Mise en scene Flashcards
What is the rule of thirds?
The process of dividing a still up into thirds.
What is a balanced composition?
When neither element of the still overpowers the other.
What is an unbalanced composition?
If one side of the shot stands out more than the other whether having more objects/people or use of shadows etc.
What is symmetry?
When the two halves of the image mirror each other.
What is asymmetry?
When the two halves of the image are different
What is deep space?
When significant elements in the composition are positioned both near and far from the camera.
What is shallow space?
This is when the composition is mostly two-dimensional as the subject close to the camera, with nothing of significance in the background.
What is off screen space?
This is space that is imagined but not seen by the audience.
What are the elements of msie en scene?
Compostion, setting & props and hair, makeup & costume.
What is mise en scene?
It is a french phrase meaning placing on stage.
What are the elements of mise en scene?
Composition, Setting & Props, Costume, Hair & Makeup and Facial Expression & Body Language.
What is the three point lighting system?
fil light, key light and backlight
What is the technical name for bright lighting?
High key lighting
What is the name for lighting that has strong light and shadow?
Chiarscuro lighting
What is the name for intensity of colour?
What does the costume, hair and makeup tell us about the characters?
Characters personality, status, job. It can tell us how a person is feeling, whether the film is set in the past, present or furture and the society/culture the film revolves around. The costume can signify a change in a character