Sops Flashcards
When operating below MSA
PF must be on the control hands and feet
When operating below 10,000ft
No non-operational convo or at times of high work load
PF can I put if checked with PM and with autopilot engaged
Without AP PF must ask PM
Below cruise alt
Could hand over control to set the a/c for the app and brief the app
Pre flight T/o
QNH maximum 50ft off datum 50ft of one another
PF calls set std
Both pilots set std
Pm call std cross checked, passing FL …now
PF responds checked
On passing MSA and cleared to FL PM sets 1013 on standby
When PM revives arrival ATIS pm sets arrival QNH on standby
Decent/landing When cleared to alt PF set QNH calls SET QNH Both pilots set QNH and PM calls Cross Checked passing …… now PF responds Checked
Passing 1000
PM one thousand to go
PF checked
Passing FL100
PM “FL100”
PF “checked altimeter set, climbing/descending FL/alt
If making a large decent (greater than 2-3000ft) altimeter settings can be done during the decent. If short decent they must be initiated before the decent
All green FMA changes will be verbalised by the PF
PM checked
If unchecked after 10seconds PM will print with “FMA” and ensure PF responds with correct FMA call
Bank Angle limitation
15 deg
- below V2 +15
- below 400ft Radio alt
- limit of 25 deg when FD is off
Climb + descent
If level change is small
Select VS 1000fpm
If large use Flt Level change
PM responsibility
Apart from before/during anyone start and initial taxi instruction
VHF1 for comms
VHF2 for atis
Flap selection /configuration change
PF - Flap 1
PM- speed checked Flap 1
Speed not increased above clean until
PM-“flaps up, no lights”
PF- landing gear down
PM- landing gear down (after checking speeds)
Do not make further flap selections until with 10kts of target speed
Icing conditions
Always on when I’m icing conditions
OAT (for take off and ground) TAT (in flight) Is at or below 10 deg In visible moisture (Low vis below 1500m) Or standing water , slush or ice on tw or rwy
Engine anti ice is on when icing conditions are anticipated at altitude
Engine start
Engine 1 started first
Locked door policy
From engine start to shutdown
PM deviations call
Course +-5 deg Hdg +- 10 Alt +- 100ft Speed +10 -5 or below V2 Glide/Loc. 1/2 scale deflection
Thrust Unusual thrust lever position
Sink rate Greater than 1000/min when below 1000aal
Bank greater than 7
Non - precision app
Flown to CDFA minima
Or MDA + 50ft if CDFA not available
PEDs briefing
PF confirms
Performance- confirm flap position EOSID - standard / no standard Sid (Engine outstandard ) Engine Anti ICE Departure - rwy Sid check atc clr Stop Alt - confirm MCP against Sid
Revers Thrust
Normal procedure is to use idle reverse thrust not full reverse thrust as it puts too much pressure on the brakes and tyres. This is up to 74% N1
Taxing + breaking
30kts with no restrictions on long taxi ways
10kts on corners