S.P 8 Flashcards
A chrochadh
Hurling team
Bhfoireann iomana
Hurling league
Tsraith iomana est
New players
Imreorí nua
Im no Time at all
I bhfaiteadh na súl
All over
At fud
Upper hand
An lamb in uachtar
He congratulated them
Deanann sé comhghairdeas leis
Two students
Beirt scoláire
Outide the college
Lasmuigh den cholaiste
The notice was hanging on the wall saying that .. new player looking for the hurling team for the hurling league
Tá fogra á chrochadh ar an mballa ag rá go bhfuil imreorí nua a lorg ag an bhfoireann iomána done tsraith iomána
Ross confirms to alex that he has interest playing with the team
Cintíonn ross le alex go bhfuil speis aige imirt leis an bhfoireann
We see the boys training away
Feictear na buachailli i mbun traenala
He sajd that it was a great year and great work done by them
Deir sé go bhfuil bhliain iontach agus an-obair deanta acu
There are notices up all over the school
Cuirtear fograí suas ar fud na scoile
Colaiste eoin got the upper hand of..
Fuair cholaiste eoin an lamh in uachtar ar..
They won
Bhuaigh siad
It was a tight game
Cluiche teann a bhí ann
The team and principle gathered infront of the school
Tá an fhoireann agus an príomhoide na scoile go léir bailithe os comhair na scoile