Sound Flashcards
What are the three elements of sound?
Sound effects, dialogue and music (score)
What is diegetic sound?
Sound that comes from within the film world and can be heard by the characters.
What is extradiegetic sound?
This is sound that cannot be heard within the film world and can only be heard by the audience.
What is ambient sound?
This is background noise.
What is pleonastic sound?
This refers to exaggerated sounds.
What is synchronus sound and what is parallel sound?
This is when the audio matches what is happenning on screen and parallel sound is when it matches the mood or tone of the scene.
What is asynchronus sound?
This is audio that does not match with the visuals.
What is direct sound?
This is sound recorded at the time of filming.
What is post synchronus sound?
This is when dialogue and sound effects are recorded after filming and synchronized with the picture during post-production.
What is a sound bridge?
This is an editing technique that uses sound to trasition from one scene to another.
What is a sonic flashback?
This is when sound from an earlier scene of the film is used in a later scene.
What is foley sound?
These are sound effects that are made and recorded during post-production.
What is mickey mousing?
This is a technique where both the action and music are in sync and this is usually done for comedy purposes.
What is atonal sound?
This is music that doesn’t have a tune or harmony.
What is a leitmotif?
This is recurring musical theme used throughout. It is usually associated with a particular character, setting or emotional theme.
What is contrapuntal sound?
This is sound that goes againts what the audience sees on screen and it is usually done for comedy purposes.
What do we have to consider when looking at dialogue?
The texture/tone, the accent, the flow and the dialect.