SOG 410 Flashcards
SOG 410
Hurricane Mission are:
- Damage assessment
- Care or sick and injured
- Extrication of trapped
- Firefighting
- Assist in recovery operations
Hurricane season runs from:
June 1 through November 30
-Hurricane stages-
- Hurricane alert - 84 hours prior to land fall
- Hurricane watch - 36 hours prior to land fall
- Hurricane warning - 24 - 36 hours prior to land fall
- Hurricane operations - During the hurricane
- Post hurricane operations - Recovery
The saffir-simpson scale is what? And what is the rating?
The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane scale is a 1-5 rating based on hurricane’s expected along the coast from a hurricane land fall.
Category 1 - 75-95 mph - Minimal Category 2 - 96-110 mph - Moderate Category 3 - 111-130 mph - Extensive Category 4 - 131-155 mph - Extreme Category 5 - >155 mph - Catastrophic
Hurricane: Command:
Utilizing the National Incident Management System model the ______ will establish command at the ______.
Hurrican: EOC’s Operations section will what groups under it?
- Firefighting group -
- Hazmat group -
- Health and Medical group -
Hurricane Complex Command will be:
North Complex
South Complex
West Complex
Beaches Complex
JFRD staffing at EOC hurrican watch: The following personnel will join other county officials at the EOC:
- Director/Fire Chief
- Deputy Director/Fire Chief
- Division Chief or Operations
- Division Chief of Rescue
- Division Chief of Emergency Preparedness
- Division Chief of Services
Hurricane: To ensure that on and off duty personnel understand what is expected of them and are prepared for recall, the following guidelines should be implemented:
- Off going shift will be required to stay over until released by battalion chief.
- When released, they should take their turnout gear and personal hygiene products with them in case they are recalled
Off Duty Personnel: When a hurricane watch is issued for Duval County, JFRD personnel shall:
- Make preparations to their domicile
- Keep a close watch on the direction of the storm
- Have all personal and family matters secured
- Call their assigned stations and report that they are aware of the potential threat and advice of their
Hurricane On-Duty personnel:
Personnel who are unable to return shall notify ______ if communications is available, if not it will be assumed that personnel who do not return within ______ will not return
Company Officer
2 Hours
Station Preparedness: Hurricane season checklist, completed on ______ of each year, by the ______ will report any deficiencies found to the battalion chief, through the chain-of-command
May 1
Station Captain
If suppression and rescue are house together, deficiencies will be reported to the ______. The battalion chief will then submit the check list to the ______. All corrective measure need to be completed ______.
Suppression Battalion Chief
Division Chief Services
Prior to June 1
Hurricane Secure Station and Apparatus:
Hurricane Alert -
Hurricane Watch -
Hurricane Warning -
Hurricane Alert -
1) Secure all windows above the first floor
2) Locate and fill all water containers
3) Top-off LP tanks
4) Contact logistical support for delivery of pre-packaged rescue supplies
Hurricane Watch -
1) Secure all first floor windows
2) Secure all loose items at and around station
3) Have all reserve apparatus folded and fully _____
4) Designated stations should make preparations to evacuate
-Hurricane Warning -
1) Notify personnel to anticipate staying additional shifts
2) Top-off apparatus fuel tanks.
Hurricane: Boarding/Evacuation of JFRD Facilities: Escape routes may be inaccessible due to traffic, high tides, and other storm conditions as early as ______ prior to land fall. Units housed in structures not suitable for winds above ______ mph must be evacuated ______ prior to land fall. The ______ will maintain a master list of these structures and stations evacuation.
6 Hours
74 mph
6 Hours
Division Chief of Operations
Hurricane: For a scheduled evacuation from a JFRD facility, the chief of services will ensure that the following precautions have been met.
Should the conditions warrant an unscheduled evacuation of the station the officer in charge will notify:
1) Board up windows and opening
2) Secure outside objects
3) Leave bay doors open
4) Coordinate with public building division to shut off water, electricity and gas the master shutoff
5) Notify FRCC of closing
1) District Chief
2) Fire group Supervisor
The ______ assumes the responsibility for opening and staffing all hurricane shelters.
American Red Cross
Hazard Considerations: Hurricane Response Hazards are:
- Drowning (leading cause of death during hurricanes)
- Electrical hazard (second leading cause of death during hurricanes)
- Street filled with debris
- No phone service
- No electrical power
- Low water pressure
- Gas and chemical leaks
- Radio antennas destroyed
- Floods
The most potentially destructive force of any major hurricane is:
Storm surge
Hurricane: Evacuation of Public.
When necessary, evacuation orders will only be issued by ______.
Governor or the Mayor
Hurricane: For safety purposes, JFRD apparatus will be placed ______ when sustained winds of ______ exist or when local conditions become unsafe.
50 mph or greater
Post-hurricane Priorities:
1) Damage assessment
2) Continued delivery of emergency services
3) Fire prevention activities
4) Adjustments to personnel and equipment assignments