What is the definition of being homeless?
There as many misconceptions on what it means to be homeless, for most it is painted as someone whom is living on the streets, although there many are many situations where an individual may be rendered as “homeless” from less than adequate housing and overcrowding to actually living in makeshift dwelling.
What are the kinds of homelessness? 6 types
- Living in improvised dwellings. This is most like the stereotype of homelessness, with people living in tents or in doorways. This situation can be extremely dangerous for the individual/s.
- Temporary stay in households. This is commonly called “couch surfing” in which an individual has secured a night or two in a friend, family member or random individual’s house without an extended dwelling to stay in. These people can often swap between living in improvised dwelling and “couch surfing”.
- Supported accomodation. This refers to places such as government funded housing and are not always a stable place of accomodation.
- Boarding houses.
- Living in severely overcrowded spaces.
- Housing that does not nearly reach an adequate standard of living. This can sometimes be linked in with overcrowded spaces and government funded housing.
Homelessness can effect a wide variety of people, a variety of ages, genders, sexualities, ethnicities and cultures. Though some people are more susceptible to being homeless than others, such as people who are:
- Of a low Socio-economic status
- Male
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- From a non-english speaking background
- Physically or mentally disables (1 in 4)
With such a large diversity within the homeless, along with crucial lack of an adequate standard of living over many areas it means that their is need for a even wider variety of support services.
What are four statistics for the homeless - Two for male and two for female
- On Census night 2011 there were 105,237 people experiencing homelessness, with 45,813 or 44% of these women.
- 59% of people supported by specialist homelessness services are female.
- The ABS estimates that 59% of people aged 18 and over counted as experiencing homelessness on Census night 2011 were men. This equates to 44,760 people.
- Younger men aged 15-24 report family breakdown is a common cause of homelessness.
What are Three statistics for the homeless - Age/ One youth and Two Seniors
- Some of the most common reasons for young people experiencing homeless- ness are housing crisis, domestic and family violence and relationship/family breakdown.
- Over 55’s make up over 25% of the Australian population, and while they are under-represented in the homelessness data, they are even less likely to receive support from specialist homelessness services.
- People over 55 consist of only 7% of clients accessing specialist homelessness services in 2014– 15
What is One statistic for the Homeless - Aboriginal/Torres Straight Islander
- 1 in 15 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receive support from homelessness agencies each year.
What are Two statistics for the homeless - Disabilities/ Mental and Physical
Mental illnesses
- People experiencing homelessness are much more likely to experience anxiety and depression and the longer someone experiences homelessness, the more likely they will develop severe and persistent states of mental illness.
- More than one in four Australians with a disability live below the poverty line. 27.4% of people with disability are currently living below the conservative, internationally accepted poverty line of less than 50% of median equalised disposable income.
What are Two statistics for the homeless - Sexuality
- LBGT people are at least twice as likely than heterosexuals to experience homelessness
- LGBTQ people experience misgendering, harassment, violence, & discrimination in shared accommodation facilities, rooming housesand services, and discrimination in private rental.
In which order (from most important to the least) should the specific needs be placed for the homeless.
- Adequate standard of living
- Safety and Security
- Heath
- Employment
- Sense of Identity
- Education
What significance does Adequate standard of living have on the homeless?
An adequate standard of living is a crucial need for people whom are homeless as having an Adequate standard of living or a lack thereof directly effects all of the other specific needs. In terms of health, the accessibility of food, water, clothing, shelter and other primary needs can effect existing physical health problems as well as creating new ones. Food is a non-human resources, it is finite as it is consumed, and helps to fuel various Human Resources such as energy.
What significance does safety and security have on the homeless?
Safety and Security is an important aspect of living, it is closely related to adequate standard of living as it has close cause and effect elements to health. To aquire safety and security means that there is a safe place to reside, the individual feel secure and comfortable in their environment away from dangers such as, violence, exposure to drugs, gang activity, theft, abuse, environmental elements and emotional harms.
What is the significance of health for the homeless?
This then leads to the third being health, this relating to both physical and mental health. It is common that health implications can be both the cause of homelessness due to insufficient funds for treatment and thus not being able to work, as well as being a effect of homelessness.
What is the significance of employment for the homeless?
The fourth is employment, for many this would be the assumed highest level of importance for specific needs, however, without many of the resources and needs above there is little chance of attaining a job. With an increase of unemployment in Australia and a lack of jobs available, many homeless people, especially with lacking education will not be hired over another who is financially stable.
What is the significance of sense of identity for the homeless?
A sense of identity is better achieved once the previous 4 levels have be adequately satisfied. Employment can give a person purpose and pride thus once employment has been fulfilled then one can focus of their sense of identity, which is also closely related to mental health and a good wellbeing.
What is the significance of education for the homeless?
Finally education, education is last on the list because it is not always completely necessary for employment and many of the other elements are of more important to the individuals wellbeing, than specific education. Yet education is still an important part of achieving self-actualisation, and once an individual has a level of stability in other areas they may focus on developing their skill and talents.