Somatic Symptom Illnesses Flashcards
What is the three parts of somatic symptom illnesses?
- psychosomatic
- hysteria
- somatization
What is psychosomatic?
connection between mind and body
What is hysteria?
multiple physical complaints with no organic basis
What is somatization?
transference of mental experiences, states into body symptoms
What are the three central features of somatic symptom illnesses?
- physical complaints suggest major medical illness but no demonstrable organic basis
- psychological factors and conflicts seem important in initiating, exacerbating and maintaining symptoms
- symptoms or magnifies health concerns are not under ct conscious control
What are the four types of somatic symptom illnesses?
- somatic symtom disorder
- conversion disorder
- pain disorder
- illness anxiety disorder
What is somatic symptom disorder?
characterized by 1 or more physical symptoms that have no organic basis
- individuals spend lots of time and energy focused on health concerns, believe symptoms are indicative of serious illness, experience distress, anxiety about their health
What is conversion disorder?
unexplained, usually sudden deficits in sensory or motor function
- deficits suggest neurological disorder but are associated with psychological factors, significant functional impairment
- individuals may lack concern or distress about functional loss
What is a pain disorder?
primarily physical symptoms of pain, unrelieved by analgesics
- affected by psychological factors in terms of onset, severity, exacerbation, and maintenance
What is illness anxiety disorder?
formerly hypochondriasis(worrying excessively that you are or may become seriously ill)
- individuals may misinterpret bodily sensations or functions
What is the onset and clinical course for somatic symptom illnesses?
- symptoms often experienced in adolescence; diagnosis may not be made until early adulthood
- either chronic or recurrent
- ct go from one physician to clinic to another or see multiple providers at once to obtain relief of symptoms
- ct tend to be pessimistic about medical establishment
What are symptoms of somatic symptom illnesses?
- high degree of anxiety without significant disease symptoms
- exaggerating symptoms
- ruminating about normal bodily functions
- seeking reassurance
- alarmed by medical info
What is the treatment for somatic symptom illnesses?
- dependant on severity and medical hx
- lifestyle changes (relaxation techniques, avoid discussions about diseases)
- psychotherapy (cognitive behavioural)
- medication (antidepressants)
What is Malingering disorder?
intentions; production of false or grossly exaggerated symptoms
- no voluntary control over symptoms
What is factitious disorder?
imposed on self (Munchausen syndrome)
- no voluntary control over symptoms
What is the ethology of somatic symptom illnesses? (psychosocial theories)
- internalization: ct keep stress anxiety pr frustration inside rather than express them)
-alxithymia: inability to identify emotions and have difficulty dealing with interpersonal conflict) - primary gains: direct internal benefits of being sick
- secondary gains: external or personal benefits from others because one is sick
What is community base care look like for somatic symptom illnesses?
- encourage hobbies and activities
- give info about community support groups
- appropriate referrals, such as pain clinic for ct with pain disorder
What are some self awareness issues for someone with somatic symptom illnesses?
- deal with feelings of frustrating
- be realistic about small successes
- accept client their complaints about being judgemental
- validate feelings
- remember the complaints are not under cts voluntary control
What is the ethology of somatic symptom illnesses? (biologic theories)