What is the legal term to define a Sole Parent?
The term sole parent is used to describe those people who raise children without a partner.
What are some reasons that an individual could become a sole parent?
- Separation/divorce
- Death of a spouse/partner
- Can include both Custodial (sole carer) and non-custodial (visiting rights but not sole care) parents.
What is the social definition of sole parent?
Sole parents are single mothers or fathers who raise their children without the help of a partner.
What characteristics does the majority of sole parents possess?
Most commonly sole parents are:
- Young
- Women
- Of a low socioeconomic status
- Or have financial difficulties
What kind of services do Sole Parents utilise?
They need both formal and informal support services.
What kinds of formal support services do sole parents utilise? (Give 2 examples)
- Centrelink for financial support
- Childcare centres
- Affordable health care services
What kinds of informal support services would sole parents utilise? (Give 2 examples)
- Family (for cheap childcare services)
- Friends (for emotional support and extra care services)
In rank of importance list the specific needs for Sole Parents.
- Employment
- Adequate Standard of Living
- Health
- Sense of security
- Education
Why is employment the top specific need for sole parents?
It is necessary for sole parent to have employment as they have a dependent they are responsible for providing an adequate standard of living first and foremost a priority. This can only be done with an income.
Adequate standard of living, how does this effect sole parents?
Since sole parents are in the care of dependents, in which they are required to provide an adequate standard of living not only for themselves but also their dependents. Not being able to provide an adequate standard of living can lead to health problems for both parties and further repercussions, leading to unemployment and a lower sense of self.
How does safety and security effect sole parents?
Again in relation to the care of their dependents, a atmosphere of danger can relate to self doubt in the parents mind and their inability to fulfill this need. Younger children/dependents can be susceptible to various dangers due to lack of strength, knowledge or having a sense of naivety.
What effects does health have on sole parents?
When ill, a parent may not be able to focus wholly on their dependents wellbeing, it can make the parent ill tempered and require them to have time off work which can lead to unemployment and a lowered income for schooling and standard of living.
How does education effect sole parents?
Education for parents is not completely necessary, though is recommended to find better employment opportunities. With a higher income they can help send their child/ren to better school which will benefit the dependents in later life.
How does sense of identity effect sole parents?
Though a good sense of identity is not the most important need for sole parents it can be helpful to better the parents self esteem to encourage a better relationship and style of parenting between the parent and their dependent.
Name three statistics of sole parents.
- 3/4 of single fathers are employed /vs/ 1/2 of single mothers.
- 84% of cases are single mothers
- Most lone parents of children under 15 years are divorced or separated from a registered marriage (55% in 2003 according to the Family Characteristics Survey) and a small proportion are widowed (5%). A substantial proportion of lone parents have never been in a registered marriage (39% in 2003 and 35% in 1997)
Positive terminology for sole parents. Give six examples
- Single Parent
- Solo
- Widowed
- Independent
- Lone
- Separated
Negative terminology for sole parents. Give 3 examples
- Single parent
- Broken Family
- Struggling
- Divorced
- Disadvantaged
What are the impacts of negative terminology on sole parents?
- Stress and mental disorders (a sense of failing or not living up to a standard)
- Extra incentive to focus wholly on their dependents thus disregarding their own health
- Lack in personal health can effect the quality of care they are able to give their dependents.
What are the impacts of positive terminology for sole parents?
- Allows them to embrace their situation, feeling empowered.
- Helps their emotional health, and to not feel judged.
What are the types of services?
- Finance
- Accomodation
- Transport
- Legal lesson
- Education
- Counselling
- Healthcare