Boldface Flashcards
Smoke & Fumes
- Oxy Mask - Toggle Down
- Altitude - Below 25,000’AMSL
- Cabin Conditioning Control - Off
Cockpit Fire
- Oxy Mask - Toggle Down
- Altitude - Below 25,000’AMSL
- Cabin Conditioning Control - Off
“T6NL, T6NL”
- Throttle - Min Practical, not below 70%
- AoA & Sideslip - Minimise
- EMP - Monitor
- Throttle - Min Practical, not below 70%
- AoA & Sideslip - Minimise
- EMP - Monitor
- Throttle - Min Practical, not below 70%
- AoA & Sideslip - Minimise
- EMP - Monitor
- Backup Oxy - EMERG
- Oxy Mask - Toggle Down
- Descend Below 10,000’ Cabin Alt
If hypoxia symptoms persist or BUOXY Caption off:
4. Emergency Oxy handle - Pull
- Seat Pin - Fit to Seat
- QRF - Release
- PEC - Disconnect
- PSP - Disconnect
- Leg Restraint Lines- Pull through
- Canopy - Open
- Egress
“Fuel pressure, fuel pressure”
Throttle - Min Practical
Loss of Directional Control
- Brakechute - Stream if practical
- Brakes - Off
- Anti Skid - Off
- Brakes - Reapply
If directional control problem remains:
5. NWS - Disengage
6. Use differential braking
“Jet pipe, jet pipe”
- Throttle - Min Practical
- Land as Soon as Possible
Engine Seizure
Throttle - Off
Immediate Relight
- Throttle - Off for 1-2 seconds
- RPM - Above 10%
- Relight button - Press
At the same time, - Throttle - Idle, check IGN indicator
If IGN indicator off:
5. Relight button - Press & Hold
In all cases:
6. RPM/T6: Monitor
APU Fire Inflight
“APU Fire, APU fire”
- Height - 5000’AGL Minimum
- Airspeed - Min practical
- Check for signs of fire and monitor tailplane control
“Total hydraulics, total hydraulics”
- Hyd pressures - Check
If both pressures less than 1230+-110:
2. Eject
Gear Fails to Retract
Airspeed - Below 200KCAS
NWS Failure
“Nose Wheel Steering”
- NWS - Disengage
- Use Differential Braking
Emergency on Takeoff
If decision to stop is made:
1. Abort
If takeoff is continued:
2. Throttle - Max
3. Stores - Jettison if required
If unable to maintain altitude & airspeed:
4. Eject
LG Emergency Retraction
- Emergency override button - Push
- ORIDE caption - check on
- LG - Up
“Oil Pressure, oil pressure”
Throttle - Set 78-87%
Hot Start
If T6 rapidly approaches 637C:
1.Throttle - Off
- Throttle - Idle/Off as required
- Brakechute - Stream
- Brakes - Apply
Brakechute Airborne Deployment
- Throttle - Max
- Brakechute - Stream then Jett/Norm
FIRE inflight
“Fire, fire”
- Throttle - Min Practical
- Check for Signs of Fire
Blown Tyre
If decision to stop is made:
1. Abort
If takeoff is continued:
2. LG and Flaps - Leave down
Engine Mechanical Damage
- Throttle - Min practical
- T6 - Monitor
- Land as soon as possible
- Airbrake - In, do not select out again
- Airspeed - Below 300KCAS/0.6M
- Hyd pressures - Check
- Airbrake - In, do not select out again
- Airspeed - Below 300KCAS/0.6M
- Hyd pressures - Check
Uncommanded RAT Extension
RAT Caption
- Airbrake - In, do not select out again
- Airspeed - Below 300KCAS/0.6M
- Hyd pressures - Check
“Surge, surge”
- AoA & Sideslip - Minimise
- EMP - Monitor
If EEC fails to automatically recover from surge:
3. Throttle - Idle
If engine remains locked in surge:
4. Immediate relight
Anti-skid Failure
“Skid, skid”
- Brakechute - Stream if practical
- Brakes - Off
- Anti Skid - Off
- Brakes - Reapply
If still no braking:
5. Parking Brake - Gently Apply if practical
6. Throttle - Off if practical
Brake Failure
- Brakechute - Stream if practical
- Brakes - Off
- Anti Skid - Off
- Brakes - Reapply
If still no braking:
5. Parking Brake - Gently Apply if practical
6. Throttle - Off if practical
(On Ground)
- Throttle - Off
- Batt 1 and 2 - Off
- Fuel pump - Off
- LP Fuel Cock - Closed
- Emergency Egress
(On Ground)
- Throttle - Off
- Batt 1 and 2 - Off
- Fuel pump - Off
- LP Fuel Cock - Closed
- Emergency Egress
(On Ground)
- Throttle - Off
- Batt 1 and 2 - Off
- Fuel pump - Off
- LP Fuel Cock - Closed
- Emergency Egress
Oxygen Failure
“Backup oxygen”
If above 10,000’ Cabin alt:
1. Backup Oxy - EMERG
If BUOXY contents below 1/8 or caption off:
2. Emergency Oxy handle - Pull
“Oxygen flow”
- Oxy Mask - Check flow, connections, no leaks
If oxy flow indicator shows no flow, or breathing restricted above 10,000’ cabin alt:
2. Regulator bypass - On, descend below 25,000’ aircraft altitude
If breathing still restricted:
3. Backup Oxy - EMERG
If BUOXY contents below 1/8 or caption off:
4. Emergency Oxy handle - Pull
Restricted Breathing
- Oxy Mask - Check flow, connections, no leaks
If oxy flow indicator shows no flow, or breathing restricted above 10,000’ cabin alt:
2. Regulator bypass - On, descend below 25,000’ aircraft altitude
If breathing still restricted:
3. Backup Oxy - EMERG
If BUOXY contents below 1/8 or caption off:
4. Emergency Oxy handle - Pull
Barrier Engagement
- Aim for Center Panel
- Throttle - Off
Before barrier engagement:
3. Brakes - Release
4. Head - Down
Mask Overpressure
- Oxy - Off
- Regulator Bypass - On
- Backup Oxy - EMERG
- Descend below 10,000’ Cabin Alt
If above 10,000’ and BUOXY contents below 1/8 or caption off:
5. Emergency Oxygen handle - Pull
In all cases:
6. Land as soon as possible