limbs
- aversion to cold, preference for warmth
- cough
- clear, thin or white phlegm*
- bland taste in mouth
- no thirst
- clear & copious urination*
- loose stools
- pale tongue with white greasy coat
- deep slippery or deep slow pulse
TX: Warm & Transform Cold Phlegm
these s/sx are which Phlegm pattern, how do you Tx?
- fullness, oppression of chest & stomach*
- generalized heaviness*
- fatigue
- low appetite
- nausea
- cough with copious phlegm, easy to spit*
- clear urine
- thin & loose stools
- tenesmus
- pale, puffy tongue, thick white greasy coat
- soggy, moderate pulse
TX: Dry Dampness, Transform Phlegm
Note: No pattern of Dampness in LU, but “Phlegm-Damp” can affect LU. Dampness in LU is called “rheum.”
these s/sx are which Rheum pattern, how do you Tx?
- fullness & distention of chest, ribside, abdomen
- vomiting of phlegm-drool
- clear, thin phlegm
- reduced appetite
- borborygmus* (primary sign)
- bland taste in mouth
- no thirst
- dizziness
- palpitations
- thin, loose stools
- pale tongue, white greasy/shiny coat
- string-like & slippery pulse
Phlegm Rheum
TX: Warm & Transform Phlegm-Rheum
these s/sx are which Phlegm pattern, how do you Tx?
- glomus (fullness) and distention of chest & ribside
- cough with spittle that causes pain in ribs* (primary sign)
- dry throat
- rapid breathing
- low appetite
- loose stools
- white shiny coat
- deep, string-like pulse
Suspended Rheum
TX: Expel Water Rheum
Note: glomus means lack of communication between upper & middle jiaos
these s/sx are which Phlegm pattern, how do you Tx?
- deep heaviness & pain of limbs* (primary sign)
- puffy swelling* (also primary sign)
- a lot of water flooding downward
- cough, panting
- white phlegm
- fever
- cold body, no sweating
- inhibited urination
- white tongue coat
- tight pulse
Spillage Rheum
TX: Warm the Yang, Disinhibit Water
KD 7, SP 9
Other names for this pattern could be: Tai Yang Bowel Water Amassment pattern and KD Yang Vacuity
these s/sx are which Phlegm pattern, how do you Tx?
- inability to lie flat* (primary sign)
- coughing, panting*
- chest fullness
- stomach glomus
- swollen appearance of face & eyes
- swelling does not recover for a long time, worse in cold conditions
- inhibited urination
- white greasy tongue
- string-like and slippery pulse, or string-like & tight
Propping Rheum
TX: Drain the LU, Expel Phlegm (if there is additional exterior patter: Resolve Exterior, Transform Rheum)
Other names for this pattern could be Water Qi Intimidating the HT (palpitations), and Cold Water Shooting Into LU (no palpitatios