Sources of prejudice Flashcards
Prejudice is:
A negative attitude and effective response toward a group and it’s members
Clark and Clark found what?
That children internalize prejudice at an early age
Beliefs that certain attributes are characteristic of particular groups are
Devine’s award-winning dissertation on stereotypes found that:
high and low prejudice people are both equally familiar with ST’s
Stereotype activation wasn’t related to having higher prejudice when primed with a stereotype
Those who are low in prejudice DO activate the stereotype but override it.
Being cognitively fatigued is related to stereotype use in decision-making.
Discrimination is
Unfair treatment based on the membership of a particular group.
3 tenets of Modern Racism
Denying discrimination still exists
Resentment of the demands for equal treatment
Resentment about concessions made to marginalized groups
Rejecting overtly racist beliefs, but still holding an enduring prejudice
Aversive racism
avoidance of outgroup members and subtle discrimination
behavioural consequence of aversive racism
What are 3 ways to empirically study prejudice?
Self-report (weak)
Creating groups in the lab (Minimal Group Paradigm)
What is the Minimal Group Paradigm?
forming groups based on trivial categories and testing the effects
(we still show in-group bias because we are stupid monkeys on a giant space rock ;)
What are 3 types of Stereotype Causes?
Name and explain a theory related to economic stereotype cause
Realistic Conflict Theory: competition between groups is fueled by limited resources
Reducing inter-group conflict can be achieved by
introducing a super-ordinate goal
Social identity theory
- we have social and personal identities and favour ingroups, and derogate outgroups to enhance our self-esteem
What totally unethical and non-consensual study did Jane Elliot conduct? What happened?
Told 3rd grade students that superiority was based on blue eye colour and switched it the next day.
The kids quickly formed groups based on this and taunted out group members.
BIRGing is
Basking in reflected glory
Explain the 1997 work of Fein and Spencer on in/out groups.
One group given pos feedback on intelligence
One group given neg feedback
Pos group rated in/out groups equally and had no change in self-esteem
Neg group went hard on outgroup members and showed a rise in self-esteem afterwards
When we experience a drop in self-esteem, we can
react by self-affirm
Downward compare
make external attribution about failure
What did Macrae et al discover about cognitve perspectives for prejudice?
Stereotypes and the Conservation of Cognitive Resources
We use stereotypes (heuristics) as a way to save mental effort
(Macrae et al 1994), priming with a stereotype freed up cog resources and improved recall of facts.
Define and explain Illusory Correlations
- Distinct events are more likely remembered
- can be over-repped in memory leading to easier recall (availability heuristic)
Members of minority groups are by nature more distinct
Negative events are also more distinctive
“We associate minority members with negative events more easily and are more sensitive to the neg events involving those members)”
Moderately counter-stereotypical people are often discounted as outliers and don’t affect our views.
False (Kunda and Olseson 1997) found that extreme counter-stereotypical had almost no effect on stereotype impression.
When we encounter somebody who violates our stereotype, we can?
Revise our stereotype (cog taxing)
subtype as a special case
What happened in Greenwald et al’s study on racial prejudice?
People were more likely to “shoot” a black male holding a harmless object
Authoritarian personalities are more likely to
have ethnocentric attitudes
submissive respect for their ingroups
hold punitive attitudes.
People on both extremes of the political spectrum share which tendencies?
catastrophizing events, dehumanizing the other side and seeking control
Conforming to social norms is correlated with
being more prejudiced