Editing Flashcards
What are the key points of editing?
The order of shots, the juxtaposition of shots and the rythm and pace of shots.
What is a shot reverse shot?
This is a continuity editing technique which involves two characters who are in the same scene who are filmed separately using different angles.This shot type create sthe illusion that the characters are occupying the same space despite being filmed with different camera setups.
What is an eyeline match?
Eyelines are determined by where a character looks in a scene and this can convey a characters thoughts and relationships to the audience. Without eyeline matches the audience can become very confused. They help to create consistency within a scene.
What is an establishing shot?
This is a shot that comes at the start of a scene and gives context. They also set the tone and mood of the scene.
What is the 180-degree rule?
This is a guideline used when filmmmaking for spatial awareness. There is an imaginary axis or line between characters or objects that the camera must not cross. Crossing the line can disorientate the audience.
What is cross cutting?
This is a technique that separate cuts action together that takes place simulataneously. This is done to create narrative parallel or contrast.
What is match on action?
This is a type of film transistion that cuts from one shot to a closer eshot to put emphasis on the action. This is used to create a seamless flow in editing.
What is a cut?
This is a transition between the end of one shot and the start of another.
What is a dissolve?
This is a type of shot transition where one shot fades into the next. In a dissolve, both shots can briefly overlap eachother. It is most commonly used to show the passage of time or when we are moving to a new location.
What is a wipe?
This is a shot transistion when a second shot rolls over the first by moving from one side of the screen to the other. This type of tansition is not invisible which is why it is not commonly used. It can break audience immersion.
What is an iris transition?
In the early days of filmmaking, this referred to the literal openning and closing of the camera iris. Now they are used stylistically. It is a growing or shrinking circle,
What is a match cut/graphic action?
This is when two shots with similar graphics are matched together to transition between scenes. The shots thematically match up to create meaning and fluidity between them.
What is a fade in/out?
This is one of the more common types of transition. It is a type of dissolve where we gradually move to or from an image to or from a balck screen. They are commonly used at the beginning or ending of films but do sometime appear during scenes.
What is a jump cut?
This is when a shot is broken with a cut that appears to make the subject jump forwards. This is a stylistic choice that makes the edit obvious to the audience.
What is an insert shot?
This ois when you break away from the main action to show a smaller detail in the middle of a sequence. It focuses the viewers attention on a smaller detail they otherwise would not have noticed.
What is a freeze frame?
This is when the film suddenly freezes on a single frame. This is most commonly used as the final shot of a film but can also be used when the narrator ‘pauses’ the film to give the audience an added detail.
What is slow motion/fast motion?
Slow motion is when a clip is slowed down so that the audience can see tiny details they othersie would not have seen. Fat mostion is when a clip is sped up and this can be used to make a scene feel comical or to create excitement.
What is a monatge?
This is a quick series of shots linked together through a theme or time. It allows the filmmaker to communicate a large amount of information to viewers in a short span of time.There is usually no dialogue during montages and if there is, it is minimal. Normally, there is music playing over the monatge.
What is a flashback/flashforward?
These are a narrative technique that intwerupt the chronoloical order of events. It shows us what happened prior, or in the furture of current events. This gives the audience added details.
What is juxtaposition or the Kuleshov effect?
This is when two shots are placed together to create contrast. Doing this creates meaning.
What is fast cutting?
This refers to multiple short shots happening consecutively. It conveys lots of information in a short amount of time. It is also used to add a sense of urgency and suspense to a scene.
What is a long take?
This is a single shot that is seen as being much longer than a normal shot. They usually last several minutes.