SOP Flashcards
When is a flight plan required
All ops outside of KFAB airspace
When are hot weather procedures applied
Temp 35deg or more
Planned landing fuel
Min landing fuel
Closed pattern fuel burn
Breakout/re-entry fuel burn
S-I approach fuel burn
Holding pattern fuel burn
IAP fuel burn
Min distance for groundcrew when closing canopy
6m radius of canopy, or underneath the port wing/aircraft nose
Restrictions with a U/S barrier and alternate runway is unavailable
- No formation takeoff/landings
- Max xwind 25kt
- CO auth for solo trainees
Altimeter check limits after start
- HUD 20’
- HDFD 25’
- Baro 75’
Referenced to 2500’ AMSL
Transition alt/level
- 13,000’
- FL150
LHW settings
- LL sorties: 90% auth
- A/A sorties: 5000’
- Range sorties: 180’
PFL requirements to continue below 300’AGL
- LG down & locked
- Flaps selected DOWN
- HDG within 20deg of RWY
- AoB <45deg
- Between 160 & 190KCAS
- Clearance for Touch & Go received
No fullstops. Min threshold speed 140KCAS
Actions post-landing with unsafe LG indication
- Taxi clear of RWY
- Leave engine running until pins fitted by maintenance, then shutdown
Intercom failure: How to take aircraft control
Front: Fore/aft on control column
Rear: Left/right on rudder pedals
Actions on Overstress
- Carry out BDCx if practical
- Controllability check should be carried out
- Only declare emergency if there is damage or controllability problems
Spinning over cloud requirements
- Clear horizon and cloud/sea pattern that makes rotation apparent
- Entry initiated >15,000’ above cloud tops
When is a G-warm required
- AWDP: anytime 5G is likely to be achieved in a sortie
- SOP’s: all BFM/ACM sorties
Can be flown as single A/C if required
By when are TSIC cx required to be completed
- Published IAP: Prior to descending below MSA
- Radar control: Prior to turning onto finals
Min alt for WSCx
Nav Phase MSD/LHW setting
- 300’
- LHW 270’
Night U/A training limits
- < 60deg pitch
- <135deg AoB
- Altitude such that the aircraft can be recovered by MSA+3000’
Max Fuel (No chute landing), SCN5
Min taxi spacing in formation
- 300’ trail
- 150’ staggered
Close formation T/O crosswind limits
- 2ship: 15kts
- 3ship: 10kts
Formation T/O intervals
- Visual: 10sec (15sec for elements)
- Trail: 15sec
- Rejoin above cloud: 30sec
When are Formation landings prohibited
- Crosswind >15kts
- Standing water on RWY
- RWY widtch <125’
- T&G or any combination of fullstop & T&G
>5kts crosswind, wing will be on upwind side
When are Formation takeoffs prohibited
- Crosswind >15kts (10kts for 3ship)
- RWY widtch <125’
- Different flap settings due configurations
Min height for chase A/C on finals
Min height as SAR OSC
2000’ AGL
LOP’s: 3000’AGL and above reserved for fixed wing (2k and below for SAR)
PFL Min Approach Speeds
- 160kt
- 145kt threshold
- 140kt flare
AF validity
BF validity
THR validity
Verbal Altitude check requirements
Actual or simulated IMC
Every 5,000’ down to 5,000’AGL, then every 1,000’AGL
i.e. 8,000’AMSL
MARSA restrictions
- Only T165 on T165
- Must be a qualified IP
- Must have SA via DLINK and either TCAS or visual
6nm scale
Bingo profile
- Climb to 2x Range at standard climb speeds
- Cruise at 300KCAS/0.7 (95% range)
- Descend at 1.5 x height (in AGL) = 7.5deg ND, 300KCAS
Dropped Pin Procedure (in shelters area or after landing)
- Don’t try and reach the pin
- Inform other occupant and turn Command Eject-OFF
- Install the other pins and remain strapped in
- Taxi to the ‘dropped pin park’ adjacent to shelter 15 and shut down
- Unstrap once the expediter provides spare pin
Dropped pin procedure (at last chance)
- Don’t try and reach the pin
- Inform other occupant and turn Command Eject-OFF
- Install the other pins and remain strapped in
- Shut down
- Unstrap once the EOR member provides spare pin
Sortie can continue if found and retrieved
Taxiing at night, brake failure actions