NvS/Slavery Essay Plan Flashcards
- Sectionalism
- Slavery
- Societies
- P1 Industry/Farming, Beards + Potter
- P2 Population/Wealth in Society, McPherson + Farmer + Grant
- P3 Slavery/Tariffs, Farmer + Craven
P1: Industry/Farming
North Industrialising
- 140,000 Factories in US by 1850, 50% of that in NE
- 1860 Massachusetts produced more manufactured goods than all of Confederate states together
- South produced 10% of manufactured goods
South Agrarian:
- Centre of plantation farming
- Southern crops made up 3/5 of total US exports
- 20,000 factories in South by 1850 R
- C&M Beard argued that sections were divided into an industrial north and an agrarian south.
- David Potter argued there was no economic gulf between the North and South
P2: Population/Wealth in Society
- Urbanisation happened due to population growth
- 1/30 foriegn born in North
- James McP “highest rate of urbanisation in American history”
- Non agricultural pursuits grew from 21% to 45%
- Half a million new farms came into production R
- Wealthiest 10% of N owned 68% of wealth
- Wealthiest 10% of S owned 65% of wealth
- Farmer “Both N&S whites lived in a stratified society in which there were great inequalities in status”
- Grant “Wealthy held political power and wielded social and political influence in both sections”
P3: Slavery/Tariffs
- Cotton Gin 1793 Eli Whitney
- Cotton from south in 1850’s accounted for 77% of the 800 million pounds of cotton used in Britain
- South pushed for free trade as North were making money off southern cotton due to tariffs
- Farmer “inevitably, much of the profits from ‘King Cotton ended up in Yankee pockets.”
- Avery Craven argued that the south had the same levels of economic enterprise as North.