Source Revision: Reasons for Emancipation Flashcards
Historian Views
- Fields, actions of the Black people themselves put pressure on Lincoln to issue a proclamation recognising the legality of the circumstances.
- Stampp, Lincoln was reluctant to emancipate the slaves, but the war demanded such drastic action.
Military advantages
Southern economy based on slavery — emancipation would potentially weaken the South’s ability to fight.
International Relations
Emancipation would ensure that the war remained a domestic conflict and the south couldn’t receive supplies from abroad.
Pressures regarding treatment of runaway slaves put pressures on Lincoln to decide a definitive way to treat them.
Lincoln’s administration was under constant pressure from Abolitionists to introduce emancipation.
Political Pressures
Radical Republicans put considerable pressure on Lincoln. There were a number of differing reasons for their view, but all agreed that it would weaken the Southern war effort.
Emancipation would provide a psychological and ideological boost for North and a blow to the South
Need of Soldiers
As the war dragged on, recruitment was always an issue for the Union. White volunteers were less willing thus emancipation would make wide scale use of Black people as soldiers more acceptable.
War measure
Lincoln didn’t have the power to abolish slavery so he was under pressure to make it a war aim/measure
Black Soldiers fighting
Lincoln was under pressure to allow black northerners to fight by people like Douglass. It would help north & damage south.
All of them
- Military Advantages
- International Relations
- Contraband
- Abolition
- Political Pressures
- Ideology
- Need of Soldiers
- War Measures
- Black Soldiers fighting