Checkd Flashcards
Pre flight / preliminary
CB’s…………..Check Battery Switch…….Guard closed Electric Hydraulic Pumps……….OFF Landing Gear Lever……….DN (If GND PWR available light is illuminated) GRD PWR switch……….On OVHT/Fire………. Check Extinguisher TEST…….. check APU………..Start and on Bus IRS (inertial ref system)mode selectors…………Off, then NAV Emergancy equipment…….Check Emergancy exit lights switch……. Guard closed
Pre flight
Oxygen……. Tested 100% Passenger signs……….On Window heat……..On Pressurisation panel……On Flight instruments……… heading , altimeter Auto brake……… RTO (rejected take off) Parking Brake…….set Engine start levers…….cutoff Taxi and takeoff briefing………completed
Before Start
Flight Deck Doors ………. Closed and locked
Fuel…………..kgs, pumps on
MCP…………..V2_ Hdg , Alt (mode control pannel)
Takeoff Speeds………..set
CDU preflight ………… completed (control display unit, FMS)
Transponder……….. alt ON
Rudder and Aileron trim …….0,0
Anti collision light ….. ON
Before TAxI
RHS reads LHS responds
Generators …… On Probe heat ……. On Anti ice………. Litres Engine Start switches ……. Continuous ignition Recall……Checked Engine start levers ….. idle detent Flight controls …… checked Ground equipment ……. Clear
Before Take off
RHS read . LHS responds
Cabin …. Secure
Flaps……. Green light
Stab trim…….. units
After take off
Engine Bleeds……… ON Packs……………Auto (pneumatic air cycle kit) Landing gear…….. Up and off Flaps …….. UP. No light Speed brake …… down
Pressurisation ……… Land Alt Recall………… Checked Auto brake……….a/r Landing data ………. Vref is - Minimus is _ App brief ……. Completed
PM reads PF responds
Nav aids …. Set
Altimeters…… set cross checked
MDA……….. set
PM reads PF responds
Cabin…….. Secure Engine Start switches…….. Cont Speed brake…….. armed Landing gear ……. Down Flaps…….. setting green light Go around alt …… ft set
Oxygen checks
Check no ground crew are connected
Audio pannel
Press Flt interval volume control
Speaker volume control
Boom to mask
Check oxygen pressure gage - check against MEL
Press the test button - see the yellow cross (oxygen flow)
With a different finger press the emergency button to see constant oxygen flow
Whilst doing this press push to talk to IC
Normal 100% oxygen
During the test must check there is no drop more than 100psi
Pre flight planning Captain PF
Pre flight first Officer
Flight plan
Fuel calculations
Performance if data available
Pre flight scan
EFIS Set to display Nav aids Set S/E accelerate Alt Set QNH Mode Selector …. App/VOR TFC….. On
Oxygen test 100%
Check no failure flags or warnings
Auto brake RTO
Speed brake - down Thrust levers - closed Reverse thrust levers - down Flap lever - up Parking break - set light on
VHF coms - set ATc freq
Audio selector panels …. VHF1
Transponder - std by - set to alt off when atc give clearance
Rudder pedals
Seat belt and shoulder harness
Cross check - FMC entry Ensure Nav aids set up for departure C locks H eadings A timieters A asi. F lags MCP - V2 from T/O page PF - complete departure and Emergancy brief
Emergency Brief up to V1
Up to 80kts we can stop for any malfunction
Between 80kts and V1 we will stop for any fire, engine failure or if the aeroplane is unsafe or unable to fly
As the captain you will decide and call stop
When stop is called what will your actions be
PM I will Take control Close the thrust levers disconnecting the auto throttle Extend the speed brake Select full reverse Monitor RTO auto brake and apply full brakes if necessary What will your actions be?
PF I will monitor your actions and Call speed brake up Call and deficiency Call 60kts Advise AT Select flap 40 What will your actions be ?
When the aircraft has stopped I will set the parking brake stow the speed brake “attention all crew at stations” on the PA and evaluate the situation. We will agree and confirm the failure and carry out any recall items.
I will then call for the appropriate QRG checklist
If an evacuation becomes necessary at any time I will stop what I am doing and will action the evacuation QRH checklist
Order of everything
Data input
Preliminary checks
Scan Check
Departure brief
Taxi brief
Threat brief - want brief
Emergancy brief
Preflight checks
Before start Checks
Before Taxi Checks
Before t/o checks
Line up - checks
Taxi out and before take off
Befor taxi checks complete
Call for taxi
Clear right
Instruments checked (in one turn)
Review P performance E EO SID E. Engine icing (on if icing excepted bellow Acc alt) D. Departure S. Stop alt
“Cabin crew to flight deck”
“Cabin secure for T/O”
Shoulder straps tight
Before t/o checks complete
Line up items PF
Strobes on
Transponder TARA
Weather On
I have control
PM line up checks
RTO touch drills
Landing lights on
Taxi lights off
Weather on
Once lined up AT armed
“AT armed”
“You have control”
When cleared for T/O PF
Brakes off
Chrono start
Set 40% N1 - allows engine to stabilise
Select TOGA switch
“Set thrust”
Remove hand from thrust lever
Reads “N1 TOGA. HDG SEL”
“Gear up”
Adjust pitch to fly at V2+20 to AA
At 1000ft can engage AP
“AP B to command”
AA- “climb thrust, clean speed”
Automatic but monitor
@ V2+15 “flap 1”
Maintain 210kts until 3000ft
Then accelerate to 250kts
PM t/O
Hands on thrust levers until V1
Check N1’s and call “Thrust Set”
Monitor instruments
“V1” “rotate”
“Posting climb”
“Gear up” and make selection
Cruise checks
F Fuel. Check balance now leaks L lights Landing off A altimeters. Std set P pressurisation Positive diff pressure S seat belts (aR)
Before TOD PM checks
Altimeter sets QNH on standby
Calculates LW LDA
Sets L pressure
Flaps check
PEEDS check
When who why?
CHAAF check
When who why?
After scan RHS
Clocks Headings Altimeters Asi flags
Stable criteria
Landing gear down Landing check complete App speed +10 / - 5 Flight Path- on profile Flaps - 15,30 or 40 Thrust. Normal app thrust Bank less than 15 deg
After landing scan PF
APU - Start Probe heat off Anti ice A/R Start Switch off Strobe Lights off Weather radar off AB off Flaps up Transponder Alt on APU on bus
After landing PM
Speed brakes down detent
Lights AR
Weather radar off
Parking shut down RHS
Lights off and Lowe DU on
APU/ GRD power on buses. Seat belts off Fuel pumps off Galley power off Anti ice off Electric hydraulic pumps off Packs off APU bleed on Anti collision off Exterior lights AR Flight directors off MCP speed min Transponder Std by
Parking shut down LHS
Taxi light off
Parking brake on
Engine start levers cut off