What is the definition of a social parent?
Social parents are the parents that participate in the parenting of a child or children that are not biologically their own.
What are four types of social parents?
- Adoptive
- Foster
- Step parent
- Surrogate
What is an Adoptive Parent?
Legal process transfers all the rights and the responsibilities from the biological parents to a family who is not the biological parent but takes on the roles and responsibilities willingly.
What are some reasons for adoption. (Or why the child would be taken from the care of the biological parent or offered up by the biological parent) (3-8 answers)
Drug addiction Rape Violence Abuse Neglect Criminal offence Rejection Affordability
What are the five types of adoption? Not including open and closed adoptions.
Local adoption Inner country Special needs Intra family Out of home care adoption
What is local adoption?
Child is adopted from within the same country.
What is Inter country adoption?
The child adopted is from another country.
What is special needs adoption?
Special carer/parent is sourced for adoption due to a disability or medical condition.
What is intra family adoption?
Adopted by someone of Kinship, a step parent or by a relative.
What is out of home care adoption?
Children are placed with authorised carers as they are unable to live with their parents.
What is Open adoption?
The biological parents and the adoptive families have access between themselves and share information concerning the child. Positive effect in the best circumstances of better self worth and belonging.
What is closed adoption?
All information about a child’s former parents is not disclosed. New birth certificate is made and the original is kept sealed and secret.
What are the types of cares?
What involves being a primary carer?
Being the sole or main carer of a dependent, usually without pay. Monitoring various key aspects of the dependents life.
What does it mean to provide informal care?
The carer does not have legal obligations to the dependent and is not paid to care.
What does it mean to provide formal care? Give examples.
Someone who is paid to care after a dependent.
- Teacher
- Nanny
- Doctor
- Nurse
- Day carer’s
What are the three roles of parenting and caring? PBS
Promoting wellbeing
Building a positive relationship
Satisfying the specific needs of the dependent
What are the preparations for becoming a parent or carer? HOME
- Health (for both the parents and the dependent): Nutrition, Physical Activity, Social/Spiritual
- Modifying the physical environment: Housing amenities and equipment
- Enhancing knowledge and knowledge
- Organising finances: Budgeting, saving and support payments